[PDF] First Fruits January 2021 - First United Methodist Church

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Dr Elly Karuhanga, Chairman, Private Sector Foundation Uganda Speke Resort, Munyonyo' are streaming live and I hope they are able to be with us online

Streaming Platforms - Accelerate Your Options Speakers Bios

Elly Vervloet International drama expert EBU/VRT, Belgium Elly Vervloet is the international drama expert of VRT, the Flemish public broadcaster (elgium) As part of VRTs drama strategy, it is the ambition to make high quality drama with international appeal and potential Therefore, Elly takes up the responsibility to find international financing

First Fruits January 2021 - First United Methodist Church

Jan 12, 2020 · helping contribute funds for the equipment upgrade for live streaming the services They will have a meeting to make a decision about that Membership – No report United Methodist Women – The IPad has been purchased & delivered to the church for the security system Elly will work to get it setup & working with the system

APNIC Update

Apr 10, 2014 · APNIC Update Elly Tawhai Senior Internet Resource Analyst/Liaison Officer, Pacific, APNIC Pita 18th AGM 10-04-2014

Elly Nesis Property Management

application Apartment in addition to customize it is elly nesis we place to live person Other people and found elly property management company and let you leave a higher placement in order to take a nice and tenants Determine which elly nesis company has frequent tenant and services and day care options to fix Open houses on the first to

From top left clockwise, City Librarian Marcellus Turner

Waldman for Seattle Reads and launched streaming music of live performances recorded at KEXP 90 3 FM radio – a frst for a public library To further our mission of supporting the love of reading, the Library installed a reading suggestion desk near the Fifth Avenue entrance of the Central Library

To Know Christ and Make Christ Known

New hurch Streaming Platform We have a new church streaming platform at www firstumcwellington online church This is a platform built specifi-cally for church services streaming Do check it out We are still stream-ing on Facebook and YouTube as well 2021 Wellington FUM Goals If something interests you or you have


July to November We’re looking at streaming a seder for Pesach, and we’re already beginning to look at scenarios for High Holidays We’re hoping for closer-to-normal services in the fall, and all of us recognize that the future new normal, when we can be together, once again, remains a moving target Possibilities for

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Our Mission

Knowing Christ,

Sharing His love,

Helping others to know Him.


Pastor Al Coffin



Youth Director:

Elly Stremsterfer



SPPR Co-Chairs: Kim Funkhouser

& Sylvia Richards

Facebook: Fairfield First United

Methodist Church





Weekly Radio Broadcast:

Sunday at 10:40 am,

1570 AM Ȯ KMCD

Prayer Link: Email or phone the

church office 641-472-4303, fumcfairfieldfirst@gmail.com

Office Hours:

Monday thru Thursday

1:00 p.m. Ȯ 4:00 p.m.

Sunday, January 17th

Drive-Thru 11:45 12:15 p.m.

If neither of these options

work for you and you would like to receive HOLY

COMMUNION, please call or

email the church office.

Thank you to all those committee members

who served this past year. Your time is appreciated!

The new committee members list is located

in this newsletter.

I press on to make [the goal] my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. 13 Beloved, I do not consider

that I have made it my own; but this one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what

lies ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus. (Philippians


of the year has shared. It seems that our national pastime of constant anxiety, and the reasons for that anxiety

make joy, while appropriate to the season, nearly impossible to feel. The loss of beloved friends, and of faith in

the future or just our ability to maintain a life that has always made sense to us leads some to fix their attention

behind us, seeking some way to explain what is happening according to all the rules we have learned over the

course of our lives.

sense of all the loose ends of the year gone by. Rather than focusing on what has passed, we have an

opportunity before us to face boldly into what lies ahead, to look toward the future, and a season of the church

to lead us through an ending, even as we focus on a new beginning.

