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m sc , degree course structure from 2017 - 2018 department of zoology sem course code course title of the course hrs/ wk crdt int m ar ext mar total mar ks i 17pzyc11 core i biology of invertebrates, chordates & paleontology 6 4 25 75 100 17pzyc12 core ii genetics 6 4 25 75 100 17pzyc13 core iii cell & molecular biology 6 4 25 75 100 17pzye11

Effects of Sexual Dimorphism and Landscape Composition on the

Size dimorphism in vertebrates is usually associated with polygamy and differences between the sexes in reproductive role [1] In lekking species (i e , those whose males compete at displaying grounds known as ‘‘leks’’ for the favor of females), larger body size in males may be the result of sexual selection [2,3]

Frequency and consequences of individual dietary

84 2017) Such conditions can favour individual tactics that reduce competition with 85 conspecifics, and this may be more keenly seen in larger colonies where higher densities of 86 individuals can produce stronger competitive effects (Tinker et al 2012, Ceia & Ramos 2015, 87 Kernaléguen et al 2015) The consequences of specialisation in

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ectothermic vertebrates have significantly increased over the last 30 yr (Dobson and Foufopoulos 2001; Gray and Chinchar 2015) By causing morbidity and mortality among populations, sometimes leading to the extinction of a whole species, some of these diseases are a serious threat to global biodiversity (Cunningham et al 2017) The scientific

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