[PDF] exp(x) = inverse of ln(x

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exp(x) = inverse of ln(x

De nition of ex De nition When x is rational or irrational, we de ne ex to be exp(x) ex = exp(x) Note: This agrees with de nitions of ex given elsewhere (as limits), since the de nition is the same when x is a rational number and the exponential function is continuous Restating the above properties given above in light of this new

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exp(x) = inverse of ln(x) Last day, we saw that the functionf(x) = lnxis one-to-one, with domain (0;1) and range (1;1). We can conclude thatf(x) has an inverse function which we call the natural exponential function and denote (temorarily) byf1(x) = exp(x), The denition of inverse functions gives us the following: y=f1(x) if and only ifx=f(y) y= exp(x) if and only ifx= ln(y)The cancellation laws give us: f

1(f(x)) =xandf(f1(x)) =x

exp(lnx) =xand ln(exp(x)) =x: Annette PilkingtonNatural Logarithm and Natural Exponential

Graph of exp(x)

We can draw the graph ofy=exp(x) by re

ecting the graph ofy=ln(x) in the liney=x.He2,2LH2,e2LH1,0LH0,1LHe,1LH1,eLHe-7,-7LH-7,e-7Ly=expHxL=exy=lnHxL-5510-10-55101520

Wehave that the graphy= exp(x) is

one-to-one and continuous with domain (1;1) and range (0;1).

Note that exp(x)>0 for all values of

x. We see that exp(0) = 1 since ln1 = 0 exp(1) =esince lne= 1; exp(2) =e2since ln(e2) = 2; exp(7) =e7since ln(e7) =7:

In fact for any rational numberr, we

have exp(r) =ersince ln(er) =rlne= r; by the laws of Logarithms. Annette PilkingtonNatural Logarithm and Natural Exponential

Denition ofex.

DenitionWhenxis rational or irrational, we deneexto be exp(x). e x= exp(x)Note:This agrees with denitions ofexgiven elsewhere (as limits), since the denition is the same whenxis a rational number and the exponential function is continuous. Restating the above properties given above in light of this new interpretation of the exponential function, we get:

Whenf(x) = ln(x),f1(x) =exand

e x=yif and only if lny=xe lnx=xand lnex=xAnnette PilkingtonNatural Logarithm and Natural Exponential

Solving Equations

We can use the formula below to solve equations involving logarithms and exponentials. e lnx=xand lnex=xExampleSolve forxif ln(x+ 1) = 5I Applying the exponential function to both sides of the equation ln(x+ 1) = 5, we get e ln(x+1)=e5I

Using the fact that elnu=u, (with u=x+ 1), we get

x+ 1 =e5;or x=e51:

ExampleSolve forxifex4= 10I

Applying the natural logarithm function to both sides of the equation e x4= 10, we get ln(ex4) = ln(10)I Using the fact thatln(eu) =u, (with u=x4) , we get x4 = ln(10);or x= ln(10) + 4:Annette PilkingtonNatural Logarithm and Natural Exponential


From the graph we see that

lim x!1ex= 0;limx!1ex=1:ExampleFind the limit limx!1ex10ex1.I As it stands, this limit has an indeterminate form since both numerator and denominator approach innity as x! 1I We modify a trick from Calculus 1 and divide (both Numertor and denominator) by the highest power of e xin the denominator. lim x!1e x10ex1= limx!1e x=ex(10ex1)=exI = lim x!1110(1=ex)=110 Annette PilkingtonNatural Logarithm and Natural Exponential

Rules of exponentials

The following rules of exponents follow from the rules of logarithms: e x+y=exey;exy=exe y;(ex)y=exy:Proofsee notes for details


e x2e2x+1(ex)2=ex2+2x+1e 2xI =ex2+2x+12x=ex2+1Annette PilkingtonNatural Logarithm and Natural Exponential


ddx ex=exd dx eg(x)=g0(x)eg(x)ProofWe use logarithmic dierentiation. Ify=ex, we have lny=xand dierentiating, we get 1y dydx = 1 ordydx =y=ex. The derivative on the right follows from the chain rule.



Using the chain rule, we get

ddx esin2x=esin2xddx sin2xI

=esin2x2(sinx)(cosx) = 2(sinx)(cosx)esin2xAnnette PilkingtonNatural Logarithm and Natural Exponential


ddx ex=exd dx eg(x)=g0(x)eg(x)ExampleFindddx sin2(ex2)I

Using the chain rule, we get

ddx sin2(ex2) = 2sin(ex2)ddx sin(ex2)I = 2sin(ex2)cos(ex2)ddx ex2I = 2sin(ex2)cos(ex2)ex2ddx x2= 4xex2sin(ex2)cos(ex2)Annette PilkingtonNatural Logarithm and Natural Exponential


Z e xdx=ex+CZ g

Using substitution, we let u=x2+ 1.

du= 2x dx;du2 =x dxI Z xe x2+1dx=Z e udu2 =12 Z e udu=12 eu+CI

Switching back to x, we get

12 ex2+1+CAnnette PilkingtonNatural Logarithm and Natural Exponential

Summary of formulas

ln(x)ln(ab) = lna+lnb;ln(ab ) = lnalnb lnax=xlna lim x!1lnx=1;limx!0lnx=1 ddx lnjxj=1x ;ddx lnjg(x)j=g0(x)g(x) Z1x dx= lnjxj+C

Zg0(x)g(x)dx= lnjg(x)j+C:e

xlnex=xandeln(x)=x e x+y=exey;exy=exe y;(ex)y=exy: lim x!1ex=1;and limx!1ex= 0 ddx ex=ex;ddx eg(x)=g0(x)eg(x) Z e xdx=ex+Cquotesdbs_dbs4.pdfusesText_8