[PDF] Medieval Europe Notes - Mr Dubbs

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Medieval Europe Notes - Mr Dubbs

France • Most powerful kingdom in Europe by the 14th century Hugh Capet England • 1066: Norman Invasion • William the Conqueror (1027–1087) • Brought feudalism to England William the Conqueror Magna Carta (1215) • Conflict between King John and the English nobility • Nobles rebelled against excessive taxation, forced

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Warm Up

• What are some stereotypical ideas you have of Medieval Europe? What comes to mind?


• Background of Medieval Europe • Reading on Life in Medieval Times in Europe

Medieval Europe Notes Page 27

Defining the Medieval Period

The time period has also been called the "Middle Ages" and the "Dark Ages"

Classical Civilization (Beginning of European Civilization ! Roman Empire) Medieval Europe (Fall of Rome ! Before the Renaissance) Modern Times (Renaissance ! Today)

Medieval Europe: Stages

Early Medieval Europe (c. 500-1000) High Medieval Europe (c. 1000-1300) Late Medieval Europe (c. 1300-1500)

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The Fall of the Roman Empire

• Beginning of the Middle Ages • Invasions • End of the

Roman emperors

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The Barbarian Invasions

• From Asia: Huns and Magyars • From the

Germanic north: Saxons, Angles, and Goths

Europe in 814

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Rise of the Germanic Peoples

• Ostrogoths: Italian peninsula • Visigoths: modern-day Spain • Angles and

Saxons: modern-day Britain

• Franks: central


"Invasion of the Goths into the Roman Empire," a 19 th -century painting

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Clovis (466-511)

• Established a Frankish kingdom in central Europe • Conquered many competing tribes and regional Roman political leaders • Converted to Christianity

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Charlemagne (742-814)

• Powerful leader, strong Christian • Created the Carolingian


• Crowned by Pope Leo III as the first Holy Roman Emperor H3

The Vikings

• Warrior culture from Scandinavia • Raided Europe • Established settlements throughout Europe and even in North America

A Viking longboat


• A political, economic, and social system in which land was allocated in exchange for services; roles and obligations were clearly defined for all participants

• Originally developed as a means of protection and defense A French vassal receiving a feudal grant from the king

Roles in the Feudal System

• Lord • Vassal • Fief • Manor • Serf

Feudal serfs

Feudal Power Relationships







• Elite military soldiers • Usually from the noble classes • Stages of training: page, squire, knight • Chivalry

Statue of a medieval knight


The Medieval Tournament

Means of practicing military skills

Warm Up

• Who was the first European to "Discover" the Americas?

• What group/nationality was he a part of? • Is he remembered or not and why do you think that



• Centers of noble life • Purposes: • Intimidation • Military defense • Residence

Warwick Castle, England

Break from the Lecture

• Page 28 • "Life on a Manor" • Sit quietly and read • Once you are done reading, answer the attached questions • 30 minutes total • Complete unfinished parts for homework Catholic Church Hierarchy

The Pope Cardinals Archbishops Bishops Priests

The Catholic Church Expands Its Power

• The Church becomes more of a political entity • Struggles with monarchs • Expanded land ownership

Pope Gregory VII


The Monastic Movement

• Became popular in the 5th century • Arose as a reaction against the increasing "worldliness" of the Church • Monasteries: secluded religious communities • Benedictine monasticism: vows of chastity, poverty, obedience

St. Benedict

The Inquisition

• The Inquisition: special court established by the Church to combat heresy • Accused heretics sometimes tortured • Convicted heretics burned at the stake

A suspected heretic being tortured by the Inquisition

Middle Ages Videos

• http://www.history.com/topics/middle-ages/videos/robin-hood-and-the-longbow?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefined&f=1&free=false

• http://www.history.com/

topics/middle-ages/videos/who-were-the-vikings?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefined&f=1&free=false • http://www.history.com/topics/middle-ages/videos/weapons-of-the-middle-ages?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefined&f=1&free=false

• http://www.history.com/


• Need for administrators • Muslim knowledge, renewed interest in classical writings

A map of medieval European universities

Warm Up

• Write half a page about what life was like on a manor. • Come up to the front and get 10 pennies. H6

Medieval Mongols & Russians

• The Mongol Empire

• Temuchin - Genghis Khan (c. 1162 - 1227) • Khublai Khan • Advances against the Muslim world • Advances against Europe

• The Development of Russia

• Kievan Rus' • The church - Vladimir the Great (c. 987) • Mongol invasion • Alexander Nevsky (c. 1220 - 1263)

• Moscow

Music Break

• Mussorgsky: Pictures At An Exhibition - La Cabane Sur Des Pattes De Poule, Baba Yaga (The Hut On Fowl's Legs) 2:58

• Mussorgsky: Pictures At An Exhibition - La Grande Porte De Kiev (The Great Gate Of Kiev) 5:20 • To the far right is the Great

Gate of Kiev. This was built prior to the Mongol Invasion in 1200. Based on the picture and the second track, what do you think is the perception of Kievan Rus' in Russian history? Why? Use evidence. Any other thoughts on the music?

