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Project evaluation series

The project "Protection of the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem" (CCLME project) is a regional initiative supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) through the Abidjan Convention Secretariat, with funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF)

FAO/Global Environment Facility Project Document

The CCLME is a vital food and economic resource not only for coastal populations bordering the LME, but also for much of West Africa and beyond The capacity of the CCLME to sustain valuable ecosystem goods and services is threatened by over

Annex D – Results of the Break out Groups

National Reports Climate Change Convention, UNFCCC UNESCO UNDP Adaption to CC in Coastal ACCC, 2008-12 Univ Cocody (Abidjan, CI): Dr Kouadio

PRCM – UICN – Wetlands International Africa – Convention d

Convention d’Abidjan La conservation des mangroves pour le maintien des potentiels de développement de la zone côtière ouest africaine Développement d’un programme régional sur la conservation et la gestion des écosystèmes de mangroves en Afrique de l’Ouest Rapport 10 novembre 2015

template couverture 4 modifié - IUCN

(ACCC4): the adaptation to climate change programme is financed by the GEF and covers Cape Verde, the Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Mauritania and Senegal It allows for the implementation of pilot protection and adaptation operations in the five countries concerned The implementation of the current phase will end in 2010

TOME 1 Analyse du contexte sous-régional pour le financement

Rapport final phase 1 - Novembre 2010 Rédigé par Chloé Joyeux et Julie Gale, avec l’appui du Dr Stephen Cobb

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