[PDF] Bachelor Management du Tourisme French Track 1st year

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TOURISME HOTELLERIE-MANAGEMENT TOURISTIQUE Author: ARISIS Created Date: 11/4/2019 10:33:39 AM Keywords ()

Bachelor Management du Tourisme French Track 1st year

Resort Management- Business Game Ang S2 2 ONLINE Droit du Travail, de la Concurrence et de la ConsommationFra S2 3 Sustainable Development and CSR in tourism Ang S2 3 Management de l'innovation touristique Fra S2 6 Intercultural communication for Tourism Ang S2 2 Community Management Fra S2 3 Fonction Conception d'animation sportive Fra S2 3


phases du projet touristique • Voyage visant la rencontre, l’échange, la découverte • Implication des populations locales dans les phases du projet touristique Tourisme alternatifTourisme alternatif • Connaissance des réalités locales, de la culture et modes de vie • Il s’inspire du commerce équitable

Part One The Meaning of Marketing in Travel and Tourism

is the principal management influence that can be brought to bear on the size and behaviour of this major global market Within the total market there are many submarkets or segments, and many products designed and provided by a wide range of organizations, which are categorized in Figure 1 1 Defined as a market, travel and


Ce guide sur les bonnes pratiques vise à fournir des outils aux parties prenantes pour faire du secteur touristique un secteur plus respectueux de la diversité biologique et plus juste socialement Il répond aux questions du lien entre développement touristique,

République de Madagascar: Etude du Secteur Tourisme

positives Primo: parce que le capital touristique est réparti dans toute l'île, le tourisme crée des poches de croissance économique dans des régions qui n'ont pas d'autres sources de revenus ou d'emplois Dans les régions reculées en particulier, le tourisme contribue à limiter la pauvreté en diversifiant les sources de revenus

1/ Présentation générale du secteur touristique

Le trafic touristique devrait tripler d’ici 2020 Certains pays en développement reconnaissent la contribution potentielle du secteur aux objectifs de développement national, et il est déjà un secteur important pour d’autres pays en développement et va le devenir pour ceux qui ont un potentiel à exploiter Il


un forfait touristique pour apporter une aide matérielle en cas d’accident (hospitalisation, rapatriement, dépannage de voiture par exemple) Si cette prestation n’est pas comprise dans le forfait, le voyageur peut souscrire une assurance-assistance auprès d’une compagnie privée attachant (adj ) : agréable, touchant,

Côte d’Ivoire Tourisme - Abidjannet

Côte d’Ivoire Tourisme Bilan des activités conduites entre 2013 et 2018 COTE D’IVOIRE TOURISME, OFFICE NATIONAL DU TOURISME – PLACE DE LA REPUBLIQUE IMMEUBLE Ex EECI – 01 BP 8538 ABIDJAN 01

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Customer service skillsAngS13

Marketing et vente en tourismeFraS13

Fondamentaux de la comptabilitéFraS13

Informatique de Gestion avec ExcelFraS13

Management de projet écotouristiqueFraS13

Economie du tourismeFraS13

Tourism and french gastronomyAngS15

Services Marketing in TourismAngS23

WordPress et community managementFraS23

Approche Géo-Sociale du tourismeFraS23

Fondamentaux des ressources humainesFraS23

Analyse financièreFraS23

Approche Géo-Sociale du tourismeFraS26

Design thinking and creativityAngS23

Coastal TourismAngS25

Global Code of EthicsAngS13

English for academic purposesLVS12

French language (3 different levels)LVS12

English for Contemporary IssuesLVS22

French language (3 different levels)LVS22


Customer service skillsAngS13

Marketing and Sales in tourismAngS13

Accounting FundamentalsAngS13

Business Analysis with ExcelAngS13

Economics of tourismAngS13

Project Management for responsible tourismAngS13

Tourism and french gastronomyAngS15

Services Marketing in TourismAngS23

WordPress and community managementAngS23

Fundamentals of Human Resources ManagementAngS23

Financial AnalysisAngS23

Geo-politics in tourismAngS23

Tourism and its organisationsAngS23

Design thinking and creativityAngS23

Coastal TourismAngS25

Global Code of EthicsAngS13

English for academic purposesLVS12

French language (3 different levels)LVS12

English for Contemporary IssuesLVS22

French language (3 different levels)LVS22

Orientation daysBeginning of

semesterEnd of semester

1st year of Bachelor Tourism Management 2/09 to 5/09/202007/09/202028/11/2020

Exams are included in the semester

Bachelor Management du Tourisme French Track 1st year


Note : The contents of this document are as far as possible up to date and accurate at the date of publication. Changes and restrictions are

made from time to time and the school reserves the right to add, to amend or withdraw courses and facilities, to restrict student numbers and

to make any other alterations as it may deem necessary.

