[PDF] Section 1 - Business Communication

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Communication Option Information - Stewart Signs

information about the benefits for each application to help you, our customers find a method that is suited to your needs Communication Type Wired Communication Options 330 ft 1,000 MB/s 900 ft 500 MB/s Ethernet Ethernet Extender Range Speed Table #3 1 Wireless Communication Options Range Speed Short Range Wireless 1,500 ft 100 MB/s

Communication Option Information - Stewart Signs Wholesale

Communication Option Information This information applies LED portion of your Aurora or Polaris sign Chapter 3 Rev1802

Decision Guide to Communication Choices

enough information and you feel ready to choose Learn all you can about the different communication options You can get information from organizations that support children with hearing loss You may also want to talk to professionals, other parents of children with hearing loss, and adults who have grown up with hearing loss


Discussing communication in terms of sender-receiver implies one-way communication However, human communication often is a two-way process in which each party shares sending and receiving responsibilities As the quantity of people taking part in a communication increases, the potential for errors in encoding and decoding increases,

Section 1 - Business Communication

A) Horizontal communication B) Internal communication C) External communication D) Vertical communication 13) Choose the most appropriate option for each of the following question: “To cool one’s heels” means: A) To kick someone with the heels B) To Close the Chapter C) To wait and rest for some time D) To walk on the heels

Executive Summary of the December 2020 Debt Collection Rule

4 The Rule also allows the debt collector the option to provide the validati on information orally during the initial communication However, the Bureau notes that it might be difficult for a debt collector to convey all of the required information orally and in a way that meets the requirements of the regulation

Programme Pédagogique National du DUT Information - communication

7 1- Option Communication des Organisations 20 7 2- Option Gestion de l’Information et du Document dans les Organisations 22 7 3- Option Journalisme 24 7 4- Option Métiers du Livre et du Patrimoine 26 7 5- Option Publicité 28 Annexe 1 30 Objectifs et compétences pour chaque module

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Section 1 - Business Communication

1) Read the jumbled passage carefully and then pick the

option in which the best sequence is shown i) Converting money into several currencies in the course of one trip can also be quite expensive, given that banks and bureaux de change charge commission on the transaction. ii) Trying to work out the value of the various notes and coins can be quite a strain, particularly if you are visiting more than one country. iii) Travel can be very exciting, but it can also be rather complicated. iv) One of these complications is, undoubtedly, foreign currency.

The best sequence is:

A) ii.i.iii,iv

B) iv,i,iii,ii

C) iii,iv,ii,i

D) iv,iii,ii,i

2) Fill up the blanks by choosing the most appropriate

option: Some people believe that in emotional maturity men are

A) to

B) from

C) than

D) against

3) Communication being particular and clear rather than

fuzzy and general implies which Principle of


A) Principle of Conciseness

B) Principle of Concreteness

C) Principle of Courtesy

D) Principle of Clarity

4) Fill up the blanks by choosing the most appropriate

option Drinking country liquor at marriage is a custom tribes.

A) among

B) between

C) in

D) with

5) Find out the appropriate meaning of the given word

from the choices given below it:


A) To hide

B) To Lie

C) To confess

D) To deny

6) Fill up the blanks by choosing the most appropriate


A) that

B) which

C) to what

D) what

No. of Questions: 35

Duration in Minutes: 120

7) Read the jumbled passage carefully and then pick the

option in which the best sequence is shown i) This clearly indicates that the brains of men and women are organized differently in the way they process speech. ii) Difference in the way men and women process language is of specially interest to brain researchers. iii) However, women are more likely than men to suffer aphasia when the front part of the brain is damaged. iv) It has been known that aphasia-a kind of speech disorder- is more common in men than in women when the left side of the brain is damaged in an accident or after a stroke.

The best sequence is:

A) ii,iv,iii,i

B) iv,i,iii,ii

C) ii,i,iii,iv

D) iv,iii,ii,i

8) Find out the appropriate meaning of the given word

from the choices given below it:


A) Tranquility

B) Opposition

C) Understanding

D) Ire

9) Choose the most appropriate option for each of the

following question:

A) bad intention

B) generous

C) genuine

D) trustworthy

10) The purpose of MIS is to:

A) To reduce management clashes

B) To help in recruitment

C) To allocate different type of resources to different functional areas

D) To increase labour output

11) Choose the most appropriate option for each of the

following question:

A) To behave like a rat

B) To trust blindly

C) To suspect a trick

D) To detect a foul smell

12) Price-lists, Manuals, Purchase Orders are examples


A) Horizontal communication

B) Internal communication

C) External communication

D) Vertical communication

13) Choose the most appropriate option for each of the

following question:

A) To kick someone with the heels

B) To Close the Chapter

C) To wait and rest for some time

D) To walk on the heels

14) Choose the correct spellings in options given below

A) Adherense

B) Adherance

C) Adharence

D) Adherence

15) Choose the most appropriate option for each of the

following question:

A) according to rate or proportion

B) for the good of the public

C) a summary or curriculum vitae

D) point by point

16) An amount set aside out of profits or surpluses to meet

contingencies is called:

A) Repo

B) Reserve

C) Collateral

D) Royalty

17) Fill up the blanks by choosing the most appropriate


A) with

B) towards

C) against

D) upon

18) _______is distracting and interferes with the

communication process.

A) None of the above

B) Noise

C) D)

19) Communication is a________process as it

incorporates the changing shape of the participants and the environment.