We have the hope that Jesus brought to Israel over two thousand years ago. A hope brought to life by a

love of God and one another. We have the

joy of knowing that, regardless of the changes and painful memories behind us, the love of God and neighbor

are not at risk in the year before us. We have the peace of knowing that the strength of Christ is behind us and

before us, and the Body of Christ, the community of faith, shares the journey all around us. untraveled. Our limits are all behind us. Anything can happen as we step boldly forward! May God bless us all with the Happiest of New Years.

Pastor Al


with Elly

Sundays from 9:30 a.m. -10:00 a.m.

Meeting ID: 828 3836 6098

Passcode: Elly

Library Bookmark - January 2021

New books have been acquired to join their

compatriots on our shelves. You would enjoy there's someone in the office, ring the bell by the door. They can see you (!) and unlock the LEFT door for you. Head to both the coffee area AND the second floor library. You have troubles with stairs? No problem!! The elevator is back in working order and would welcome your taking a trip! At the end of January (for the month of February) you will find a display in the coffee area of ͞the most-read books" during the 2017-2020 calendar years. Won't that be fun͍͍

We have One book review this month (when you

finish a book, you too may leave a short review):

Strength to Love by Martin Luther King, Jr.

This is a ͞must read" for what is happening in our world today. The author speaks of ͞only through an inner spiritual transformation do we gain the strength to fight vigorously the world in a humble loǀing spirit." He also speaks to why hating your enemies won't work. Hate multiplies hate - taking you to an eǀen darker place. Jesus says, ͞Loǀe your enemies." Hate corrodes your personality and love is the only force to transform an enemy into a friend. I also like how King addresses fear. He states that there is no fear in love. King also speaks to his journey of nonviolence in the civil rights movement. Dr. King led the movement of racial desegregation in the U.S. He received the

Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 and was assassinated on

April 4, 1968. By Marj Evans

Library News - January 2021

As of December 31, 2020, the adult library user

reading the most books this year was Marge Marine. She checked out and read a total of 35 books. Way to go, Marge!! I know it is hard to get into the church building these days, however I can get materials to you . . . in several ways. If you find yourself Homebound and in need of reading material, please give me a call. As for our younger readers, there's a new plan for 2021 (Moms/Dads can read to their pre-schoolers; that counts!) I will be mailing a coloring page to everyone from preschool through fifth grade. (Elly will help me with names.) For every book read, part of the page should be colored. When the page is completed, bring it to the church office. Your child's name and the number of books read should be on the page. These pages will be displayed where Everyone can see and enjoy them! Once a page is filled, you will receive a new page. Parents, if you let me know when you are ready to bring in a completed page, I will mail you the next one. Thx!! When I work in the library, I watch an episode of Touched By An Angel. If you would like to join me, give me a call. I wouldn't mind company, but you cannot talk to me during the episode. I might get ͞crabby͊" ͦ books you might enjoy reading. Keeps our brains active!

Kathy Tollenaere (472-9479; leave a message)

First Fruits - January 2021

We may or may not be meeting on the second Tuesday of each month, at this point in time, but you are welcome

to continue working at home. Please let me know if you need yarn. We have plenty to spare! By the time you

read this, we will haǀe giǀen seǀeral afghans to both the Shelter in Iowa City and the Women's Crisis Center in

Ottumwa. Many thanks to each of you for your help and participation. And now we begin again! Administrative Council Minutes 7 P.M, December 1, 2020

Attendees: Pastor Al, Elly Stremsterfer, John Stever, Jim Flinspach, Sharon Flinspach, Pete Tollenaere, Kathy

Tollenaere, Joan Salts, Carrie Brownlee, Francis Horn, Kathy Horn, Megan Nelson, Dave Neff, Gloria Countryman,

Juliet Dodge, Joe Daughtery

The November 2020 meeting minutes were approved online. Pastor Al led the opening prayer. The loving

witness was giving by Carrie Brownlee who shared about the Thanksgiving meal and all the volunteers helping to

make the meal a success.