Tourism Management English Track 1st year





Introduction to travel industryAng

Introduction to Hospitality industryAng

Introduction aux industries des Loisirs et du SportFra

Comportement du consommateur touristiqueFra3

Communication marketing en tourismeFra3

Fondamentaux du contrôle de gestionFra3

Community ManagementAng2

Digital communication and tools word pressAng2

Droit du tourismeFra3

Tourism and french gastronomy Ang6

Introduction to Human Development and Ethics Social


English for tourismLV1

French language (beginner/intermediate/advanced)LV2

Orientation Days02/09-509/2020

Beginning of semester10/09/2020

End of semester12/12/2020

Introduction to travel industryAng

Introduction to Hospitality industryAng

Introduction to leisure and sport industriesAng

Consumer Behaviour in TourismAng3

Marketing Communication in TourismAng3

Community ManagementAng2

Digital Community ManagementAng2

Fundamentals of Management ControlAng3

Tourism LawAng3

Coastal tourismAng6

Introduction to Human Development and Ethics Social


English for tourismLV1

French Language (beginner/intermediate/advanced)LV2

Orientation Days05/04/2021

Beginning of semester06/04/2021

End of semester26/06/2021Exams are included in the semester (Spring semester only)



Bachelor Tourism Management 2nd Year- French track


3Please choose 1

specialisation only Bachelor Tourism Management 2nd year English Track


(Fall semester only)



Note : The contents of this document are as far as possible up to date and accurate at the date of publication. Changes and restrictions are made

from time to time and the school reserves the right to add, to amend or withdraw courses and facilities, to restrict student numbers and to make any

other alterations as it may deem necessary.


3Please choose 1

specialisation only


Management d'un resort Business GameAngS12

Communication Marketing Relationnel intégréFraS13

Projet évenementiel appliquéFraS13

Marketing digital et tourismeFraS13

Projet Création d'entrepriseFraS1 et S23

Only for Full

year student/ seulement pour les étudiants à l'année

Tourism and french gastronomyAngS16

Yield Management & MarchéFraS13

Marketing stratégique en TourismeFraS13

Leadership et EntreprenariatFraS13

Gestion Comptable d'un Centre de ProfitFraS13

Conception de séjour sportifFraS13

Enjeux et organisation d'évènementsFraS13

Développer ses aptitudes professionnellesFraS1


Resort Management- Business GameAngS22ONLINE

Droit du Travail, de la Concurrence et de la ConsommationFraS23

Sustainable Development and CSR in tourismAngS23

Management de l'innovation touristiqueFraS26

Intercultural communication for Tourism Ang S22

Community ManagementFraS23Fonction

Conception d'animation sportiveFraS23

Droit du sportFraS23

Gestion d'un centre sportifFraS23

Conception d'animationFraS23


Scénographie et méthodologie de projetFraS23

French Language (3 different levels) FraS1 S22



Beginning of

semesterEnd of semester


Exams are included in the semester

Note : The contents of this document are as far as possible up to date and accurate at the date of publication. Changes and restrictions are made from time to

time and the school reserves the right to add, to amend or withdraw courses and facilities, to restrict student numbers and to make any other alterations as it

may deem necessary.


Please choose

only 1 specialization

Commun core




3rd year of Bachelor Tourism Management

Tourisme Sportif

option stratégie et entreprenariat

Please choose

only 1 option


Please choose

only 1 specialization

Bachelor Tourism Management 3rd Year

option marketing et e-tourisme



Commun core

Tourisme Sportif

Management d'un resort Business GameS12

Integrated Relational Marketing in TourismS13

Tourism Development: Principles, Processes and PoliciesS13

Digital marketing and tourismS13

Tourism and french gastronomyS16

Entrepreneurship project S1 et S23

Only for full

year student

Develop professional competenciesS1


Yield Management and marketS13

Strategic Marketing in TourismS13

Leadership and EntrepreneurshipS13

Accouting Management for Business UnitS13

Travel industryS13

Standards and certificationsS13

Management d'un resort Business GameS22Commum core (ONLINE)

Human Resources ManagementS23Commum core

Community managementS23Fonction

Sustainable Development and CSR in tourismS23Commum core

Innovation Management and tourismS26Commun core


Destination management and creativ tourismS23

Negociation and purchasing in TourismS23


Standards and certificationsS23

Hotel MarketingS23

Intercultural communication for Tourism S22

FLE - French language (3 different levels) S1 et S22

Orientation daysBeginning of

semesterEnd of semester

3rd year of Bachelor Tourism Management02/09-05/09/202014/09/202019/12/2020

Exams are included in the semester



Note : The contents of this document are as far as possible up to date and accurate at the date of publication. Changes and

restrictions are made from time to time and the school reserves the right to add, to amend or withdraw courses and facilities, to

restrict student numbers and to make any other alterations as it may deem necessary.


