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1 The Chanson de Roland JANE GILBERT 21 2 The Old French Vulgate cycle PEGGY MC CRACKEN 35 3 Le Roman de la rose NOAH D GUYNN 48 4 The Testament of Franc¸ois Villon ADRIAN ARMSTRONG 63 PART II WHAT IS A MEDIEVAL FRENCH AUTHOR? 77 5 Chre´tien de Troyes MATILDA TOMARYN BRUCKNER 79 6 The Chaˆtelain de Couci SIMON GAUNT 95 v


The Chanson de Roland exists in ten French versions Following nineteenth-century textual emendation praxis, most modern editions are based on Oxford Bodelian Digby 23 The Franco-Italian version of the Chanson de Roland (Biblioteca Marciana IV [=225]), or Venice 4, has received little critical and editorial attention I problematize the

Greenberg Revisited: Diachronic development of article

The present paper will argue that Greenberg’s cycle of article development can only be appropriately Le Chanson de Roland (12 th c CE); OHG – excerpts from

The Texts—An Overview

The chansons de geste played a significant role in the elaboration of the me - dieval Charlemagne legend The point of departure for the Charlemagne cycle is the Chanson de Roland, which dates from the late eleventh or early twelfth century and is one of the oldest specimens of Old French epic po-etry

The Spirit of the Sword and Spear - Cambridge University Press

Chanson de Roland (171, 2300 to 173, 2344: Roland’s sword Durendal could not be broken), and in the Arthurian cycles Thomas Malory’s Morte d’Arthur, which was written about 1470 (Vinaver 1971, vi), nar-rates the story of King Arthur’s special sword named Excalibur, which was given to him by the Lady of the Lake (Book 1, 25)

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6 La Chanson de Roland: Handwritten tradition; The Carolingian cycle; The epic and history 7 The cyclic configuration: The main French epic cycles; Thematic and Formal evolution of the French epic and the European epic; Cycle de Guillaume (Chançun de Guilelme); The cycle of the rebellious Barons (The Raoul of Cambrai) 8

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Medieval Romance Epic


Objectives and Contextualisation


Learning Outcomes


Sainte FeSaint Alexis


La Chanson de Roland

Chançun de Guilelme




Assessment Activities


Essor et fortune de la chanson de geste dans l'Europe et l'Orient latin

Les épopées romanes

A History of European Literature: The West and the World from Antiquity to the Present.

A guide to Studies on the Chanson de Roland,


Les Chansons de geste du cycle de Guillaume

Archéologie de l'epopée médiévale

Pages épiques du Moyen Age français. Le Cycle du Roi, Épica feudale e pubblico borghese. Per la storia di Carlomagno in Italia Épica feudale e pubblico borghese. Per la storia di Carlomagno in Italia

La Geste de Roland,

Cahiers de Saint Michel de Cuxa


La "Chanson de Roland" y el neotradicionalismo

L'Epopée, Typologies des Sources de Moyen Âge


Épica medieval francesa

Los cantares de gesta franceses

Le Roman jusqu'a la fin du XIII siècleGRLMA

La chanson de geste. Essai sur l'art épique des jongleurs

Lectura de la Chanson de Roland
