[PDF] NOTES Information And Communication Technology (ICT)

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Information Communication Technology (ICT) is a term that describes types of technology that are used specifically for communications It is like Information Technology, but ICT focuses more on technologies that deal with communication, like cell phones, the Internet and wireless networks, things (Young, 2012)

Introduction to Information and Communication Technology in

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a major challenge to our educational system This book is designed for use by PreK-12 preservice and inservice teachers, and by teachers of these teachers It provides a brief overview of some of the key topics in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education

ERM Component: Information and Communication

The fourth component of the framework is Information and Communication Information and Communication is vital for an entity to achieve its obj ectives Entity management needs access to relevant and reliable information related to internal as well as external events Information and Communication has three principles, and to help mana gement

2 Information and Communications Technology (ICT)

through information or communication programs using a range of ICTs 4 Reduce child mortality 5 Improve maternal health 6 Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases Reduce infant and child mortality rates by two-thirds between 1990 and 2015 Reduce maternal mortality rates by three-quarters between 1990 and 2015 Provide access to all who need

Information, Communication & Society CRITICAL QUESTIONS FOR

Information, Communication & Society Vol 15, No 5, June 2012, pp 662–679 ISSN 1369-118X print/ISSN 1468-4462 online # 2012 Microsoft

Information and communication technologies for development

2 Information and communication technologies for development 2 New ways of using IT technologies and communication systems are transforming lives across the world There had been concerns that the digital divide was accelerating the global class structure, creating wider gaps between the haves and have-nots If this was the case 10 years ago,

NOTES Information Communication Technology (ICT)

Information can be easily accessed 6 Features of table, query, form and report Table – stores a collection of information about specific topic Query –request for a specific data from a database Software and Data Security Form – interface to enter information Report – summary of information from the database 5 10 Cyber law acts in

NOTES Information And Communication Technology (ICT)

Faster communication speed Lower communication cost Reliable mode of communication Effective sharing of information Paperless environment orderless communication 6 Negative impact of IT on the 2 negative impacts : Social problems Health problems 7 Definitions omputer Ethics omputer ethics is a system of moral standards or values used as a

Communication: The Process, Barriers, And Improving Effectiveness

Communication is the process of transmitting information and common understanding from one person to another In this article, I discuss the communication process, barriers to communication, and improving communication effectiveness _____ The study of communication is important, because every administrative function

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Chapter 1 : ICT and Society

Chapter 2 : Computer Systems

Chapter 3 : Computer Networks and Communications

Chapter 4 : Multimedia

Chapter 5 : Programming

Chapter 6 : Information Systems

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2. ICT In Eǀeryday

Life Teachers use computers to research for teaching materials, forums and conferences. Students use the computers as a reference tool to look for infor- by banks. Workers use machines that are connected to computers to operate. gerous to the workers. Customers use computers to be connected online with suppliers to purchase products. Architecture, Arts, Career, Goǀernment, Healthcare, Home, Law En-

3. Diīerences

between com- puterized and non- computerized systems

Banking was done manually

by taking deposits directly during working hours eǀerything was done manually and totally depended on hu- man labour.

Trading was made using the

barter system and it was then later deǀeloped into currency. of word of mouth, billboards and printed Ňyers.

Trading globally was edžtremely

slow, late and edžpensiǀe. Trad- ers had to Įnd ways to market local products in the global market. computers

Online serǀices, phone bank-

ing system, credit cards are aǀailable

Computers and telecommuni-

popular and proĮtable since

E-commerce plays an im-

portant role in the economic buying, selling and serǀicing products that are done elec- tronically.

4. Computer

Huge, slow, edžpensiǀe, unreliable

Presper Eckert Θ William Maunchly built ENIAC (ǀacuum tube) Uses transistors which were smaller than ǀacuum tubes, generate less heat, faster Θ more reliable

IBM 370 series - 1964.

CDC 7600 and B2500

Integrated circuit begins

Use silicon chips -reliable, compact, cheaper

Hardware and soŌware sold separately

First 256 bit RAM were introduced and was the basis for deǀelopment of 1K bit RAM computer), Bill Gates, Michael Dell Silicone chips, microprocessor, storage deǀices were inǀented

Gain in speed, reliability and storage capacity

Personal and soŌware industry bloomed

New hardware technology was introduce͗ Silicone chips, Pro-

Programs which translate languages

used for Įltering records from a database table. used for Įnding record from a database table.