Bachelor Tourism Management 3rd year

option strategy and entrepreneurship



option marketing and e- tourisme




Commum core




choose only

1 option


Integrated Relational Marketing in Tourism31

Tourism Development: Principles, Processes and Policies31

Digital marketing and tourism31

Travel industry32Travel course

Yield Management and market31

Strategic Marketing in Tourism31

Leadership and Entrepreneurship31

Accouting Management for Business Unit31

Human Resources Management32

Sustainable Development and CSR in tourism32

Innovation Management32Fonction strategy

Community Management32Fonction Marketing


Destination management and creativ tourism32

Negociation and purchasing in Tourism32

Develop professional competencies1P/F


Global code of ethicsP/F2Grade

Accesible TourismP/F1Grade

Intercultural communication for Tourism22

Citizenship and solidarity mission21

Operational management internship report82

EDP : Grand Oral22

Business Game21

Enterpreneurship project21 ET 2

FLE débutant 1 ET 2

FLE intermédiaire 1 ET 2

FLE avancé 1 ET 2

Total ECTS credits60 ECTS credits

Double Degree

Note : The contents of this document are as far as possible up to date and accurate at the date of publication. Changes and

restrictions are made from time to time and the school reserves the right to add, to amend or withdraw courses and facilities, to

restrict student numbers and to make any other alterations as it may deem necessary.

Commun core

option fonction


4 2


only 1 optionoption fonction strategy

Bachelor Tourism & Travel 3rd year- 2020/2021

Commun core

Travel course


Integrated Relational Marketing in Tourism31

Tourism Development: Principles, Processes and Policies31

Digital marketing and tourism31

Standards and certifications31Hospitality courses

Yield Management and Market31

Strategic Marketing in Tourism31

Leadership and Entrepreneurship31

Accouting Management for Business Unit31

Human Resources Management32

Sustainable Development and CSR in tourism32

Innovation Management32Fonction strategy

Community Management32Focntion Marketing

Food and beverage32


Hotel Marketing and distribution32

Develop professional competencies1P/F


Global code of ethicsP/F2Grade

Accesible TourismP/F1Grade

Intercultural communication for Tourism22

Citizenship and solidarity mission21

Operational management internship report82

EDP : Grand Oral22

Business Game21

Enterpreneurship project21 ET 2

FLE débutant1 ET 2

FLE intermédiaire1 ET 2

FLE avancé1 ET 2

Total ECTS credits

Note : The contents of this document are as far as possible up to date and accurate at the date of publication. Changes and

restrictions are made from time to time and the school reserves the right to add, to amend or withdraw courses and facilities, to

restrict student numbers and to make any other alterations as it may deem necessary. 2 4

60 ECTS credits

Commun core

option fonction



only 1 option option fonction strategy

Commun core

Hospitality courses

Bachelor Tourism & Hospitality 3rd year - 2020/2021

Double Degree


Communication Marketing Relationnel intégré31

Marketing digital et tourisme31

Projet événementiel appliqué31

Yield Management & Marché31

Marketing stratégique en Tourisme31

Community Management31

Gestion Comptable d'un Centre de Profit31

Entrepreneuriat et procesus de création31

Droit du Travail, de la Concurrence et de la Consommation32

Sustainable Development and CSR in tourism32

Conception d'animation32

Enjeux et Organisation d'évènements32


Scénographie et méthodologie de projet31

Développer ses aptitudes professionnelles1


Accesible TourismP/F1NOTE

Global code of ethicsP/F2NOTE

Intercultural communication for Tourism22

Mission citoyenne et solidaire22

Rapport de Stage management opérationnel82

EDP : Grand Oral22

Business Game21

Projet crĠation d'entreprise (FT)21 ET 2

Français débutant 1 ET 2

Français Intermédiaire 1 ET 2

Français avancé 1 ET 2

Total ECTS credits

Note : The contents of this document are as far as possible up to date and accurate at the date of publication. Changes and restrictions
