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UN numbers concerned, codes BK 1 and/or BK 2 (in column 17 of Chapter 3 2, Table A) and additional, class-specific provisions in 7 3 3 would have to be observed For UN numbers 2794, 2795, 2800, 3028, 3257 and 3258 no BK code at all would be shown in column 17, but

COVID-19: A 10-point action plan to strengthen international

provided a list of Harmonized System codes for critical medical equipment that helps Governments and customs agencies to allow for fast-track clearance of these goods 6 Government and airport and border agencies need to ensure express clearance and release of these goods UNCTAD is compiling country case studies on good practices

The International System of Units (SI)

The CIPM decided in 2003 that the reports of meetings of the Consultative Committees should no longer be printed, but would be placed on the BIPM website, in their original language The BIPM also publishes monographs on special metrological subjects and, under the title The International System of Units (SI), a brochure, periodically updated, in

Les concepts et bonnes pratiques dans les finances publiques

I Les standards internationaux de la bonne gouvernance des finances publiques 1 3 Les bonnes pratiques des finances publiques selon l’OCDE Ces meilleures pratiques se composent de trois parties: La partie 1 énumère les principaux rapports budgétaires que les gouvernements devraient établir et les grandes lignes de leur contenu

CERN Volontaires Internationaux (VI) programme, 2021 call

CERN Volontaires Internationaux (VI) programme, 2021 call – list of projects methodology can be discussed with you with the possibility of first migrating data to structured databases and then implementing data extraction and processing A subset of the data, concerning planning information shall be subject to risk evaluation for


Arbitrages Internationaux (1794-1900), Imprimerie Stampelli & CIE, Berne 1902, pp -533-535 ∗∗ Reproduit de H La Fontaine, Pasicrisie Internationale: Histoire Documentaire des Arbitrages Internationaux (1794-1900), Imprimerie Stampelli & CIE, Berne 1902, pp -533-535

Working document - European Commission

Communities the authentic texts are those given in the reports of cases before the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance In addition to this Manual national instructions or national explanatory notes may also exist These may be incorporated in the paragraph 6 of each chapter of the Manual as

Analyse d’opportunité d’implication (Engagement scan) de la

4 Institutions et processus internationaux 58 Institutions internationales 59 Processus internationaux 60 5 Principales recommandations pour combler les lacunes dans l’environnement juridique et politique 64 Égalité, non-discrimination et dignité 65 Droit à l’information 65 Droit d’association 66 Droit à la santé 66

Aéronautique et météorologie - Droit-Afrique

(O C A I ) ainsi qu’aux organismes internationaux concernés Article 6 L’aéroport franc est un aéroport international où, à l’intérieur d’une zone délimitée, les équipages, les passagers, le fret, la poste et les provisions de bord peuvent être débarqués, peuvent séjour-

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