[PDF] The evolution of women’s condition - ANGLAIS Grenoble

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The evolution of women’s condition - ANGLAIS Grenoble

gender equality at work today in Britain Champ culturel des programmes abordé : Axe sphère privée vs sphère publique Problématique retenue : To what extent have women reached equality with men nowadays in Britain? Nombre de séances prévues : + - 8

Cycle GENDER-FREE 4 3e

GENDER-FREE Cycle 4 3e Partie 2 •Cours d’anglais : chaque groupe se voit attribuer une affiche publicitaire et une vidéo Décrire l’affiche, le message


As a project manager at HSBC, a financial company headquartered in London, write a speech to promote gender equality at work and equal pay for men and women (about 300 words) Libellés de la/des tâche(s) intermédiaire(s) + activité(s) langagière(s) concernée(s) : 1 Make a poster showing the methods used by suffragists and suffragettes

Projet : Après vous être documenté(e) sur la question des

observe men first-hand in the nursing role, I could see that gender made no difference There are times when males had to step back, and reconsider their options after learning all about the stigma of nursing as eing a womans areer Many male nursing students tend


gender gap in SCIENCE Really That Bad? By Lance Why w don't Michele time to balance Bachmann's natim at growing patns CHORE WARS Let it go Make peace Men and women, it turns out, work the same amount

Emma Watson introduces the new HeForSheorg - exercises

1 The objective of HeForShe is gender equality True False 2 The main focus of HeForShe is raising awareness about gender issues True False 3 Emma says a lot of people believe we have solved problems of gender equality already True False 4 In reality, she says, we have a long way to go True False 5

Global and regional estimates - WHO

prevented Promising programmes exist and many hinge on promoting gender equality so that the full potential of the world s women and girls can be realized Let this report serve as a uni ed call to action for those working for a world without violence against women Preface Professor Salim S Abdool Karim President: South African Medical

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Bend it like Beckham Supplementary Materials 7 Here, the tense is used because it is linking the past (when the game in Germany was lost) with the present – when her mum is speaking This is a classic use of the tense,

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Fromthe Privatesphereto the Public sphere





séquence nouveau format

1 > panorama de la séquence (ou scénario

2 > les grandes étapes de la séquence

3 > zoom sur 3 focales en lien avec les nouveaux


5 > différence(s) avec le programme actuel

1. Panorama de la séquence


séquence nouveau format

Niveau de classe:

Terminale, B2 visé


langagière(s) dominante(s):CO + EE

Tâche finale :Write a

speech to promote genderequalityat worktodayin Britain

Champ culturel des

programmes abordé:

Axe sphère privée vs

sphère publique


To what extent have

women reached equality with men nowadays in


Nombre de séances

prévues:+ -8


phares ou satellites?

Les documents-phares sont traités en

classe (classe entière ou groupes) et vus/ entendus/ étudiés par tous les


Les autres textes sont des documents-

satellites, étudiés en autonomie et ne les élèves > différenciation

2. Les grandesétapesde la

séquence: documents-phareset documents-satellites



Women's status in mid 19th-century England

A brief overview

By Helena Wojtczak

(The holder of a BSc Honoursdegree in Social Science and Social History, and a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, Helena Wojtczakis a researcher, writer and speaker on women's history.)



Corpus de vidéos sur :



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pw0IAFIhVfA(Suffragists & suffragettes: did violent protest get women the vote? Channel 4. 06:25)

> différenciation

CO (+CE)


a feministessay

WhyI wanta wife

Judy SyfersBrady



genderequality CO


genderpaygap and the glass ceiling > différenciation CE


final task Write a speech to promote gender equality at work today in Britain and ask for equal pay. EE +EO ?

3. Zoom sur 3 focales en lien

avec les nouveaux programmes

Focale 1: le travail sur la


Le fait de

langue grammatical Exemple 1: exercice structural "faire ses gammes» (drill) sa mémoire. 5 phrases minimum. Obligation dans le passé: *hadto, **hadno otherchoice

Eg: Womenhadto do all the chores; theyhadno other

to go to universities/ theywerebarredfrom

Le fait de

langue grammatical

La comparaison

Compare suffragettes and suffragists

Certains élèves utilisent la comparaison au niveau de la Pour les comparatifs, dresser la liste des adjectifs qui vont servir, à 2 Pour la comparaison au niveau de la syntaxe, 1 élève impose des échanger les rôles sans refaire les mêmes phrases, puis écrire celles dont on se rappelle


lexical Retrouverle mot-racinedans des mots composésoudérivés

Classer par synonymes ou antonymes

Mind map (carte heuristique)


Match the words or sentenceson the left to words

or sentenceson the right

Men held all the resources and women had no

independent means of subsistence

Men's offspring

Women were barred from universities

Every man had the right to force his wife into sex and childbirth Among the rich, family wealth automatically passed down the male line

Born without a penny

A woman's fate thereafter depended on her husband

During the early to mid-nineteenth century the social order was being challenged and a new philosophy was emerging, imbued with ideals of liberty, personal freedom, and legal reform

Women thought they deserved to be emancipated

from their enslaved status

A womanhadto obeyherhusbandin all matters,

includinghavingsexand reproducing A man was responsible for his wife and could decide anything about her life

Aroundthe 1850s, a windof change wasblowing

over Britain: new lawswerewanted

It washigh time thatwomenwerefree

Everything women owned, inherited and earned

automatically belonged by law to their husband.

It wasmen whoinheritedthe money in richfamilies,


It wasforbiddenfor womento pursuehigher

education (very) poor Read the textand findthe English equivalentsof the followingwordsor phrases: répandu: ................................................................ le tissu: .................................................................. l'ordre social: ......................................................... remis en question: ................................................. le droit de vote: ......................................................quotesdbs_dbs3.pdfusesText_6