Committee Reports:

Christian Ed - There was no meeting. Elly has put together a video for each week of Advent. The Sunday school

kids drew pictures and one of them will narrate a portion of the story each week in the video.

Missions - There has been a change to the SEIDA Christmas donations this year. We will only be doing monetary

donations. They have asked any checks to be made payable to SEIDA Christmas Fund or SEIDA Utility Assistance

and mailed to the church by December 8th. Megan will make sure any checks received at the church are given to


for the Christmas eve service. Pastor Al added that the service will tell the story of the birth of Jesus, mostly from

the gospel of Luke. Volunteers are going to read and sing music. It should be polished and really nice. Pastor Al

is working to schedule people for the readings while Fred Hucke & Jim Edgeton are working to schedule singers

for the songs.

Permanent Endowment - They are waiting for year-end to see where the market finished to see about payouts.

There are a few more bills for boiler repairs that they are aware of. Please contact Pete if there are any other.

Memorials - There is approximately $9300 in the memorials checking account. They have been contacted about

helping contribute funds for the equipment upgrade for live streaming the services. They will have a meeting to

make a decision about that.

Membership - No report

United Methodist Women - The IPad has been purchased & delivered to the church for the security system. Elly

will work to get it setup & working with the system. We need to find a place to store the device where people

will have access to use it but is yet secure.

Library - Kathy T purchased some archival boxes to store some of the older material that we want to keep. She

also purchased a fireproof & waterproof safe

Finance - The church received $21,014.16 in donations in the month of November. The church is working to set

up online giving through PayPal. The finance committee with the help of Pastor Al will be sending out letters

thanking those congregants that returned pledge cards, and letting those that have not know it is not too late.

We have received $150,000 worth of pledges returned, compared to $180,000 at this time last year. We have

the new contract for TD&T for 2021. We are reviewing the contract before signing. The finance committee

backs the spending of the funds for upgrading the equipment for the live streaming. The paying of the remaining

apportionment payments will be discussed at the next committee meeting.

Trustees - The new equipment for living streaming has been approved by the committee. Work has already

began to get the new equipment installed. The boiler had to be repaired but there are still some thermostats

and radiators that need to be looked at. The elevator had a couple issues that were fixed. Carrie Brownlee

reported it worked find during the Thanksgiving meal. There was an issue with the water bill at the parsonage,

which was determined to be a problem with a water filtration system the tenant installed with authorization. The

tenant will be responsible for the bills. The projector has been received back from repair. Hopefully, it is fixed

this time. There is a spot on the sanctuary ceiling that will be repaired. Sharon stated there was still money

remaining from the insurance claim last winter. It was determined it will go towards remaining charges on the

doors that are still to be replaced that were damaged during the water leak. 1221
AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added benefit that AmazonSmile will donate

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your choice. To shop at AmazonSmile simply go to smile.amazon.com on your web browser. Then search for our church. Organization Name: Fairfield, First United Methodist


Please watch your email (check your

junk/spam folder), Facebook and listen to the radio for announcements regarding services!

Staff/Parish - We received a little over $800 in donations from the Thanksgiving meal. A small committee

consisting of Kathy Tollenaere, Pastor Al, and Carrie Brownlee was formed to determine what to do with the

money. The decision of the subcommittee is approved by the council. Nominations - The committee has not met. There are some positions on committees that are open, but committee is waiting until after the new year to fill them.

Staff Reports:

Elly - She has been busy with lots of things. Although things are quickly finished some have been taken time

to finish like contacting sick members. She is going to try to find other members to church to help. If you know

of an older member of the church, please check in on them. She is thinking of starting an ͞adopt-a-member"

program. She has assembled Advent folders for the youth, and contacting them about them. She will have a

higher ed meeting again after the first of the year. She has received a couple of scholarship applications which

she has forwarded to seniors Aiden Daughtery and Lauren Kramer.

