[PDF] Corpus Christi, Texas

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Exemple de présentation de corpus (sujet Pondichéry, mai 2013): Le corpus se compose d'un extrait de L'Ignorance de Milan Kundera et d'un extrait de Lettres parisiennes, histoires d'exil de Nancy Huston Ces documents ont un thème commun : les sentiments opposés que peut éprouver pour son pays natal une personne ayant émigré

An IntroductIon to corpus LInguIstIcs

Corpus linguistics is not able to provide all possible language at one time By definition, a corpus should be principled: “a large, principled collection of naturally occurring texts ,” meaning that the language that goes into a corpus isn’t random, but planned However, no matter how planned, principled, or large a corpus is, it can-

Corpus Christi, Texas

he Downtown Area Development Plan (DADP) is an action-oriented, market-driven strategy to generate economic growth and quality of life in Corpus Christi over the next 20 years The DADP builds on past planning efforts and current investment in the city, and is part of the Plan CC Comprehensive Plan initiative

DS : QUESTION DE CORPUS (correction)

1er plan I La poésie a un but utile (Hugo, Gautier) II La poésie n’a pas de ut mise à part elle-même (Baudelaire) 2ème plan I La poésie est l’art de l’engagement pour tous II La poésie est l’art de la solitude III La poésie est une fin en soi 3ème plan I Le poète, un être visionnaire II

Fiche méthode : la question sur le corpus

La question de corpus doit vous occuper 1 heure maximum (ce qui veut dire qu’il faut être rapide et se mettre au travail dès la distribution du sujet) Il faut rédiger environ 1 page (minimum ½ page, maximum 2 pages) Au sein de votre développement, vous allez à la ligne entre les différentes parties, mais vous ne sautez pas de lignes

La question de corpus cours et exemple - LeWebPédagogique

1/4 La question de corpus : cours et exemple Barème : Sur 4 points pour les séries S / ES et L, sur 6 points pour la série STG Elle consiste en une question qui amène à comparer des textes portant sur le même objet d'étude, signalé

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The Texas Homeland Security Strategic Plan 2021-2025 lays out Texas’ long-term vision to prevent and respond to attacks and disasters It will serve as a guide in building, sustaining, and employing a wide variety of homeland security capabilities As we build upon the state’s successes in implementing our homeland security strategy, we

L’Analyse de textes - Crpe Success

L’Analyse suppose de rendre compte de l’ensemble du corpus proposé de façon argumentée en référence aux textes et documents eux-mêmes L’exercice suppose la neutralité, ne comporte pas d’appréciation personnelle et privilégie les formulations indirectes Nature de l’épreuve et objectifs à atteindre


LA CONSTRUCTION DU PLAN DE LA SYNTHESE DE DOCUMENTS I Les règles du plan de la synthèse Le plan de la synthèse est un plan en deux ou trois parties comprenant chacune deux, trois ou quatre paragraphes C’est un plan logique, cohérent, construit sur une progression d’idées qui est recherché

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Ms. Maureen Brooks


Hillcrest-A.L. Leathers-Solomon Coles Neighborhood

Council, Nueces County Community Action Agency

Mr. Jim Charnquist


Sage Properties Corporation,

Bay Vista Developer

Mr. Brian Connor

President of Memorial and Shoreline Hospitals


Mr. Peter Davidson

Marina Superintendent / Director

City Marina

Mr. Bill Durrill

Durrill Properties, SEA District

Ms. Brigida Gonzalez

Assistant Transportation Planning Director

CC Metropolitan Planning OrganizationMs. Darlene Gregory


Uptown Neighborhood Initiative

Mr. Gabriel Guerra

President-CC Market

Kleberg Bank, Type A Board

Mr. Casey Lain

House of Rock,

Downtown Management District Board

Mr. Brett Loeer

General Manager

LAZ Parking Central Texas

Mr. Omar Lopez

Corporate Communications Manager

Texas AEP,

Dia de los Muertos, Homeless Advocate

Mr. Rueben C. Medina

Director of Business Development

Port of Corpus Christi Authority

Mr. Rocco Montesano

Executive Director

U.S.S. Lexington Museum on the BayMs. Jaime Nodarse

Assistant Vice President of Development

Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi

Dr. Gilda Ramirez

Westside Business Association,

United Corpus Christi Chamber of Commerce

Ms. Carrie Robertson Meyer


North Beach Community Association

Mr. Gordon Robinson

Director of Planning

CC Regional Transit Authority

Mr. Terry Sweeney

Executive Director

CC Downtown Management District

Mr. Victor Vourcos

Advance Project Development Engineer

Texas Department of Transportation

Mr. Henry Williams


Hillcrest Residents Association

In troduction: A new era of opportunity .................................................................1

Shaping the Downtown Area"s future: A unique moment ..........................................................2


DADP aligns closely with Corpus Christi's citywide plan ...................................................7

Do wntown vision themes........................................................................

