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Idle Games World worship - Adobe Inc

Expanding possibilities across social networks Idle Worship has enjoyed a rapid ascent in users since launch The company holds five patents on the game’s underlying technology and social mechanics designed to connect friends and strangers And connecting they are What began with small advertising on Facebook has increased to an audience

Learning from a FIASCO: Design in Conversation with Social

together without prior social acquaintance or commitment to an organized league How to play Based on techniques for improvisational theater games [17], game moves in FIASCO (“stunts”) have three components: an object, an action, and a theme An object can be any item often found in a city, such as coffee cups, newspapers, fire

Chomsky, Noam et Herman, Edward S, The Political Economy of

(syndicats, artistes, barreau, mouvement de femmes, etc ) De telle sorte que si le ré­ gime brésilien avait effectivement, dans un premier temps, réussi à « désinstitutionna-liser » l'intelligentsia (p 141), il semble pertinent, à l'heure actuelle, de parler de sa restructuration et donc de ses fonctions potentielles renouvelées


soCial networking sites Social networking sites (SNSs), like Facebook® and Twitter®, are great ways to connect with people, share information, and market products and services However, these sites can also provide adversaries, such as terrorists, spies and criminals, with the critical information they need

Dictionnaire Officiers Hussards Lancien R Gime wwwpurblind

dictionnaire-officiers-hussards-lancien-r-gime 1/6 Downloaded from www purblind net on February 1, 2021 by guest [Books] Dictionnaire Officiers Hussards Lancien R Gime When somebody should go to the ebook stores, search foundation by shop, shelf by shelf, it is in fact problematic This is why we provide the book compilations in this website

This document was created with Prince, a great way of getting

cident que nombre d’étrangers, issus du tiers-monde, ressen-tent dès leur arrivée en Europe Au contraire, il mit à profit ces années pour plonger dans l’étude de la culture et de l’histoire occidentales afin de comprendre les racines de l’arrogance de l’homme européen et les moyens utilisés par le nouvel impérial-isme

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[PDF] la dissertation d 'Arts Techniques et Civilisations Le plan

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[PDF] LE CIRQUE de Charlie Chaplin - Académie de Lyon

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www.ioss.gov Criti C al i nformation Your critical information is any information that you or your mission manager considers sensitive. Here are some examples: Names and photos of you, your family and co-workers;

Usernames, passwords, computer and networking


Job title, location, salary, grade, clearances;

Operational, security, and logistical data;

Mission capabilities or limitations;

Schedules and travel itineraries;

Social Security numbers, credit card, and banking information; Work or personal addresses and phone numbers; and, Interests, hobbies, likes, and dislikes.Countermeasures

Follow computer security guidelines:

Adversaries prefer to go

after easy targets. Keep your computer security up-to-date and make yourself a hard target.

Never login from risky locations:

Public SNSs generally do NOT

have secure login available (HTTPS with the lock icon). If you login from a hotel, cyber-café, or airport hotspot, particularly ones in foreign

countries, your name and password can be captured at any time.Keep your password secure: Use di?erent, strong passwords for each online account. Never give your password away.

Modify your search pro?le: Do a search for yourself and if too much data comes up, go to your settings and restrict your search pro?le.

Don't depend on the SNS for con?dentiality:

Even SNSs that

aren't open and public by design can become so due to hacking, security errors, poor data management practices, and data brokering. In some cases, the site terms of service explicitly claim ownership of all your posted content.

Treat links and ?les carefully:

Social engineers and hackers

post links in comments and try to trick you into downloading an "update," "security patch," or "game."

Don't trust add-ons:

Plugins, games, and applications are often

written by other users, not the SNSs themselves. The authors can easily gain access to your data once you install them.

Don't post critical information:

If you don't want it public, don't

post it. Search engines and functions make it easy for adversaries to ?nd what they're interested in. Once information is on the Internet, it is there forever.

Review your friends' pro?les:

The photos or information they

post about you may be a problem.

Control "friend" access:

Verify a "friend" request by phone or other

means before allowing access. Group "friends" (e.g., real life, co- workers, strangers, etc.) and control access permissions based on the groups.soCial networking sites

Social networking sites (SNSs), like Facebook® and Twitter®, are great ways to connect with people, share information, and market products

and services. However, these sites can also provide adversaries, such as terrorists, spies and criminals, with the critical information they need

to disrupt your mission and harm you, your co-workers, or even your family members.

The more information adversaries can obtain, the more opportunities they have to cause damage at your expense. Practicing good operations

security (OPSEC) will minimize the risks that come from participating in SNSs, and help you to recognize and protect your critical information..

Think. Protect. OPSEC.


A U.S. Government o?cial on sensitive travel to

Iraq created a security risk for himself and others by tweeting® his location and activities every few hours.

A family on vacation kept friends up-to-date via online pro?les; their home was burglarized while they were away.

New computer viruses and trojans that successfully target information on SNSs are on the rise.

Some foreign investors, including government and

commercial entities known to be involved with organized criminal activity, own large stakes in certain SNSs.

Information in SNS pro?les has led to people losing job o?ers, getting ?red, and even being arrested.

Be s mart...Be safe...


g ood oPseC!

SNSs have become a haven for identity thieves and con artists trying to use your information against you.

Several kidnapping, rape and murder cases were linked to SNSs where the victims ?rst connected with their attackers.

Over 90,000 registered sex o?enders were removed from one popular SNS... and those were the ones who used their real names.

According to the Al Qaeda Handbook, terrorists

search online for data about "Government personnel, o?cers, important personalities, and all matters related to them (residence, work place, times of leaving and returning, and children, places visited)."

Did you know?

Imagery courtesy of Stock.Xchng and CLIX

6411 Ivy Lane, Suite 400 Greenbelt, MD 20770

(443) 479-IOSS (4677) ioss@radium.ncsc.milquotesdbs_dbs5.pdfusesText_10