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Poème de David Diop - Sénégal Education

Poème de David Diop (1929-1989) I Lisez attentivement le poème ci-dessous Le temps du martyr Le Blanc a tué mon père Mon père était fier Le Blanc a violé ma mère Ma mère était belle Le Blanc a courbé mon frère sous le soleil de route Mon frère était fort Le Blanc a tourné vers moi Ses mains rouges de sang Noir

“Africa, My Africa,” by David Diop (mid-20 th Century) David Diop

David Diop David Diop [1927-1960 ] was born in Bordeaux, France, Diop is often considered one of the most promising French West African poets His short life's work often involved his longing for Africa and his empathy for those fighting against the French colonization of the mainland His work shows a hatred for the

9 Imperialism in Africa - Bronx High School of Science

Dec 14, 2012 · This poem by David Diop is from an Anthology of West African Verse The White Man killed my father, My brother was strong My father was proud His hand red with black blood The White Man seduced my mother, The White Man turned to me; My mother was beautiful And in the Conqueror’s voice said, The White Man burnt my brother “Boy

Dear David Diop - COnnecting REpositories

Dear David Diop Dear David Diop, Your poem "Africa" emphasizes the importance of knowing one's ancestral back- ground You encourage your readers to be of their heritage and culu ual tions However, for many people who live in the twentieth century this may not be possible Test-tube babies, adopted infants, and orphaned children may never learn of


•“Africa” by David Diop, pages 281–282 •This poem, addressed to Africa, recalls the continent’s history of colonization But “a grave voice” assures the speaker that the true nature of Africa is found not in slavery but in a tree that grows despite all obstacles until its fruit “acquires / The bitter taste of liberty ”


David Diop, l’auteur du poème « Afrique », publié dans le recueil Coups de pilons en 1956, est l’élève de Leopold Sédar Senghor et rejoint le mouvement de la négritude Ces deux poèmes sont construits sur des anaphores : « Afrique », v 1, 2, 3, 12 dans le 1 er poème ; « debout »


This is another literary work in a militant language from David Diop an African who is a militant poet on the contrary, we have other literary artists who use more milled language in their works for example Umez (2006: 57) in his poem presented; Mother, I remember the milk from you that formed my bones through and

La narration en poésie - DiVA portal

narrativity of four poems by David Diop, Charles Pennequin, Ilse Garnier and Pierre Garnier Thoses poems, chosen on the ground that they are good representative examples of narrative poetry, lyric poetry and visual poetry, help test the theories in practice The results show that in the narrative poem, although

L’Agonie des Hommes Africains de L’Esclavage à la Négritude

Césaire, Léopold Sédar Senghor, Léon-Gontran, Damas Guy Tirolien, Birago Diop, David Diop et René Depestre font partie Ce terme « négritude » désigne donc l’ensemble des caractéristiques et les valeurs culturelles des peuples de race noire, revendiquées comme leur étant propres, ainsi que l’appartenance à cette race C’est

[PDF] afrique de david diop brevet

[PDF] liberté de david diop

[PDF] commentaire suivi de coup de pilon de david diop

[PDF] le renégat david diop commentaire

[PDF] afrique david diop wikipedia

[PDF] david diop poèmes

[PDF] place de l'afrique dans la mondialisation

[PDF] l'afrique dans la mondialisation dissertation

[PDF] la place de l'afrique dans la mondialisation pdf

[PDF] cours sur l'afrique face ? la mondialisation

[PDF] exposé sur la place de l'afrique dans la mondialisation

[PDF] figure de style afrique david diop

[PDF] afrique mon afrique wikipedia

[PDF] poeme afrique mon afrique pdf

[PDF] afrique mon afrique analyse



ENG10ADownload the Unit Test Study Guide from the Class Website

Unit Assignments

The unit test is heavywith serval questions regarding the readings and its elements.

Portfolio (U6L6 & L16) ²DROPPED

It will still show up in your lessons, but know that you are NOT doing the portfolio. Instead, focus

on redoing any final draft portfolios from Units 2 and 3.

Literary Elements

Types of Humor

Irony A recognitionand heightening of the difference between appearanceand reality. Irony occurs when an event turns out differently from what is expected.


an expression of contempt; witty remark; wisecrack


use of exaggerationor overstatement


Meaning out of placeorinconsistent

Occurs ROHQ MQ HYHQP RU MŃPLRQ LQ M VPRU\ GRHVQ·P TXLPH ILP. Often the event or action is so ridiculously out

of place, it triggers a humorous tone.

Speaker's Attitude


Regions of Africa

Throughout this unit, you will

discover the diversity among

African languagesand the

influencesthey have on the literatureof the continent.

As you read, keep in mind that

each regionof the country has a different cultural influence based on earlier colonization of the region and have connections to other countries.

African writers face a unique

problem: over 800 languages are spoken on the continent.

An African Classic SUNJATA

Sunjata,Retold by DjankaTasseyCondé, pages 271²279 The epic Sunjatatells the story of the heroof the title, who founded the Mali Empirein the early

13th century.

The story begins with Ma SogolonWulenCondé (6XQÓMPM·Vmother) giving birth to the hero, who is

born crippled.At the age of seven, he learns to walk and demonstrates his superhuman strength by uprooting a tree. When his father dies, Sunjatais denied his inheritance by his half-brother, and he and his mother are forced to flee the kingdom. While they are gone, the Susuking Sumanguruoverthrows


Sunjatalater demonstrates his superior intellect and generosity when he saves his life by offering a group of sorceresses, who are planning to kill him, a better offer than his rival.

Epic Poem

Epic poems are long, narrative poems. They share certain common characteristics such as a foundation in historical facts or legends, a courageous and noble herowho is almost superhuman, a dangerous journeythe hero must make, supernatural creatures, and universal themes. The 1994 animated movieThe Lion KingLV VLPLOMU PR NRPO 6OMNHVSHMUH·VHamletandSunjata.