A community-driven process


Taking initiative to seize the opportunity


Working together

Pr iority Policy Initiatives and Implementation: .....................................17

Vision themes and policy initiatives ........................................................................

........................19 F ramework diagrams........................................................................

Infrastructure initiatives

ii | PLAN C C DOWNTOWN AREA DEVELOPMENT PLAN | MARCH 27, 2018 Di strict Framework and Reinvestment Priorities: .............................51 Marina Arts District ........................................................................ Ba yshore Neighborhood

Uptown and Surrounding Neighborhoods





SEA District

North Beach

De velopment Guidelines for TIRZ #3 ......................................................................89

Guidelines b

y street corridor ......................................92

General guidelines

Transportation ........................................................................ H arbor Bridge opportunities ......................................98

Downtown area access improvements


Transit alternatives

Parking management

A. Real esta te market analysis documents for housing, o?ce, hotel and retail [available separately]


DOWNTOWN AREA DEVELOPMENT PLAN | MARCH 27, 2018 | iii T he Downtown Area Development Plan (DADP) is an strategy to generate economic growth and quality of life in Corpus Christi over the next 20 years. The DADP builds on past planning eorts and current investment in the city, and is part of the Plan CC

Comprehensive Plan initiative. At its heart, the

DADP aims to establish Corpus Christi as a premier 21st

Century waterfront city in Texas, with safe, vibrant, walkable, and connected districts in which to live, work,

learn, and play.


A new era of opportunity in Corpus Christi



This is an exciting time for Corpus Christi. At

a moment when people of all ages across the country are seeking out great urban places to live, work, learn, and play, the Downtown Area is primed to capitalize on its unique strengths—its spectacular and accessible wa- terfront, unique destination attrac- tions, people and neighborhoods, and proximity to jobs and transpor- tation options.

The Downtown Area addressed by this plan is

large and encompasses several related areas: The T raditional Downtown core - now brand- ed the Marina Arts District - and Uptown

The SEA (Sports, Entertainment, Arts) District

W ashington-Coles and Hillcrest neighbor- hoods (note that Hillcrest is in Corpus Chris- ti's Westside Planning Area) N orth Beach

Today, each area has its strengths and weak-

nesses. But taken together the Downtown Area's districts include many of the ingredients that provide the foundation for successful and vibrant downtowns: An a ttractive waterfront setting that combines beaches, parks and marinas

An activ

e, walkable district centered along

Chaparral Street

R estaurants and entertainment venues•

Arts and cultural attractions

M ajor destination attractions, including the

USS Lexington, Texas State Aquarium, Art Mu-

seum of South Texas, Corpus Christi Museum of Science & History and several others M ajor convention and meeting facilities at

American Bank Center

Minor League bas

eball at Whataburger Field

Because of its large size, the overall Downtown

Area will continue to develop as a number of

distinct areas with their own unique identities, o?ering complementary attractions and expe- riences. Over the longer term, these areas will become more strongly connected, while retain-

ing unique identity and character.Infrastructure and development initiatives that are already completed or in the works open a wealth of possibilities for further investment that will improve Corpus Christi's near- and long-term future. The planned Harbor Bridge relocation creates a once-in-a-lifetime opportu-nity for the City to work closely with the Texas Department of Transportation (

TxDOT), commu-

nity leaders, and private developers to transform the

SEA District, Washington-Coles, Uptown,

Downtown and North Beach into more walkable

and connected places. Streetscape improvements have made Downtown segments of Chaparral

Street and Shoreline Boulevard delightful places

to walk. As such, they also invite people to live and work, to enjoy entertainment and tourism,

The Downtown

Area Development

Plan emphasizes

“how" to get

things get done, as much as

“what" gets done.


| A new era of opportunity for Corpus Christi


Thus the Downtown Area Development Plan emphasizes “how" to get things done, as much as “what" gets done.


