[PDF] Math 152-copyright Joe Kahlig, 20B Page 1

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Mathématiques - Jeux et Mathématiques

Created Date: 12/22/2005 2:25:00 PM

Math 202 Jerry L Kazdan

2 −ei(n+ 1 2)x 2sin x 2 # Consequently, from (2), taking the imaginary part of the right side (so the real part of [···]) we obtain the desired formula: sinx+sin2x+··· +sinnx = cos x 2 −cos(n+ 1 2)x 2sin x 2 Exercise 1: By taking the real part in (2) find a formula for cosx+cos2x+···+cosnx Exercise 2: Use sin(a+x)+sin(a+2x

PHYS 214 Prelecture Readings

cos +cos = 2cos 2 cos + 2 (2 4) we can find that ytotal(x;t) = 2Acos ˚1 ˚2 2 cos kx t+ ˚1 +˚2 2 (2 5) So the result is a new cos wave with a new amplitude related to the difference in phase, 2Acos ˚1˚2 A ˚1˚ 1

Trigonométrie - Free

2 CHAPITRE2 TRIGONOMÉTRIE Remarque2 1 1 A partir des propriétés de l’exponentielle complexe on retrouve que, pour tout a et b réels: cosa = cosb 9k 2 Z; a = b+2k ou a = ¡b+2k

Fourier Cosine Series Examples - MIT OpenCourseWare

2 + ¥ å k=1 a k cos(kx) for some coefficients a k We can compute the a ‘ very simply: for any given ‘, we inte-grate both sides against cos(‘x) This works because of orthogonality: Rp 0 cos(kx)cos(‘x)dx can easily be shown to be zero unless k = ‘ (just do the integral) Plugging the above sum into Rp 0 f(x)cos(‘x)dx therefore

Math 152-copyright Joe Kahlig, 20B Page 1

cos(kx) + C 3 Z x3(x2 1)4 dx= u= x 2 1 du= 2xdx 1 2x du= dx Notice the x2 still needs to be replaced So solve the initial U-sub formula for x2 to get: x2 = u+ 1 Z


eit = cos t+i sin t where as usual in complex numbers i2 = ¡1: (1) The justification of this notation is based on the formal derivative of both sides, namely d dt (eit) = i(eit) = icos t+i2 sin t = icos t¡ sin t since i2 = ¡1 d dt (cos t+i sin t) = ¡ sin t+i cos t since i is a constant: along with the initial value of 1 for both sides at t

DM PTSI 1 - bagbouton

2 1 1 1 n n n nx n x f x x + - + + =- En déduire la somme 1 2 n k n k S k = = å en fonction de n On veut calculer la somme 1 2 n k n k S k = = å par une autre méthode 3) Retrouver la valeur de Sn en posant j k= - 1 EXERCICE 3 : Soit n un entier naturel non nul, on pose ( ) ( ) 1 cos n n k S x kx = = å 1) Que vaut S xn ( ) si x = 02[p] On

Phys 325: Midterm 

Phys 325: Midterm #1 Feb 27, 2020 There are 5 questions, each of which is worth an equal number of points Feel free to take the question sheet with you, it will not be used for grading


1 en calculant f g; 2 en utilisant le produit de deux matrices jacobiennes EXERCICE 2 On admet que ˜+∞ n=1 1 n2 = π2 6 et on pose A = N∗ ×N∗ Q3 Démontrer que la famille ˚ 1 p 2q ˛ (p,q)∈A est sommable et calculer sa somme Q4 Démontrer que la famille ˚ 1 p 2+q ˛ (p,q)∈A n’est pas sommable PROBLÈME Séries

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