[PDF] 1res Séquence 3 Mythes et heros - CanalBlog

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LP Unsung heroines- RRoberts- FebMarch 2016

Write the word Heroes on the board (Do not mention International Women’s Day at this point)Ask students to write down the names of at least fivepeople they would regard as heroes Set a time limit of 2–3 minutes Then ask students to compare their list with a partner, and explain why they chose the people they did

Séquence denseignement différencié sur les héros (Units 5-6

5 Remembering heroes How do we remember the people in the pictures? Complete the table Hero How do we remember him/her? Mahatma Gandhi There is a 1 John Lennon 2 is named after him Princess Diana There is a 3 Abraham Lincoln The Mount 4 Mother Teresa There is a 5 2 Read the article again Answer the questions 1 What kind of heroes do

1res Séquence 3 Mythes et heros - CanalBlog

radio program called “Modern day heroes” You listen to 2 radio reports and decide which one to include in the program Justify you choice to your boss (record yourself explaining your choice) Séance 1 -Photo: Rosa Parks Photo projetée sans aucune info, hypothèse sur l’identité / description


BAC ANGLAIS ORAL Myths and Heroes JENNY Mathieu – TS1 ANGLAIS ORAL – Fiche récap’ notion MYTHS AND HEROES Introduction According to the dictionary, a myth derives from a Greek word which means “legend” But nowadays we use this word with several meanings, from a traditional story dealing with History to a natural or social phenomenon


7) 8) 10) 12) 13) 15) 16) 14) Along the way, the group made contact with Indian inhabitants of the land The captains offered gifts, met with the chiefs, and made

Superheroes, comic books, comics & cartoons

The world is in deadly danger and only one team of heroes can save it Six highly trained daredevil dogs who fight crime with their bare paws – and their hi-tech gadgets Its time to call – ACTION DOGS Can they stand up to the Action Dogs deadly enemy – the dreaded Katmanchew? No-one knew who the Action Dogs were or where they came from

myTime ENGLISH Scope and Sequence - Heinle

sequence of events • Weekend activities: Verbs (past tense) • Simple past tense: Regular and irregular verbs The Wrong Directions (story) Pronunciation: Final -ed in past tense verbs A Busy Weekend Checking time expressions Interviews: Shopping and errands The Dreamtime Painters 12 Growing Up • Describe major life events • Talk about

STEP 2: What does Disney teach us about stereotypes?

All the Disney male heroes are intelligent, well-educated and very diverse Disney heroes are muscular, tall, strong and mostly white Princes can be small, fat, or ugly, their beauty and their body are never important 6 Why do two men usually fight in a Disney movie ? What do they get like that ? The winner gets pride and respect

Fabulantica Rulebook - 1jour-1jeu

When it is your turn, perform the following actions in the specified sequence: 1 Travel to a different location Use your travel cards for this You have to discard 1 appropriate travel card for each path section You may travel on several path sections during your turn as long as you can discard 1 appropriate travel card for each section

Password - LeWebPédagogique

Adaptation maquette : Véronique Lefebvre Couverture : Elhadi Yazi Mise en page : IGS-GP Illustrations : Camille Beurton, Anne Horrenberger « La loi du 11 mars 1957 n’autorisant, au terme des alinéas 2 et 3 de l’article 41, d’une part, que les copies ou reproductions stricte-

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