8. Phases of



Deǀelopers will perform problem analysis by Įnding out the needs of target users. system. Based on the needs of target users, the system deǀelopers will design Deǀelopers create database using database soŌware. there is any error detected; the system deǀelopers will Įdž the error. Deǀelopers will produce the documents for the program changes when needed.

7. BeneĮts of

using database data. network.

8. Field, record

and Įle are usually shown in columns and it has its own Įeld name at the top. table. Records are arranged in rows. ŝůĞ- a set of data arranged in columns and rows. They are grouped together for a speciĮc purpose.

9. Primary key and

foreign key ble. It may haǀe duplicate ǀalues.

10. Basic

used for changing data in a database Table. used for adding records to a database Table. used for remoǀing records from a database Table. used for retrieǀing records from a database Table. of ICT on the society

Paperless enǀironment

of ICT on the society

Social problems

Health problems

Computer ethics is a system of moral standards or ǀalues used as a guideline for computer users. Intellectual Property refers to works created by inǀentors, authors them.

8. Diīerences

between ethics and law

9. Why ethics and

law in needed͍ inǀading other's priǀacy without permission

10. Intellectual


images (represent products, goods or serǀices) sounds recording and road casts

As a guideline to computer


As a rule to control computer


Ethical behaǀiour is judged by

moral standards.

Law is judged by judicial


Computer users are free to

follow or ignore the code of ethics.

Computer users must follow

No punishment for anyone

who ǀiolates ethics. other punishments for those who break the law.

Uniǀersal, can be applied any-

where, all oǀer the world.

Depends on country and state

To produce ethical computer


To preǀent misuse of comput-


Not honouring computer eth-

ics means ignoring the moral elements (immoral).

Not honouring the law means

plan strategies. It is also used to forecast future trends. the user.

5. Hierarchy of

Data and 0). unit of data consist of one or more characters. Edžample͗ Įeld that de-

΀Name, StudentID, Age΁

from a database. useful.

2. Usage of

systems - Help students and teachers in online learning and discussion - Store subject content -for Online Learning Portal. - Carry out online buying and selling - Help plan the deliǀery of goods and serǀices - Make room bookings and for checking the best rates - See employee records. - Analyse product, serǀices and product prices track of product inǀentory.

3. Component of


Įgure or sound

keyboard and etc. edžpected outcome.

11. Controǀersial

content behaǀior and is intended to cause sedžual edžcitement

12. Eīects of

controǀersial contents on society children - can deǀelop low moral ǀalue towards other men, women or children - can erode good religious, cultural and social beliefs and behaǀiour - can deǀelop into a society that disregards honesty and truth - can deǀelop bad habit of spreading untruths and rumours - can lead to unnecessary argument person

13. Internet


As the page is downloading, the Įlter searches for any of these words. If found, it will block the page completely, stop download- ing the page, block the banned words and eǀen shut down the browser. preǀents access to any sites on this list, proǀides control oǀer and word blocking. Web sites are rated in terms of nudity, sedž, ǀiolence and lan- independent bureau. Browsers set to only accept pages with

14 Methods of

into digital code

Hand geometry scanning

Iris scanning (the area near to the coloured area of the pupil)

When booking the tadži serǀice


Methods of

- the act of proǀing or disproǀing the correctness of a system with

2 common methods͗

-show passport, key-in user name Θ password, show edžam slip swipe security card to enter building, police check the driǀer's gramming language. - uses a program deǀelopment tool which generates or proǀides some or all codes. and wrong words in command. set of data. code of computer programs.

6. Control


control chart usually will return the part of the decision to repeat the

7. Program

deǀelopment phase - reǀiews and deĮnes the problems - generates a top-down design model - writes the pseudo code for the program based on the top-down design model - draws the Ňow chart that shows the data Ňow of the program

Inputͬoutput Process



16. Cyber law acts

in Malaysia especially on the internet all oǀer Malaysia 17.



(mainly monetarily basis) copyright material by black market group 18.



of data Įles other programs by modifying them occurs to access the program with priǀileges through a network system that they can be recoǀered in case of an emergency puter memory, storage or incoming email Įles. security policies.


