[PDF] Frequently Asked Questions on IFIM

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Chapter 1 Instream Flow Incremental Methodology (IFIM) for

6 Instream Flow Incremental Methodology for Modelling Fish Habitat 100, and 200 cfs) and the Lower South Branch (i e 15,30,45, 70, 100, and 200


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Frequently Asked Questions on IFIM

Frequently Asked Questions on IFIM Publication Number: Q-WR-95-104 1 (8/95; rev 2/10) Water Resources Program Revised February 2010 DEFINITIONS


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A Demonstration of the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology

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Frequently Asked Questions on IFIM

Frequently Asked Questions on IFIM

Publication Number: Q-WR-95-104 1 (8/95; rev. 2/10)

Water Resources Program Revised February 2010


Calibrate: To check and adjust

the computer model so its prediction for a velocity or depth at a specific point on a transect matches the velocity or depth actually measured at that point on the transect.

Habitat: The environment in

which a fish lives and grows.

Hydraulic: The study of the

behavior of moving liquids.

Hydrology: The study of the

quantity of stream flow that has historically been in the stream, along with the movement of water from the surface into the ground and back.

Instream flow: A stream flow

regime established in a

Washington State

administrative rule (WAC). An instream flow is a water right for a stream, which protects instream resources from future withdrawals.

Instream resources and

values: As defined in

Washington State law, these

include fish and wildlife, aesthetics, water quality, navigation, livestock watering and recreation, all of which depend on adequate amounts of water in our rivers.

Stream flow: The amount of

water flowing in a stream or river.

Substrate: The gravel or other

material that covers the river bottom.

Velocity: How fast water is


An Overview of the Instream Flow

Incremental Methodology (IFIM)

The Instream Flow Incremental Methodology (IFIM) is regarded as the best available method for determining the relationship between stream flows and fish habitat. It is one of the most commonly used stream flow study methods in

Washington State.

IFIM and other study methods are an essential part of determining instream flow levels. Washington State law requires that instream resources and values, including fish (see sidebar), are protected and preserved with adequate instream flows. Setting flow levels in rule is one of our most important management tools for protecting streams. The intent is to set instream flows throughout the state.

Q: What is IFIM?

A: IFIM is a series of computer-based models which calculate how much fish habitat you gain or lose as you increase or decrease stream flow. It is based on the understanding that fish prefer water with a certain depth and velocity. These preferences vary for different species of fish, and for each of their life stages. IFIM was developed in the late 1970s by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Services. It involves putting site-specific stream flow and habitat data into a group of models collectively called PHABSIM (Physical HABitat SIMulation). PHABSIM was and is the most commonly used hydraulic modeling program within IFIM to predict depths and velocities in streams. HQ POH 1EE0·V 7ORPMV 5B 3M\QH MQG $VVRŃLMPHV $UŃMPM F$ rewrote the PHABSIM program creating a version called RHABSIM (Riverine HABitat SIMulation). It is a more user- friendly program, compatible with the Windows operating system. PHABSIM and RHABSIM both produce depth and velocity predictions.

IFIM uses four variables

IFIM only uses four variables in hydraulic simulation (depth, velocity, substrate and cover), which are key measurements for determining instream flow numbers. At certain flows, such as Publication Number: Q-WR-95-104 2 Please reuse and recycle

Water Resources Program Revised February 2010

Pacific Salmon

Credit: Timothy Knepp/USFWS

extreme low flows, other variables such as food supply (aquatic insects) and predators (birds, larger fish, etc.) may be of overriding importance to fish survival and production. In addition to the PHABSIM or RHABSIM models, IFIM may include water quality, sediment, temperature and other variables that affect fish production. Q: Why do we need to understand the relationship between fish habitat and stream flows to set instream flows? A: Fish needs are a key element in determining instream flow levels because fish are considered

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