[PDF] La méiose est le mécanisme à l’origine de la formation de

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The Cell Cycle Objective &# 1

Anaphase: ¾centromeres split so that each duplicated chromosome becomes 2 identical, unduplicated chromosomes ¾kinetochore microtubules shorten, pulling identical chromosomes to opposite poles ¾polar microtubules elongate preparing cell for cytokinesis 56 Objective 8, Mitosis in a Diploid Cell (2N=6) Anaphase Kinetochore Microtubule Polar

In this topic we will examine a second List, describe

Anaphase I: ¾spindle microtubules contract, pulling the 2 members of each homologous pair to opposite poles of the cell ¾when the spindle fibers have fully contracted, each pole has one complete set of duplicated chromosomes: 14 Objective 1, Stages of Meiosis (2N=6) Anaphase I 15 Objective 1, Stages of Meiosis Telophase I:

Meiosis & Sexual Reproduction

2n = 6 double stranded 2n = 6 single stranded Preparing for meiosis –anaphase 1 –telophase 1 •Meiosis 2 –prophase 2 separates –metaphase 2

05 mm Parent Bud (a) Hydra (b) Redwoods 1

Two, each including prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase Occurs during prophase I along with crossing over between nonsister chromatids; resulting chiasmata hold pairs together due to sister chromatid cohesion Four, each haploid (n), containing half as many chromosomes as the parent cell; genetically different from the parent


Prophase/Metaphase/Anaphase/ Telophase I and II, Synapsis, Crossing over, Independent assortment Not testable •Karyotype, Allele •Triploid, Tetraploid (Iwould tell you if it was 3n, 4n, etc) 29

Ch 12 The Cell Cycle

3)The chromosome begins M phase looking as shown When does it split? a) prophase b) prometaphase c) metaphase d) anaphase e) telophase

Prophase - الموقع الأول للدراسة في

MEIOSE AU COURS D’UNE GAMETOGENESE ( exemple où 2n = 6 ) Prophase Métaphase Anaphase Télophase Première division : la division réductionnelle 1 Cellule 2 cellules diploïde haploïdes 2n = 6 n = 3

BIO 181 Laboratory Exercise Mitosis and Meiosis

19 Now, simulate the events of anaphase in both mitotic and meiotic cells by moving the chromosomes as they would in reality Note: You will have to cut the chromosomes lengthwise to represent breaking the sister chromatids apart at the start of anaphase 20 Take pictures of both cells in the middle of anaphase and upload the images in Canvas 21

La méiose est le mécanisme à l’origine de la formation de

successives : la prophase, la métaphase, l’anaphase et la télophase La méiose assure le passage de la phase diploïde à la phase haploïde Elle suit une phase de réplication de la molécule d’ADN Suite aux deux divisions successives qui la composent, chaque cellule fille contient un lot haploïde de chromosomes

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