Value is not changeable during

the course of the program. during the course of the program

Use constant when want to de-

clare something that won't be changed midway in your pro-

Use ǀariable to store data that

may or will change during the running of the program

Įle, it runs faster than interpreter

Edžample͗ COBOL, FORTRAN, C, Cнн

Edžample͗ BASIC, Logo and Smalltalk

machine language. Edžample͗ MACRO-80 Assembler and MicrosoŌ MASM

4. Basic

element program gram

Uses a top down design model Uses object

Programmer diǀides

programming problem into module

Programmer packages the data


Translate programming state-

ment line by line and edžecute it immediately

No object code is saǀed

interpreter code run slower statement and edžecute it later

Store machine language as ob-

ject code on the disk

Compiled code run faster

computer system. work with control to stranger.

21. Security


Backup Įles

Detect ǀirus and do cleanup

rather than at socket leǀel. thousands of strategic system Įles.

1. Computer


2. Computer


computer. edžternal to the system.

Ňoppy Disk, RAM, ROM.

3. Computer


Sun StarOĸce Writer

Sun StarOĸce Calc

Sun StarOĸce Impress

Macromedia Freehand, GIMP




Input Process Output


1. Program and





puter in carrying out a task.

Programming Language

cate with computers. of programming language Edžample͗ PASCAL, FORTRAN, BASIC, COBOL, C, Cнн

Edžample ͗ SYL, NOMAD and FOCUS

graphics interface, allows people to interact with computers without needing any specialised knowledge

Edžample͗ Prolog and Mercury

2. Programming


Edžample ͗ Ada, Pascal and Fortran

Edžample͗ Smalltalk, Jaǀa, Visual Basic, Cнн using suitable soŌware

9. Screen Design


computer screen. the concept of grouping a similar or related element

Analysis Problem Statement Θ proposal

Design Flow chart Θ storyboard

Publishing CD

5. Machine cycle


6. Data

Pronounced as ASK-KEY

Most widely used coding system to represent data

Used mostly in PC and midrange serǀer.

Uses 7 out of 8 bits in the character.

(Edžtended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code)

Pronounced as EB-SEE-DIC

Primarily used in mainframe computers and high-end serǀer Support all the world language including Asian Language

Edžample͗ Chinese, Japanese, Korean

Uses 16 bits instead of the usual 8 bit per character

10. Diīerence

between RAM and ROM Fetch Store



Stores during and

aŌer processing

Stored by manufactur-

er temporarily nently

Very fast, but uses a

lot of power power

11. Component of

motherboard computer. It haǀe 2 subcomponent that is Control Unit (CU) and card can be inserted into the motherboard. computer's motherboard. peripheral deǀices into which a USB cable is plugged in. Can connect up to 127 diīerent peripherals together with a single connector. faster data transmission speeds. Can daisy-chain connect up to

63 deǀices to one FireWire port.

12. Diīerence

between primary storage and secondary



soŌware Mobility Fidž in the computer Transferable between computer

Capacity Limited capacity Unlimited

Edžamples ROM, RAM Floppy disk, hard disk ,

thumb driǀe, DVD

Price edžpensiǀe cheap

Accessibility Easy , fast, direct Need to be connected to the computer screens learning make system easy to understand team DeĮne the scope of the project and discuss with the client Deǀelop the graphic elements of the program such as back- Write the program code lines or scripts using the authoring tool


write the problem statement and a proposal. displayed in web browser.

More user friendly

No junk HTML

No HTML knowledge needed

Easy to insert a speciĮc tag

Easy to ǀisualize the design

E.g.͗ MicrosoŌ FrontPage, Macromedia Dreamweaǀer An editor where you work with HTML tags to create a web page.

Less user friendly

No junk HTML

Diĸcult to insert a speciĮc tag

Cannot ǀisualize the design

E.g.͗ Notepad, PSPad

6. User Interface


User interface is a way a computer program communicates with the person who is using it. all screen in a soŌware program.

Less user friendly More user friendly

No junk HTML Has junk HTML

Diĸcult to insert a speciĮc tag Easy to insert a speciĮc tag Cannot ǀisualize the design Easy to ǀisualize the design system proǀides menus as means of entering commands. proǀides interface by means of clicking icon that represent computer resources.

16. Type of applica-

ate, edit, format and print tedžtual document.


or storage media or in incoming Įles. lems. to Įles and disk management. sary data from storage. It helps to reduce the size of the Įle.quotesdbs_dbs12.pdfusesText_18