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1 A grandfather is taking his grand-daughter, Mary, to Ellis Island for her to learn about her ancestor 2 He explains how Ellis Island used to be an Immigration Station before becoming an immigration museum 3 The little girl’s great-grandfather arrived at Ellis Island in 1904 4


DON’T SEND ME BACK (the feelings of an immigrant at Ellis Island) 1- CE (without the end of the document – pupils have to guess) 2- training for TRANSLATION TASK 5 (EOi) : (in groups) you’re one of the doctors at Ellis Island, discuss if this person can be accepted or has to be sent back to his native country


IMMIGRATION AND THE AMERICAN DREAM (1880-1930) 4ème (CECRL A2- vers B1) Cécile Lucas & Alina Sufaru

EXEMPLE DE SÉQUENCE COLLEGE - ac-orleans-toursfr

In pairs, get ready to role-play an Ellis Island inspection interview You will have to perform the scene, not to read it Pupil A: You are an Ellis Island Immigration Inspector, you will: • greet each immigrant • ask six questions • improvise an additional question • decide whether or not to let them in

MenAtLunch-Teacher Sheet

5- What is Ellis Island? It’s an island in Upper New York Bay that was formerly the principal immigration station for the United States from 1892 until 1954 Mandatory examination gateway for poor asylum seekers “The period is 1883 to 1925, it is one of the most breathtaking periods of immigration in the history of humankind And 24 million

Year 9 Sequence ‘Go to an American city’ Final task: e-mail

and go to the Immigration museum on Ellis Island Normal Entry Price: Adult: $13 00 Normal Entry Price: Child: $5 00 4ème Séquence « Go to an American city »


immigration law labour newcomer opportunity oppression smuggler poverty residence permit Green Card (US) work permit persecution prospect pioneer political refugee shelter wealth / affluence wish travail au noir travail ingrat travailleur sans papiers tyrannie ♦Adjectifs déraciné d’origine étrangère libre malheureux paisible pauvre

Space and exchanges - Paul K

immigration in the USA, especially with Ellis Island Understanding the reasons why America is seen as such an attractive country was very enriching too Seeing how diverse the American culture is made me realize that the USA really is a multi-cultural country Finally, what struck me the most was the testimonies of the many

Cahier des charges Séquence en anglais

découverte d’Ellis Island Lexique : voyages touristiques, repères historiques et géographiques, patrimoine historique et architectural Grammaire: expression de l’obligation au passé / superlatifs / past continuous Phonologie: intonation (expression de sentiments de la surprise)/

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