[PDF] TACHE FINALE Organiser un jour de Spirit - ANGLAIS Grenoble

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TACHE FINALE Organiser un jour de Spirit - ANGLAIS Grenoble

Séance n°5: "PERSONAL SPACE AT SCHOOL" Do you have a personal space at school? Somewhere you can put your personal things? Here at school, we have lockers But we have to share them with a friend In the USA, each student has his own locker Let's watch a video "an interview with American pupils Zack and Jenny" How many people have you seen?

New Year’s Resolutions

back to the class If not, this could be set as a short homework task 5 Resolutions Task 5 can be a fun activity where students use their imagination to suggest amusing examples Students can work in pairs or small groups Try to give some examples yourself for people you know You could also bring in pictures of famous people – ask

New Year’s Resolutions - TeachingEnglish

back home at four or five in the morning My resolutions Learn how to play the guitar and talk less in class Study hard to get good grades for university

A two week trip around the world

Let’s go to the other side of the world Prepare your back-pack and trainers, keep your eyes wide open Are you ready for a fantastic experience? Off we go Did you find the country on a map? How far is it from France? Which part did you like best? Don’t try these activities on your own: they are for adults with the help of experienced

IN GUNS WE TRUST Documents supports de - ANGLAIS Grenoble

8 killed - March 21, 2005 - Red Lake High School, Red Lake, Minnesota 16-year-old Jeff Weise kills his grandfather and another adult, four fellow students, a teacher and a security officer He then kills himself 8 killed - July 1, 1993 - In San Francisco, California, 55-year-old Gian Luigi Ferri kills eight people in a law office and then kills


EX: I usually do my homework after school but tonight I am doing it after dinner (D’haitude, je fais mes de Àoirs après l’école mais ce soir je les fais après le dîner ) 4 Il sert à exprimer le futur, à parler de e que l’on a l’intention de faire et quand Il est aompagné d’un marqueur de temps futur


Go back to your seat(s) Retourne à ta place / Retournez à vos places Be quick / Hurry up Dépêche-toi Take your time Prends ton temps Clean the board Efface le tableau Take / Open / Close your English books / copy books /exercise books, notebook books Prenez / Ouvrez / Fermez vos livres / cahiers d’anglais



My ideal school

In my school, there are classes from Monday to Thursday, from 9:30 to 2:30 pm There are three sports hours a week Outside class hours, students can go to the beach, walk in the street, do what they want but they must come back before 9:00 pm To avoid intrusions there are detectors of people that let only students and teachers of this school

M for Mystery Docs (SSabatini) - My English Pages

Ecrire en toutes lettres en anglais: 1935, 2013, 1844, le 20e siècle, il y a 2 mois, il y a 3 ans, il y a quelques minutes, le 21ème èmesiècle, les années 60, le 35 Président 2 Conjugue ces verbes au preterit et classe-les dans le tableau ci-dessous selon la prononciation du –ED

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PPaarr VViirriiddiiaannaa BBOOUUCCHHAARRDDOONN,,

pprrooffeesssseeuurr dd'[aannggllaaiiss aauu ccoollllèèggee LLee GGrraanndd CChhaammpp àà PPoonntt ddee CChhéérruuyy ((IIssèèrree 3388)) ʹt AAccaaddéémmiiee ddee GGrreennoobbllee

Cette séquence est inspirée du manuel e for English 4e, p. 10-26, Éditions Didier, 2017

Classe: 4ème


Grammaticales: présent simple ʹ présent BE + ing

Lexicales : sentiments (et degrés d'intensité) ʹ l'école ʹ la personnalité ʹ le cinéma


Comprendre un document vidéo

Rejouer une scène étudiée en classe

Etre capable de prendre la parole devant un auditoire Organiser un événement auquel toute la classe participe


Organiser un jour de "Spirit Week" pour la classe

SUPPORTS UTILISES (dont certains sont extraits du mManuel e for English 4e) : Document visuel et audio "first day of school quiz" Extrait vidéo du film "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" Document video: "an interview with American pupils Zack and Jenny" Document écrit: forum sur Spirit week + document vidéo "Peek into an American high school" Document vidéo sur youtube "OMS Locker Decoration Day 2014" pour comparer les USA et la France https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyttgTGS8zc

Séance n°1: "HAPPY TO BE BACK?"

Welcome back to school!

How do you feel on this first day?

Production libre avec introduction de nouveau vocabulaire si besoin (mixed feelings, nervous, happy, excited, tired) Make more complex sentences by saying why you feel like this

I'm tired because I woke up early this morning

Add an intensity to accentuate your feeling

I'm really excited to meet my new classmate

Look at the cartoon (projection au tableau de la page 12) and tell me what is surprising

There are 6 characters and only one seems happy

Match the faces, then listen to the document and say who is speaking and how she/he feels. Listen to a new character who is not in the cartoon. Who is he? What is his job? How do you know?

It's the cook. He speaks about food.

Activités langagières: CO ʹ EOC

Séance n°2:

Travail sur l'extrait vidéo "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" Look at these 2 pictures and guess what the film is going to about Watch the video without sounds. What did you understand? How many characters are there? Who are they? How are they related? What's the problem?

Production libre

Watch again to check the hypotheses

Pair-work: in blocks, discuss the best excuses for skipping school and make a list (4-5 ideas). Get ready to tell them to the class.

Watch the video again and concentrate on the different shots (distribution d'une fiche "camera shots,

angles and movements") Séances n°3 et 4: Tâche intermédiaire 1 Act out the scene from "Ferris Bueller's Day Off". You can decide to keep it as it is or change a character (add one for example)


Do you have a personal space at school? Somewhere you can put your personal things? Here at school, we have lockers. But we have to share them with a friend. In the USA, each student has his own locker. Let's watch a video "an interview with American pupils

Zack and Jenny"

How many people have you seen? Where are they? What are they talking about?

We can see 2 teenagers, 1 girl and 1 boy. They are at school, in front of their lockers. They talk about

what they have in them. What do their lockers look like? What do they keep in their lockers? And here, at school, how do the lockers look? What do you keep in it?

Their lockers look rather messy. They keep a lot of things in it, not only school stuff. Here, lockers all

look the same. We can put what we want but as we have to share them, there's not a lot of space to put other things than school stuff. In the USA, they have the right to customize their lockers. They even have a day for that: "Locker

Day", which is just the day before the first day of school. Let's have a look at what American students

do/can do : YouTube video "OMS Locker Decoration Day 2014"

Séance n°6: tâche intermédiaire 2

Design your locker.

Imagine you have the right to customize your locker. Think about what you would put in it, how you would decorate it. Make a plan and at home, take a shoebox or a cardboard box and place items of your choice in it. You can get inspiration in the Internet, many websites propose lots of things to customize lockers.

Séance n°7: "SPIRIT WEEK"

What does it mean to you? Imagine what it can be about

Production libre

Distribution du document du manuel: extrait d'un forum sur la définition de la Spirit Week. Read the

document and tell me what Spirit Week is

It is a week-long celebration in US high-schools where students try to get united and involved in the

school life. Each day has a different theme such as:

Twin Day: wear the exact same clothes as someone

Color Day: dress totally in one or two colors

Séance n°8-9: FINAL PROJECT

Organize your spirit week!

Let's divide the class into three groups (corresponding to the three hours of English in one week). Each

group has to organize a one-hour-celebration: choose a theme, imagine games you will animate. Make a poster that you will present to the class to explain what will happen on your "spirit day"!quotesdbs_dbs1.pdfusesText_1