A) Costly

B) Slow

C) New

D) Dynamic

20) Choose the most grammatically correct option from

below :

A) The Titanic did not reach its destination

B) The Titanic did not reach her destination

C) The Titanic did not reach their destination

D) The Titanic did not reach his destination

21) Choose the correct spellings in options given below

A) Remuneration

B) Renumeration

C) Remunaration

D) Renumaration

22) Under _________data can be stored on cloud.

A) Electronic storage

B) File storage

C) Big data storage

D) Cloud storage

23) Choose the most grammatically correct option from

below : A) Please stop interfering into my romantic life.

B) Please stop interfering in my romantic life.

C) Please stop interfering for my romantic life.

D) Please stop interfering with my romantic life.

24) When addressed to all employees, an Office

Memorandum is as good as a/an__________.

A) Office order

B) Business Letter

C) Office circular

D) Report

25) Known to self and known to others is called _______

in Johari Window.

A) Façade

B) Blind Spot

C) Unknown

D) Arena Quadrant

26) A Quorum is:

A) A list of securities owned by a person

B) One who acts on behalf of other

C) A person who own a business

D) Minimum number of members required to be present in order to transact business at a meeting Read the given passage carefully and choose the most appropriate option to the questions. Nature writing is nonfiction or fiction prose or poetry about the natural environment. Nature writing encompasses a wide variety of works, ranging from those that place primary emphasis on natural history facts (such as field guides) to those in which philosophical interpretation predominate. It includes natural history essays, poetry, essays of solitude or escape, as well as travel and adventure writing. Nature writing often draws heavily on scientific information and facts about the natural world; at the same time, it is frequently written in the first person and incorporates personal observations of and philosophical reflections upon nature. Modern nature writing traces its roots to the works of natural history that were popular in the second half of the

18th century and throughout the 19th. An important early

figure was the "parson-naturalist" Gilbert White (1720

1793), a pioneering English naturalist and ornithologist.

He is best known for his Natural History and Antiquities of

Selborne (1789).

27) Which statement summarizes the above passage?

A) The passage talks about how the nature writing is missing in the modern era and needs to be revived. B) The passage talks about the life and lessons of Gilbert

White, a profound naturalist and ornithologist.

C) The passage talks about what nature writing is, the different types of nature writing, its style, and about the roots and pioneer of modern nature writing. D) The passage talks about from where the writers draw inspiration for nature writing, and how its importance is diminishing in the modern era.

28) Choose most appropriate option:

Nature writing emphasizes on:

i. Historical facts about the nature ii. Philosophical interpretations of the nature iii. Scientific information and facts

A) (i), (ii) and (iii)

B) None of the above

C) Only (i) and (ii)

D) Only (i) and (iii)

29) Based on the passage what is period to which the

modern nature writing can be traced to:

A) 1750 till 1900

B) 1750 till 1899

C) 1850 to 1899

D) 1850 till 1999

used in the passage

A) Opinion

B) None of the above

C) Reproduction

D) Images

31) According to the passage, what kind of works are

written as part of nature writing? i. Natural history essays and essays of solitude or escape ii. Poetry iii. Travel and adventure writing

Choose the correct options.

A) Only (ii) and (iii)

B) Only (i) and (ii)

C) All of the above

D) Only (i)

management has led to an increase in the flow of:

A) Diagonal communication

B) Upward communication

C) Horizontal communication

D) Downward communication

33) An address bar is also known as:

A) Search bar

B) Web browser bar

C) HTTP bar

D) URL bar

34) Read the jumbled passage carefully and then pick the

option in which the best sequence is shown i) She was right about three-curiosity, freckles, and doubt-but wrong about love. iii) Love is indispensable in life. iv) So wrote Dorothy Parker, the American writer.

The best sequence is:

A) ii,iv,i,iii

B) iv,iii,ii,i

C) iv,i,iii,ii

D) iii,i,iv,ii

35) A/An___________ is an evaluation or assessment or

review of a particular event, issue, period or set of circumstances related to a business.

A) Business Letter


C) E mail

D) Business Report

Section 2 - Legal Aptitude and Logical Reasoning

36) Fundamental Rights mentioned in the Constitution of

India borrowed from:

A) British Constitution

B) Canadian Constitution

C) U.S. Constitution

D) Russian Constitution

37) Choose the alternative which is closely resembles the

mirror image of the given combination. A) 2 B) 4 C) 1 D) 3

38) Turpis contractus means:

A) At the proper time

B) Under silence

C) An infamous contract

D) An immoral contract

39) The Constitution of India was adopted on:

A) 15 August, 1947

B) 15 November, 1948

C) 26 January, 1950

D) 26 January, 1949

40) Identify the figure that completes the pattern.

A) Image 2

B) Image 1

C) Image 4

D) Image 3

41) Quasi-contract means:

A) None of the above

B) Arising as if from deed

C) Legal portion

D) From the conduct of a party a contract comes into

42) What will come in place of Question Mark?

13, 26, ?, 42, 65

A) 49

B) 42

C) 30

D) 39

43) Which of the following diagrams indicates the best

relation between Travelers, Train and Bus ?

No. of Questions: 35

Duration in Minutes: 120

A) Image 1

B) Image 4

C) Image 3

D) Image 2

44) Maximum no. of members a private company can

have excluding its present and past employee members:

A) 150

B) 200
