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Iconification and the Nationalized Inukshuk

2 2 Canada: We All Belong, educational poster from Citizenship and Immigration Canada, 2002 2 3 Photograph, snow carving of inukshuk held in open hands, Ottawa Winter Fest, 2008 2 4 Canada 125 Commemorative Quarter, 1992 2 5 Flag, 470 stamp issued by Canada Post, 2000 2 6 Wisdom of Diversity, 500 stamp issued by Canada Pose, 2005 2 7

Inukshuk: Caribou Drive Lanes on Southern Victoria Island

Inukshuk: Caribou Drive Lanes on Southern Victoria Island, Nunavut, Canada Jack W Brink Abstract Caribou drive systems made of stone lines and cairns [inuksuit] are a common feature of the far north but have been little studied by archaeologists Two communal caribou kill sites from


is the Internet Inukshuk will focus on giving Canadians the tools to reach where they want to go: the information highway, certainly, but also, through our emphasis on life-long learning, their own personal goals As Canada enters the twenty-first century, enormous changes are being wrought to how Canadians lead their lives

Inuksuk / Inukshuk

The smallest of Canada's physical areas is a flat, fertile land which has Canada's heaviest concentration of people Heartland of Canada Canadian Shield in the heart of Canada, around Hudson Bay, the oldest part of the North American continent North-east Alberta,

BLM 10: Inukshuk Exercise

The Inukshuk is a stone monument guiding travellers in northern Canada It acts as a symbol of greeting and direction

The Inuit Inukshuk ( ) and the 2010 Olympic Logo

on Canada’s national identity Certainly Ilanaaq provokes thoughtfulness and will hope-fully be used by educators to teach about the North, the Inuit, cultural forms, and the concerns raised when those forms are used by others Ilanaaq, the inukshuk for the 2010 Olympic Logo The inukshuk on the Nunatsiavut flag, the Inuit government created

Comments of Inukshuk - Industry Canada

3 Inukshuk has taken significant risks and made substantial investments in developing the band so that the benefits of fixed wireless broadband services can be extended across Canada Inukshuk’s fixed wireless broadband network is the largest of its kind in Canada if not the world We have invested

Knowledge management KM modeling in public sector modeling in

The selected icon was the Inuit Inukshuk, a symbol with which most Canadians would associate The Virtual Museum of Canada describes an Inukshuk as: Like a person An arrangement of stones, often resembling the shape of a human The inukshuk is used as a navigational aid, as a marker for hunting grounds and caches of food or

Canada for Kids - Pemberton BC Canada

Canada's government is located in the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa, Ontario The largest city in Canada is Toronto, Ontario Each province and territory has its own official flag Canada is a bilingual country – French and English Canada celebrates its birthday on July 1st (Canada Day), the day Canada became a country in 1867

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