[PDF] Examples of Occupations - WSAC

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Alphabetical List of Occupations

Alphabetical List of Occupations for use with 2018 Occupational Statistics Estimates Title SOC Code 3D Animators 27-1014 4th Grade Math Teachers 25-2021 7th Grade Social Studies Teachers 25-2022 911 Operators 43-5031 Able Seamen 53-5011 Abstractors, Title 23-2093 Account Collectors 43-3011 Account Executives, Advertising 41-3011 Accountants 13-2011

Examples of Occupations - WSAC

Examples of Occupations Graduates of math and science programs take jobs in a wide array of related occupations The list below is designed to provide guidance in determining which occupations would meet the requirements for a “math and science occupation ” Some examples of job titles are provided However, the list below is not an exhaustive

Occupations - summary

occupations taken up by the more "common" people: Article clerks - thies were young men who had been apprenticed or "articled" to practicing lawyers, generally for a period of five years, so they could learn the profession Bouts were not articled to courtroom lawyers like barristers but rather to solicitors and other non-litigating practitioners


This category includes occupations concerned with preparing, transcribing, transferring, systematizing, and preserving both written and computerized communications and records; gathering and distributing information The duties in this category also include: operating office machines; storing, distributing, accounting for stores of

Occupations at the Twelfth Census

or more of these occupations, be careful to so state it; as florist, ntt1'Se1'Yman and seed-growe1· A void the confusion of the gardeii laborer, nursery laborer, etc , who hires out his services, with the proprietor gardener, florist, nurseryman, etc , who carries on the business himself or employs others to assist him

NAFTA Professional Job Series List

NAFTA Professional Job Series List PROFESSION MINIMUM EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS AND ALTERNATIVE CREDENTIALS Accountant Baccalaureate or Licenciatura Degree; or C P A, C A ,

Handbook of Occupational Groups and Families

in unskilled, semi-skilled, or skilled manual-labor occupations, and other employees including foremen and supervisors in positions having trade, craft, or laboring experience and knowledge as the paramount requirement ” Such positions are covered by the Federal Wage System

We can manage: employment trends for management occupations

occupations are projected to increase Source: U S Bureau of Labor Statistics Within operations specialties managers, 5 out of the 9 detailed occupations are projected for above-average growth and most of the projected growth comes from two detailed occupations: financial managers (15 5 percent)


OCCUPATIONS CODE TITLE 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS CHAPTER 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS Sec 1 001 PURPOSE OF CODE (a) This code is enacted as a part of the state's continuing statutory revision program, begun by the Texas Legislative Council in 1963 as directed by the legislature in the law codified as Section 323 007, Government Code The program

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