Pastor Al - He has received the literature he will be using for confirmation class. He will work to get

distributed to the students. He and Megan Nelson visited The Well. He would like to have the organizer, Jason,

come and speak to Ad Council sometime about a possible partnership in 2021. Upcoming is the funeral of Art

Peck. On December 6, will be the baptism of Preston Joseph Lee Wagner. He has started a Advent devotional

which he is doing via Facebook Live daily. Covid numbers are on the rise, so please stay safe by washing your

hands and wearing a mask. He likes Elly's idea of reaching out to the elderly members. The next meeting was scheduled for January 5, 2021

Do you have contact information to

update or add? Contact our

Membership Secretary,

Staci Kraemer


Teresa Drobny 1/1

Theodore Durst 1/1

Amanda Rooney 1/4

Briana Steele 1/4

Charlotte Bissig 1/6

Nicole Garretson 1/6

Angeline Lamb 1/6

Jennifer Clements 1/7

Ann Gookin 1/7

Eric Kyle 1/7

Madeline Rooney 1/7

Harry Stever 1/7

Kay Unkrich 1/8

Tiffany Grove 1/9

Katherine Mueller 1/11

Nathan Hurley 1/12

Caytlyn Nystrom 1/12

Carla Bloomquist 1/13

Mary Grimes 1/14

Caleb Huff 1/14

Megan Higgins 1/15

Diane Hanson 1/17

Donald Schiedel 1/17

Myron Gookin 1/18

Jillian Phillips 1/18

Sheri Blough-Neff 1/19

Diane Johnson 1/19

Larry Unkrich 1/20

Roanld Brown 1/24

Brett Ferrel 1/24

Ryan Gaines 1/24

Aaron Kness 1/24

Randall Zehr 1/24

Martha Flinspach 1/25

Katrina Cecchini 1/27

Madison Kraemer 1/27

Eilene Swartz 1/27

Virginia Schiedel 1/28

Lois Billingsley 1/29

Blair Bowman 1/29

Brittan Bowman 1/29

James Small 1/29

Belind Wise 1/29

Esther Litton 1/30

Dena Morrissey 1/30



Robert & Patricia Centner January 17th

Charles & Roberta Boyd January 29th

Kent & Ronda Whitney January 29th

Fairfield First United Methodist

Church 2021 Leadership

**This document is always subject to change, pending Administrative Council approval.** [strive for balance in gender, ethnicity, age, and theological perspective]

AD COUNCIL-[Conference Required Members

are underlined]

Pastor Rev. Al Coffin


Administrative Council Chair Jim Flinspach


Lay Leader Gloria Countryman F,LD,SPRC

1st Lay Mem to Annual Conf. Wade


2nd Lay Member to Annual Conf.


SPPR Sylvia Richards and Kim Funkhouser

Trustees Joe Daugherty F,T

Finance Dave Neff

Treasurer Sharon Flinspach-F; (or Signer-Pete


Young Adult Representative _________

Youth Representative Sophie Stever

Administrative Council Secretary Alicia


Financial Secretary Melva Dahl F

Permanent Endowment Pete Tollenaere

Membership Secretary Staci Kraemer

Library & History Kathy Tollenaere

Mission Megan Nelson

Christian Education Elly Stremsterfer

Worship Joan Salts

Memorial ____________________

Member at Large Francis Horn

Higher Ed-Scholarship _______ from committee

Boy Scout Representative Jay Thompson

LD-Committee on Leadership Development

[Pastor-Al Coffin is Chair; Membership Sec, Lay

Leader; must be 9 members or fewer, young adult]

2021 Steve Swanson, Sheri Neff

2022 Phil Miller, Shirley Thompson

2023 Janet Miller, Stacie Hootman

S-SPPR Committee [5-9 members; 1 is young adult-

not same house; a Lay Leader is member and also a

Lay Member to Annual Conference]

2021 Marj Evans, Kim Funkhouser, ________

2022 _________, Keith Hyde, Sylvia Richards

2023 Aaron Kness, Cole Boatright, Luann Swanson

T-Trustees Committee

[Pastor is ex officio unless elected; members must be of legal age; 2/3 must be members; must be 3-9 members]

