[PDF] you decide to use a well-known fairy tale - ANGLAIS Grenoble

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EVALUATION Oral en Interaction: The Job Interview Niveau A2+/B1

EVALUATION Oral en Interaction: The Job Interview Niveau A2+/B1 Criteria for evaluation Interviewer / recruiter Name : Interviewee / job applicant Name : Attitude: He/she speaks loud and clearly enough, without speaking too slowly or quickly He/she sounds natural He/she plays his/her role seriously

you decide to use a well-known fairy tale - ANGLAIS Grenoble

Oral fluency / 2 I experience some difficulties reading a text, I don’t speak very clearly, I hesitate a little and I don’t speak very loud 0 5 - 1 I feel rather at ease when it comes to reading, I speak quite clearly, I hesitate very little and I speak loudly enough 1 5 I am really comfortable reading out

Grille pour co-évaluer un exposé oral - Le Petit Journal

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Niveau A2 en Anglais pour le brevet : validé non validé

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Nom : Prénom : Classe Nom : Prénom : Sujet : LA QUALITE DE LA

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Guide pour l’évaluation des apprentissages linguistiques

suggérés par la grille du CECRL 2 Concepts et Types d’évaluation ( CECRL) Cette partie est directement inspirée du chapitre 9 du Cadre européen commun de référence (CECRL, Conseil de l’Europe, Strasbourg, 1991, pp 135 à 145) avec d’autres textes européens sur l’évaluation (Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing

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Elsa LEDESMA - FSTG - Lycée Jean Monnet - ANNEMASSE (74) Name and first name: ...................................................................... Class: ............................. Mark: / 15

Chapter Fairy tales

Chapter Fairy talesChapter Fairy talesChapter Fairy tales :::: FinalFinalFinalFinal tasktasktasktask, Part 1, Part 1, Part 1, Part 1: Writing Writing Writing Writing

You are a writer of children"s stories. You lack inspiration: you decide to use a well-known fairy tale and to rewrite it.

Vocabulary used

Vocabulary related to fairy tales I can use a simple vocabulary corresponding to the one we saw in class. I can use a wide-ranging and suitable vocabulary.

I can use a complex vocabulary, I can

use synonyms and look up for vocabulary.

Language accuracy

Place and use of adjectives

I can write short and basic sentences. My grammatical knowledge is somewhat limited. I have difficulties using my grammatical knowledge. I try to write elaborate sentences, I can take some risks. I can use my grammatical knowledge but I make a few mistakes. I can write elaborate and grammatically correct sentences. I can use my grammatical knowledge without difficulty.

Handling of the subject

Characteristics of a fairy tale I understand the bases of the fairy tale genre and am able to rewrite a fairy tale respecting a few of its characteristics. I globally understand the characteristics of the fairy tale genre and am able to rewrite a fairy tale respecting some of its characteristics. I fully understand the characteristics of the fairy tale genre and am able to rewrite a fairy tale respecting its characteristics.

Respect of instructions

Re-writing of a tale, number of words

I can rewrite a story of about 100 words. I can rewrite a story of about 150 words.

I can rewrite a story of 200 words or more.

Name and first name: ...................................................................... Class: ............................. Mark: / 5

Chapter Fairy tales

Chapter Fairy talesChapter Fairy talesChapter Fairy tales :::: Final taskFinal taskFinal taskFinal task, Part 2: Reading , Part 2: Reading , Part 2: Reading , Part 2: Reading Tell your story to a group of children.


Oral fluency

I experience some difficulties reading a text, I don"t speak very clearly, I hesitate a little and I don"t speak very loud. I feel rather at ease when it comes to reading, I speak quite clearly, I hesitate very little and I speak loudly enough.

I am really comfortable reading out, I

speak clearly and in such a way as to make everybody hear me.


Intonation I"m still a little hesitating when it comes to intonation. I try to respect the intonation, I make some mistakes.

I respect the intonation. When I make a mistake, I am able to correct myself. Elsa LEDESMA - FSTG - Lycée Jean Monnet - ANNEMASSE (74) Grilles professeur

Chapter Fairy tales

Chapter Fairy talesChapter Fairy talesChapter Fairy tales :::: Final taskFinal taskFinal taskFinal task, Part 1, Part 1, Part 1, Part 1: Writing Writing Writing Writing

You are a writer of children"s stories. You lack inspiration: you decide to use a well-known fairy tale and to rewrite it.

A2 A2+ B1 / B1+

Vocabulary used

Vocabulary related to fairy tales

/ 4 I can use a simple vocabulary corresponding to the one we saw in class. 1 - 2 I can use a wide-ranging and suitable vocabulary.

2.5 - 3.5 I can use a complex vocabulary, I can use synonyms and looked up for vocabulary. 4

Language accuracy

Place and use of adjectives

/ 4.5 I can write short and basic sentences. My grammatical knowledge is somewhat limited. I have difficulties using my grammatical knowledge. 1 - 2 I try to write elaborate sentences, I can take some risks. I can use my grammatical knowledge but I make a few mistakes. 2.5 - 3.5 I can write elaborate and grammatically correct sentences. I can use my grammatical knowledge without difficulty. 4 - 4.5 Handling of the subject Characteristics of a fairy tale / 5 I understand the bases of the fairy tale genre and am able to rewrite a fairy tale respecting a few of its characteristics. 1 - 2.5 I globally understand the characteristics of the fairy tale genre and am able to rewrite a fairy tale respecting some of its characteristics. 3 - 4 I fully understand the characteristics of the fairy tale genre and am able to rewrite a fairy tale respecting its characteristics. 4.5 - 5 Respect of instructions Re-writing of a tale, number of words / 1.5 I can rewrite a story of about 100 words.

0.5 I can rewrite a story of about 150 words.

1 I can rewrite a story of 200 words or more. 1.5

/ 15 3.5 - 6.5: A1+ 7 - 9: A2 9.5 - 12 : A2+ 12.5 - 14: B1

14.5 - 15: B1+ Final taskFinal taskFinal taskFinal task, Part 2: Reading , Part 2: Reading , Part 2: Reading , Part 2: Reading Tell your story to a group of children.

A2 A2+ B1 / B1+ Communication Oral fluency / 2 I experience some difficulties reading a text, I don"t speak very clearly, I hesitate a little and I don"t speak very loud. 0.5 - 1 I feel rather at ease when it comes to reading, I speak quite clearly, I hesitate very little and I speak loudly enough. 1.5

I am really comfortable reading out

loud, I speak clearly, confidently and in such a way as to make everybody hear me.

2 Phonology Intonation / 3 I"m still a little hesitating when it comes to intonation. 0.5 - 1 I try to respect the intonation, I make some mistakes. 1.5 - 2 I respect the intonation. When I make a mistake, I am able to correct myself. 2.5 - 3 / 5 0.5 - 1 : A1+ 1.5 - 2: A2 2.5 - 3.5 : A2+ 4 - 4.5: B1

4.5 - 5: B1+