1 Sourc e: Email correspondence with Corpus Christi Convention and

Visitors Bureau, March 12, 2015

The planned replacement of the existing Harbor Bridge with a New Harbor Bridge creates opportunities for signicant change, including new connections

and development opportunities amidst several Downtown Area districts (panoramic view looking north from the Frost Bank Tower).






Opportunity to change streets and roadways to improve Downtown Area connections and development areas

Approximate location

and pro?le of New

Harbor Bridge


Harbor Bridge

to be removed

Existing Harbor Bridge approach

to be removed and replaced with traditional streets and blocks


DOWNTOWN AREA DEVELOPMENT PLAN | MARCH 27, 2018 | 3 | A new era of opportunity for Corpus Christi A MARKET-DRIVEN PLAN: SETTING THE STAGE FOR PRIVATE SECTOR INVESTMENT New housing oers by far the strongest invest ment opportunity.

There is market potential in the Downtown

Area for

1,850 market-rate apartment and

townhouse housing units Shoreline promenadeNew grocery on Chaparral Street

Farmer"s market at the Art Center of

Corpus Christi


| A new era of opportunity for Corpus Christi Down town Area"s unique appeal as a center o f walkability, amenities and character unequaled in the region. > For thos e 1,850 units, market potential by unit type translates to approximately 1,000 rental lofts or apartments, 500 for-sale lofts or apartments, and 400 for-sale townhous- es. These unit types are especially suited to reinforcing a walkable, active character in the Downtown Area; no other part of the city would attract such a strong concentration of multi-family and attached units. > A dditional demand for single-family de- tached ownership units may also be present; approximately 20% of households interested in living in the Downtown Area would prefer a single-family unit. Single-family units do not o?er su?cient economic value or bene?ts to walkability to be appropriate in much of the Downtown Area. However, those portions of the area where single-family detached dwellings are traditionally present would be appropriate places to develop new single-family detached ownership housing on compact parcels. These areas principally include portions of Uptown west of Staples and south of Agnes, Washington-Coles west of Staples, and northern portions of North


> Y ounger singles and couples (millennials) make up the primary target markets to ?ll that new housing (68%), with empty nest- ers and retirees (19%), and traditional and

non-traditional families (13%) comprising the rest. Total Downtown Area population growth over 15-20 years could exceed 8,000 people, assuming each household contains an average of approximately 1.5 people.

> This mark et potential does not always equate to immediate development feasibili- ty. As in many downtowns, public incentive policies will be needed to catalyze new real estate development, providing near-term ?nancial assistance that unlocks strong longer-term returns to the city in terms of tax revenue, Downtown Area vitality and attraction of additional private investment. Do wntown oce growth

Up to 100,000 square feet of Downtown

oce demand

The hotel economy

Downtown Area visitor

attractions, together with the Downtown

Area"s nearly 40%

share o Corpus

Christi hotel rooms,

anchor citywide visitor destination spending that exceeded $1.2 billion and provided an overall economic impact o over $1.5 billion or each iscal year 2012 and 2013. The 2017 Fiesta de la Flor attracted 55,000 people to the SEA District, with an estimated economic impact of $15 million.




DOWNTOWN AREA DEVELOPMENT PLAN | MARCH 27, 2018 | 5 | A new era of opportunity for Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi"s strongest

concentration of dining and nightlife des tinations. > Small (1

00-person) and mid-sized

(1,000-person) live music venues; > Nigh tlife with an added “twist" such as bowl- ing, dueling pianos or an arcade; > Destina tion dining, especially restaurants that are regionally-based or have just one

Corpus Christi location; and

> M obile retail, such as food trucks A gr owing residential population will also help diversify Downtown Area retail to include new choices - appealing to residential, worker and visitor markets alike - such as a drugstore, limited-assortment grocer, family restaurant/ diner, discount variety store, co?ee house, and other specialized services. There is also untapped market potential for several poten- tial destinations that could serve as valuable daytime anchors: an outdoor out?tter, a fami- ly-themed amusement destination (in addition to Hurricane Alley Waterpark), and an art supply store (if Texas A&M-Corpus Christi's

Master of Fine Arts program locates down-

town; see below). R elocating the

Master of Fine Arts program

of Texas A&M-Corpus Christi

North Beach GatewayNorth Beach

Do wntown Area retail and entertainment o?erings have a distinct and deepening market niche. While shopping in Corpus Christi is pri marily driven by areas outside the downtown,


| A new era of opportunity for Corpus Christi

The Downtown Area Development Plan