2021 Larry Miller, Chair Joe Daugherty, Rick


2022 Ken Angstead, Joe Stever, Kathy Horn

2023 Bob Keller

E-Christian Ed Committee

[Youth Director Elly Stremsterfer is Chair]

2021 Will Richards, Lisa Burkhalter

2022 Julie Rayburn, Gay Chapman

2023 Jen Stever, Amy Burkhart, Becky Thompson

W- Worship/Hospitality/Communion Committee

2021 Kathy Snow, Michelle Higgins, Staci

Daugherty, Rojean (Jean) Anderson

2022 Colleen Kimble, Martha Flinspach, Lauren

Kraemer, Missy Huff

2023 Joan Salts, Carrie Brownlee, Bonnie Banse

Mi- Mission Committee

2021 Amy Megrath, Chair-Megan Nelson

2022 Tanner McCreedy, Jerry Avise-Rouse

2023 Stacie Hootman, Katie Boatright, Joyce


L- Library Advisory Board

Chair Kathy Tollenaere, Jon Huff, Bonnie Banse,

Judy White, Colleen Kimble, Nancy Huff

F-Finance Committee

[also includes voting members from other committees: Pastor, Council Chair, SPPR Chair, AC

Lay Member, Trustee Rep, Lay Leader, Financial

Secretary, Treasurer]

2021 __________, _________, _________,

2022 Gary Roth, Sharyn Workman, Chair-Dave


2023 John Stever, Joy Messer, Janice Hyde

Me-Memorial Committee

2021 Patsy Angstead, Mary Grimes

2022-- Carol Hervey

2023 Barb McLarney, Lori Stever

P-Permanent Endowment & Investments


[9 members] [signers are Pete T., Janice H., &

Gloria C.]

2021 Dan Breen, Paul Gandy, Ben Huff, Pete


2022 Chuck Espy, Jon Funkhouser, [Dave Neff-

Fin Chair]

H-Higher Education and Scholarship Committee

[6 Members + Pastor, Lay Leader, & Council Chair ex officio]

2021 Cole Boatright, Luann Swanson

2022 Alex Gookin, Amy Burkhart

2023- Fred Hucke, Jim Edgeton

am forever trying to be an optimist. I tend to be the doom and gloom, worse-case scenario person and I have been working so hard on changing my ways. I mean, at 35 it is hard. HARD. I am trying though.

That counts, right?!?

A few years ago, I started reading a variety of personal development books. One of the first books I picked up had a lasting impact on me. It focused on gratitude. Gratitude defined is the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful. Now, this idea of gratitude can seem like it is no big deal and we do it all the time, but putting it into daily practice and being intentional about it can truly change your life. As we move into this brand new year, we have the opportunity, like we do with each new day, to set out with great intentions and goals. good things. I have made it a daily practice to practice gratitude, and it has taken effort. For me, I am a doer, shocking, I know. I need to do something to make it seem like it is working. Every day, for the last four years, I write down 5 things I am thankful for. Every single day. If I miss a day, I go back and write it down. each other, a newborn goat has a watery eye and I can't seem to find my favorite coffee mug. Other days, I wake up before my alarm feeling refreshed, there are no problems in the barn, I have a great run, my children are skipping down the road and I have time to read a book just for fun. Those days are few, far and in between. Today, I challenge you to start this practice. If finding 5 things seems too much to start with, just do 1. In each day, whether you do it first thing in the morning, or right before you go to sleep at night, write down what you are thankful/grateful for. Remember that it can be anything, not matter how big or small. My hope for you this year is to find joy in every day, no matter the size. ~Elly

Things I am

Thankful For:

1. _____________

2. _____________

3. _____________

4. _____________

5. _____________

My Top Books:

First United Methodist Church

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Fairfield, IA 52556

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