[PDF] Strong and Smart: Reinforcing Aboriginal perceptions of being

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Strong and Smart: Reinforcing Aboriginal perceptions of being

explication The complete thesis is designed to examine the more positive Aboriginal perceptions of ‘being Aboriginal’ and the impact of reinforcing this in an Aboriginal school setting During this introduction I will outline some very personal reasons for pursuing this particular line of research


Her explication conflates Aboriginality with personal identity, which she describes as a “sense of deep, proud cultural identity” for Aboriginal people, which is lived and expressed every day through humour, language, art, values and beliefs, and family and community relationships

Urban Aboriginal health: Examining inequalities between

ties in mortality and morbidity between Aborig-inal and non-Aboriginal populations in Canada, what we know about the health status of the Aboriginal population is mainly limited to Reg-istered Indians living on reserves (see, for ex-ample, Barton et al 2005; Martens et al 2005) 2 Thus, little is known about the health of other

What does Jukurrpa (‘Dreamtime’, ‘the Dreaming’) mean? A

NSM explication, especially for a very complex concept, involves a protracted struggle to find ways of formulating ideas in the small vocabulary of the simple translatable metalanguage Though it is difficult to explain, there is a certain disci-pline in this process that ‘forces’ the analysts to

context Aboriginal early childhood education in Canada: Issues of

also needs explication Statistics Canada (2007) stipulates, ‘There is no single or ‘‘correct’’ defini - tion of Aboriginal populations The choice of a definition depends on the purpose for which the information is being used’ (¶ 20) In particular, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada 4 (INAC)

Health Sciences Research and Aboriginal Communities: Pathway

The emerging explication of indigenous paradigms by indigenous scholarsll-15,18,21 provides researchers with a set of Further, in Aborig­

Repainting of images on rock in Australia and the maintenance

significance, along with an explication and further discussion of implications Introduction This paper has grown out of public and private discussions at the First AURA (Australian Rock Art Research Association) Congress held in Darwin (NT), Australia, in August 1988 DM is a traditional Aboriginal ‘lawman’ concerned to

The Cree Medicine Wheel as an Organizing Paradigm of Theories

gon and Mawhiney (1996) for additional explication of the concepts used here ) This is followed by a discussion of several contemporary approach-es to individual human development contextualized by the Cree Medicine Wheel teachings Concepts of human development arising from the Eurocentric para-

Regroupement 1 : Les Premiers peuples

manières », pour découvrir une explication de l'utilisation du terme « sauvage » Les Premiers peuples de la région du Nord du Canada sont les Inuit au pluriel (Inuk au singulier) dans la langue inuktitut Le nom Esquimaux, donné aux Inuit par les premiers explorateurs européens, n'est plus utilisé au Canada

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