[PDF] Solving Problems Involving Normal Curves Review Sheet

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Using the normalcdf function on the TI-84

the normalcdf function, not the normal pdf Do not ever use normal pdf Now enter the 4 important numbers in order First, enter the lower boundary

Using the normalcdf function on the TI 89

Consider the weights of 18 month old boys in the U S According to published growth charts, the average weight is approximately 11 8 kg with standard deviation of 1 28 kg

normalcdf - percentage of area under the curve

Day 3 ­ NormalCDF and InvNorm 1 Warm­Up 1 Bob is a 17 year old male who is 68 in tall 17 year old male heights are normally distributed with mean 70 in and standard deviation 2 1 in Sue is a 16 year old female who is 63 in tall 16

The Normal Distribution

NormalCDF: The normalcdf function will give the probability will fall between two user defined limits on either the standard normal curve, or on any arbitrary normal curve The arguments for this function are: Normalcdf[left limit, right limit, mean (????), standard deviation (????)] InvNorm:

What is the difference between NormalPDF and NormalCDF?

We use normalCDF(30, 1000000, 20, 7) It doesn't matter here what number we use as long as it is large enough to be Sure ALL of the results will be included Here, the same percentage of pandas would live to 1000000 as would 1000 or even 100; thus we would get the same result from the normalCDF

Solving Problems Involving Normal Curves Review Sheet

normalcdf(-E99,400,512,68) = 0 0498 d) What is the probability of a student running more than 610 seconds? normalcdf(610,E99,512,68) = 0 0748 e) What is the probability of a student running between 475 and 525 seconds? normalcdf(475,525,512,68) = 0 2826 Given the area (percentile) and find a number corresponding

Chapter 2 Calculator Worksheet Name: - Mr-Barrynet

Normalcdf( left z-score, right z-score) Invnorm( area to the left of the point in question) Outputs a z-score These can also work with any normal distribution: Normalcdf( left value, right value, mean, standard deviation) Invnorm( area to the left of a point, mean, standard deviation) Outputs the actual value of that point

Table 1: Table of the Standard Normal Cumulative Distribution

Table 1: Table of the Standard Normal Cumulative Distribution Function '(z)z 0 00 0 01 0 02 0 03 0 04 0 05 0 06 0 07 0 08 0 09-3 4 0 0003 0 0003 0 0003 0 0003 0 0003

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