Modest Mussorgsky Baba Yaga

Map 10.4: Northern and Eastern Europe

Warm Up

• Write down the following questions to answer when we watch a crash course video in just a few minutes.

• Why is Medieval Europe referred to as the "Dark Ages"? • Is this name accurate? • What was life like in the Medieval Islamic World? • What are 3 accomplishments of the Islamic World during

this period? • Same question as the one previous for China at the time. H7


• Most powerful kingdom in Europe by the 14th century

Hugh Capet


• 1066: Norman Invasion • William the Conqueror (1027-1087) • Brought feudalism to


William the Conqueror

Magna Carta (1215)

• Conflict between King John and the English nobility • Nobles rebelled against excessive taxation, forced King John to sign the Magna Carta in 1215 • Limited power of the monarch • Formal recognition that the king was not above the law "rule of law"

A photograph of the Magna Carta

Development of Parliament

• Original parliament • House of Lords: nobles and church lords • House of Commons: knights and residents • Approved taxes, discussed policies, worked with the monarch to make laws

Edward I

Islam in Europe

• Islamic forces took control of Spain in the early 8th century • Muslim innovations • Agriculture • Architecture • Math and science

Great Mosque of Córdoba

Golden Age of Islam

• Read Introduction pdf H8

Warm Up

• What Roman numerals do you know? • What are the rules of Roman numerals? Golden Age of Islam Page 29 • Rearrange into quads • 7 minutes per placard set, 5 placards total • "There's no place like Rome" will be your anchor activity (Page 30) • Complete the Golden Age of Islam Worksheet as you read the information placards

Warm Up

• What were 3 accomplishments you learned about from the Islamic Golden Age? • Homework: • Medieval Europe Quiz on Friday

The Reconquista of Spain

• Muslims ruled the Iberian Peninsula for nearly 800 years • Reconquista: Struggle between Christians and Muslims to control Spain • 718-1492 • King Ferdinand of

Aragon and Isabella of Castile

Isabella and Ferdinand

Map 10.2: Christian Reconquests in the Western Mediterranean

Italian City-States

• Many city-states on the Italian peninsula • Changed hands often; controlled at times by Germanic tribes, Byzantines, and the French • Rome and the

Papal States remained important

Medieval Italy


The Crusades

• 1095-1291 • Goals of the Crusades:

• Convert nonbelievers • Eliminate heretics • Regain control of the Holy Land from the Muslims

Louis IX of France leads crusaders against Damietta, in Egypt

Pope Urban II - What were his motives?

"For your brethren who live in the east are in urgent need of your help, and you must hasten to give them aid which has often been promised them...[The Turks and Arabs] have attacked them and...have occupied more and more of the lands of those Christians, and have overcome them in seven battles. They have killed and captured many, and have destroyed the churches and devastated the empire... On this account I, or rather the Lord, beseech you as Christ's heralds to publish this everywhere and to persuade all people of whatever rank, foot-soldiers and knights, poor and rich, to carry aid promptly to those Christians and to destroy that vile race from the lands of our friends.

Pope Urban II - What were his motives?

"I say this to those who are present, it meant also for those who are absent. Moreover Christ commands it...All who die by the way, whether by land or by sea, or in battle against the pagans shall have immediate remission of sins. This I grant them through the power of God with which I am invested. O what a disgrace if such a despised and base race, which worships demons, should conquer a people which has the faith of omnipotent God and is made glorious with the name of Christ!"

The Late Middle Ages

• 1300-1500 • War • Black Death

Battle of Agincourt, 15th century

The Hundred Years' War: Causes

• The Hundred Years' War: 1337-1453 • Struggles between French and English royal families over who would rule either country • Conflicts over territory, trade

English ruler Edward III

The Hundred Years' War: Battles

• England had early victories • The French eventually expelled the British from mainland Europe • English military innovation: the archer The Battle of Crecy, the first major battle of the Hundred Years' War H10

Joan of Arc

• Heroine of the war • Had visions that told her to free France • Fought with the army • Captured, burned at the stake

Joan of Arc being burned at the stake

Joan of Arc

Tour de France, Final Day in Paris "Norwegian Corner"

Warm Up

• Who fought in the 100 years war? • Why? Architecture • Many churches and cathedrals built during the Middle Ages • Church designs • Romanesque: cross • Gothic: ribbed vault, flying buttress, stained glass Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France, a prime example of medieval Gothic architecture

Flying Buttresses Look at them go!

H11 Ribbed Vault Romanesque Cross Stained Glass "Rose" of Notre Dame Illuminated Manuscripts • Manu scriptus • Art form • Made by monks, took forever "Page from the Book of Kells, 800 CE, scribed by Celtic monks

Legacy of the Medieval Era

• Transitional period • New kingdoms evolved • The Church became a dominant force • Modern institutions originated

Bluff Time

• Make sure the numbers on the teams are even • Any questions on the rules? H12quotesdbs_dbs6.pdfusesText_12