[PDF] France Martinique - Springer

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Université Rennes 2 - CHARLOTTE RÊVASSE

UFR Arts Lettres et Communication Département Arts plastiques Master 2 Arts Plastiques Photographies de famille et dessins : vers la construction d’une mythologie personnelle Charlotte Courtois Sous la direction de Pascale Borrel Année Universitaire 2012-2013


> Licence (Arts, Letters, Languages), a 3-year national diploma (180 ECTS credits) offered in 20 universities with majors in arts or plastic arts A Licence (Humanities and Social Sciences) with a major in arts is offered at Université de Tours Students who earn a Licence may apply to a Master’s program

2020 2021 Arts plastiques - Dunod

7 Qu’apprend-on en arts plastiques ? 59 1 Vocabulaire spécifique 59 2 Enjeux 60 3 Formes d’expression convoquées 60 4 Constituants matériels, gestes et opérations plastiques 75 Sous-partie 2 3 Aborder l’enseignement des arts plastiques 79 8 Approche notionnelle et curriculum 80 1 Le champ notionnel 80 2 Progression

Degrees in Art and Culture

Like engineering and management, the arts in France have their very selective Grandes Écoles, the public postsecondary national schools of art confer master-level institution diplomas in applied arts, visual arts, design and creation, industrial design, and photography • École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (ENSAD), Paris :

France Martinique - Springer

Arts (Visual Arts) History: Founded 2011 Main language(s) of instruction: French Degrees and diplomas: Master Diplôme national d’arts plastiques (DNAP) 3 years; Diplôme national supérieur d’expression plastique (DNSEP) 5 years; Also Master in Arts with the University of the Antilles and Guyana Last Update: 07-04-2015 University of the

Centres que imparteixen batxillerat en la modalitat d’arts

Arts plàstiques arts escèniques Puigcerver (43002511) C Astorga, 13 43205 Reus Tel 977756931 Centre: privat Horari: diürn Ensenyament concertat Arts plàstiques Centres que imparteixen batxillerat en la modalitat d’arts Curs 2020-2021 Batxillerat d’arts Baix Ebre Tortosa Institut Dertosa (43004438) Av Estadi, 14 43500 Tortosa Tel

évelyne Goupy - Dunod

Arts plastiques/arts visuels : pourquoi ces modifications lexicales ? 47 IV Table des matières Le master Métiers de l’enseigne ment,

SpécialitéSpécialité Histoire des Arts

Master Arts SpécialitéSpécialité Histoire des Arts Parcours Gestion et mise en valeur des œuvres d’art, des objets ethnographiques et techniques (finalité professionnelle) www univ-rennes2 Place du Recteur Place du Recteur HHHHenri Le Moalenri Le Moalenri Le Moal CS 24 307 35 043 Rennes Cedex

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Arts campus of Martinique (CCA)

rue Carlos -Finlais

Fort-de-France 97200

Tel:+596 596 60-65-29

Fax:+596 596 63-74-09

President:Daniel Robin


Arts(Métiers des Arts) (Fine Arts; Visual Arts);Cinema and Communication(Cinema and Television);Performing Arts (Dance; Music; Performing Arts; Theatre);Research;Visual

Arts(Visual Arts)

History:Founded 2011

Main language(s) of instruction:French

Degrees and diplomas:Master. Diplôme national d'arts plastiques (DNAP) 3 years; Diplôme national supérieur d'expression plastique (DNSEP) 5 years; Also Master in Arts with the University of the Antilles and Guyana

Last Update:07-04-2015

University of the Antilles and

Guyana - Martinique

Campus de Schoelcher

Fort-de-France 97200, Cedex


President:Corinne Mence-Caster


Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences(based in Martinique and Guadeloupe) (Biological and Life Sciences; Chemistry; Engi- Law and Economics(Economics; Law; Political Sciences); Literature and Human Sciences(based in Martinique)(Arts and Humanities; Educational Sciences; History; Information Sci- ences);Medicine (Medicine);Sports sciences(Sports)


Teacher training(ESPE - based in Martinique, Guadeloupe and French Guyana) (Teacher Training)


French studies(ISEF) (French);Higher Education(French Guyana - IESG) (Arts and Humanities; Civil Engineering; Com- puter Science; Economics; English; Law; Literature; Materials based in Martinique)(Law);Public Administration(IPAG) (Administration; Public Administration);Technology(IUT de Kourou, some departments are based in Martinique and Guade- loupe) (Bioengineering; Biotechnology; Business Administra- tion; Business Computing; Electrical Engineering; Hygiene; Management; Safety Engineering; Sales Techniques; Technol- ogy; Telecommunications Engineering; Transport Engineering)

Research Division

Mathematics Education(IREM) (Mathematics Education)

Further information:The University of the French Antillesand Guyana has campuses in: Martinique, Guadeloupe and

French Guyana along with Research Units

History:Founded 1850 as School of Law, became Centre universitaire des Antilles-Guyane 1949 and Université 1982. Attached to the Académie de Bordeaux. Financially supported by the Ministry of Education. Admission requirements:Secondary school certificate (baccalauréat) or foreign equivalent, or special entrance examination

Main language(s) of instruction:French

Accrediting agency:Ministry of Education

Degrees and diplomas:Capacité en Droit (Law), Diplôme

universitaire de Technologie, Licence (Arts and Humanities; Eco-nomics; Educational Sciences; Engineering; Health Sciences;

ences; Sports), Licence professionnelle, Diplôme d'Ingénieur (Engineering), Master (Biological and Life Sciences; Ecology; Economics; Education; Educational Sciences; Geography; His- tory; Information Sciences; Law; Materials Engineering; Mathe- matics and Computer Science; Modern Languages; Natural Sciences; Political Sciences; Teacher Training), Doctorat (Agron- omy; Applied Mathematics; Astronomy and Space Science; Bio-

logicalandLifeSciences;Chemistry;CivilEngineering;ElectricalEngineering; Mathematics and Computer Science; Mechanical

Engineering; Physics; Public Health; Sports; Technology) Sports Facilities, Language Laboratory, Facilities for disabled people, Health Services, Canteen, Foreign Studies Centre

Last Update:08-04-2015

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International Handbook of Universities 2019,
