[PDF] They are optional - economiegouvfr

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La Bio en France et en Europe - 2014

La production biologique concerne tous les stades de la filière, les exploita-tions agricoles, les entreprises de transformation et de conditionnement, et les distributeurs grossistes comme détaillants Ainsi l’agriculture biologique génère directement 38 230 emplois en équivalent temps plein (ETP) dans l’aval de ses filières:

l’agriculture biologique

l’agriculture biologique a progressé d’une situation de niche à un réel marché Ce qui montre bien son potentiel pour les entreprises L’agriculture biologique est le secteur alimentaire qui connaît la croissance la plus rapide, avec une progression soutenue de 10 par an depuis plus de 10 ans

They are optional - economiegouvfr

register their activity with the competent authority: in France, this is the Agence BIO (French Agency for the development and promotion of organic farming) Only products which contain over 95 organically grown ingredients may include the terms ‘agriculture biologique’ (organic farming) or ‘ issu de l’agriculture biologique’


Globalement le nombre d’exploitations en agriculture biologique représente un total de près de 37 000 exploitations fin 2017, soit 50 de plus qu’à la fin de 2012 La France est désormais le 3e pays européen en termes de SAU bio derrière l'Espagne et l'Italie, et désormais devant l'Allemagne

Freins et incitations au développement de l’agriculture

Freins et incitations au d eveloppement de l’agriculture biologique en France : une analyse a plusieurs niveaux Laure Latru e, Celine Nauges, Gilles Allaire, Eric Cahuzac, Alexis Garapin,


Il a été développé par Terre de liens, la Fédération nationale de l’agriculture biologique (Fnab) et le Basic • Vegecantine est un site porté par l’Association végétarienne de France qui met à disposition des outils pour développer des repas végétariens dans les cantines L’association Un plus bio a développé

Proceedings of the ECO-PB Workshop : “Participatory Plant

La Besse, France Edited by D Desclaux and M Hédont INCLUS : Résumés en français des interventions et des posters présentés au colloque ECO-PB sur la Sélection participative et ses enjeux pour l’agriculture biologique 11-13 juin 2006, La Besse, France

Aliments issus Codex Alimentarius, de l’agriculture biologique

aliments issus de l’agriculture biologique à la 23e session en 1999, à l’exception des dispositions pour les animaux d’élevage et produits d’animaux d’élevage qui ont été adoptées à sa 24 e session en 2001

Gouvernance participative et agriculture

biologique renforce le plan d’agriculture périurbaine afin de contenter principalement les électeurs urbains Mots-clés : agriculture biologique, gouvernance, gouverne -

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Here are some things

you need to know

Organic productsFor further information

Mai 2007

conception graphique: studio Sircom

The DGCCRF Internet site:


3939 " Allô, Service Public »

(?0.12 per minute)

Consumer information service

The Directorate for Competition, Consumer Affairs

and Fraud Control (Direction de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes) in the département French National Consumer Institute (Institut national de la consommation):www.conso.net

The consumer associations in the département

This leaflet is provided for information only.

It is inevitably not exhaustive and does not replace the applicable regulations. Direction générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes Logos They are optionalProducts may include a logo on their label which shows compliance with organic farming regulations. These logos may only be used for products which contain at least

95% organically grown ingredients.

Either the European logo or the AB logo (trademark registered by the French Ministry of Agriculture) may be used. Products may also carry logos from countries other than France.

European logo AB logo

You"re interested in organic productsbecause you think - they"re healthier - they"re more natural - they help to protect the environment.

Organic wine?

les méthodes de lagriculture biologique (wine made from raisin issu de lagriculture biologique (wine made from (organic wine) is not permitted. For wines,the AB logo may only be used with the clearly visi- biologique (wine made with organically grown grapes).

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What is an organic

product ?

What is an organic

product ? have their activity monitored by an independent outside body accredited by the State (in France:Ecocert,Qualité-France,Ulase,

Agrocert,Aclave, SGS-ICS).

Any European product compliant with regulations may move freely around the European Union. In order to have access to the European market, products from countries outside the European Union must abide by certain specific requirements. N.B.Products resulting from the hunting or fishing of wildlife (e.g.wild boar,sardines,etc) are not considered to be organic products.No reference may therefore be made to this in labelling or advertising. Water and salt are not agricultural products. They may not therefore be described as 'organic".Organic farming is a type of farming whose difference stems from the fact that it uses agricultural and livestock rearing methods which place great importance on respecting the balance of nature. For instance, only very limited amounts of fertiliser and chemical products may be used, while the use of GMOs is banned. It also promotes crop rotation.

Organic products are subject to extremely strict

European regulations.

These regulations concern:

Unprocessed agricultural products (e.g. cereals, vegetables, fruit, flowers, cotton)

Livestock (e.g. pork, beef)

Unprocessed animal products (e.g. milk, eggs)

Processed plant and animal agricultural products intended for human consumption (e.g. bread, cheeses, ready-cooked meals) animal feed and the raw materials from which they are made (e.g. soybean cake). These regulations are complemented by French national regulations regarding livestock production. All players in the organic farming sector (producers, processors, dealers, wholesalers, retailers and importers) must fulfil the following obligations: register their activity with the competent authority: in France, this is the Agence BIO (French Agency for the development and promotion of organic farming)Only products which contain over 95% organically grown ingredients may include the terms 'agriculture biologique" (organic farming) or ' issu de l"agriculture biologique" (organically grown) in the sales description on their labels, (e.g. 'huile d"olive de l"agriculture biologique" (organic olive oil) or ' huile d"olive, produit de l"agriculture biologique" (olive oil, organically grown product). For products containing from 70 to 95% organically grown ingredients,no reference may be made to organic farming in the sales description,but it may be referred to separately as 'x% des ingrédients d"origine agricole ont été obtenus selon les règles de la production biologique" (x% of the farm-grown ingredients were obtained using organic production methods). Where there are under 70% of organically grown ingredients,no reference to organic farming is permitted. The list of ingredients must show clearly which ingredients are organically grown.The usual practice is to follow the name of the ingredient by an asterisk which refers to the comment 'issu de l"agriculture biologique" (organically grown). In addition, all other non-organically grown ingredients (e.g. seaweed or gelatine) and non-agricultural ingredients (e.g. additives,water or salt) in the product are specifically listed in the regulations. In all cases,the product label must include the name and/or code number of the monitoring body.

The French General Directorate for Competition,

Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control

(Direction Générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes, DGCCRF) carries out two types of monitoring € It monitors the various players in the organic farming sector, as well as labelling and advertising claims. € It ensures that effective monitoring of players in the sector is carried out by the certifying agencies.

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