Be able to identify the tone.

The Literature of SENEGAL

´$IULŃMµ N\ GMYLG Diop, pages 281²282

This poem, addressed to Africa, UHŃMOOV POH ŃRQPLQHQP·V OLVPRU\ RI colonization. %XP ´M JUMYH YRLŃHµ MVVXUHV POH VSHMNHU POMP the true nature of Africa is found not in slavery but in a treethat grows despite all obstaclesXQPLO LPV IUXLP ´MŃTXLUHV C 7OH NLPPHU PMVPH RI OLNHUP\Bµ Author reminds Africans that slavery is not their heritage, and that freedom is their destiny. Africahas been ravaged by colonization and the slave trade. European ŃRORQL]HUV ´GLYLGHG XSµ POH ŃRQPLQHQP MQG ORRPHG POH UHVRXUŃHVB African citizens were abused politically and often physically.

Be able to identify the tone.

The Literature of 6(1(*$I ŃRQP·GB

"H JLOO 3URQRXQŃH KRXU 1MPH´ N\ IpRSROG SédarSenghor, p. 299 Using the structure ofa traditional praise song, the speaker exalts his beloved. The poet indicated that this poem in praise of his first wifeshould be read to the beat of M PMPM M VPMOO ´PMONLQJ GUXPµ VOMSHG OLNH MQ ORXUJOMVVB The work follows the structure of a praise song, in which a griot, or storyteller, describes a person or an object by giving it several praise names that express its admirable qualities. ´6OLQLQJ ŃRMOµ LV MQ H[MPSOH RI M SUMLVH QMPHB

The Literature of NIGERIA

´7HOHSORQH FRQYHUVMPLRQµ N\ WoleSoyinka, pages 302²303 An Africanwho needs lodginghas a telephone conversation with a London landladywho does not want to rent to dark-skinned lodgers. After trying to describe the color of his skin, the potential lodger asks POH OMQGOMG\ LI VOH RRXOGQ·P UMPOHU VHH IRU herself. As you read, examine how the spoken word, as well as silence, are modes of communication.

Be able to identify the tone.

The Literature of NIGERIA, ŃRQP·GB

´0MUULMJH HV M 3ULYMPH $IIMLUµ N\ FOLQXM $ŃOHNH SMJHV 304²310 Experience a collision of modern and traditional ways of a culture. When Nnaemekawants to marry Nene, his fatherOkekeobjects. Okekebelieveshe has chosen a good wifefor his son and disapproves of Nenebecause she does not speak Iboand dares to teachalthough she is a woman. Taking a stand on principle, Okekerefuses all contact with the young coupleuntil Nene sends a lettersaying his grandchildren want to see him. As a rainstorm marks the change of seasons,

Okekeundergoes a change of heart.

Be able to identify the speaker's attitude.

Mentioned in essay question on unit test.

The Literature of NIGERIA, ŃRQP·GB

´IR\MOPLHVµ N\ AdewaleMaja-Pearce, pages 317²320 A short storythat offers a perspective on the war between Nigeria and Biafra. When Biafra declares independence, the QMUUMPRU·V IMPOHU LV RYHUÓR\HG, but his mothersimply tells her son to take good care of their Biafrangoat. Then Nigerian soldiers come to the village, and everyone flees to the bush, emerging after the soldiers promise not to harm them. As things return to normal, the mother tells her son to take good care of their Nigeriangoat.

Be able to identify the type of humor.

The Literature of Kenya

´$ 0HHPLQJ LQ POH GMUNµ N\ Ngugiwa7OLRQJ·R, pages 322²338 A longer story that highlights the emotional conflictthat can result from trying to merge traditional and modern values. The main idea is related to the clash between modern and traditional values. As John prepares to leave for college in Uganda, he cannot decidewhat to do about Wamuhu, who is pregnant with his child. If he admits he is the father, he will disgrace his preacher fatherand risk losing his scholarship.

If he stands by Wamuhu, he will face opposition.

Maddened by his dilemma, John breaks JMPXOX·Vneck during an argument. He runs away, realizingthat soon everyone will know what he has done.

Mentioned in essay question on unit test.

The Literature of ZIMBABWE

´1R JLPŃOŃUMIP IRU 6MOHµ N\ GRULV IHVVLQJ SMJHV 34E²357 Many of POH MXPORU·V VPRULHV are set in Rhodesia and depict the harsh treatment of black Africans by whites. The Farquarsfeel close to Gideon, their black cook, who shares their Christian beliefsand loves their son Teddy. When a PUHH VQMNH VSLPV YHQRP LQPR POH ŃOLOG·V H\HV, Gideon uses a plant to


But when a scientist visitsto learn about the miraculous plant, Gideon reacts as if the Farquarshave betrayed him and refuses to cooperate.

Mentioned in essay question on unit test.

Examine how white peopleand black people regard each other for your short response question on the test.

The Literature of South


´7OH 0RPHQP %HIRUH POH *XQ JHQP RIIµ N\ 1MGLQH *RUGLPHU pages 359²365 Author uses ironyto emphasize her themeand add emotional value. A \RXQJ NOMŃN PMQ GLHV ROHQ OLV HPSOR\HU·V JXQ MŃŃLGHQPMOO\ discharges. The narrator says that people will misunderstand the incident as MQRPOHU H[MPSOH RI ROLPH 6RXPO $IULŃMQV· NUXPMOLP\ PRRMUG blacks. Gradually, the reader learns that Marais Van der Vyvergrievesnot just because hehas caused a deathbutbecause the dead man was his illegitimate son.

Mentioned in essay question on unit test.

Examine how white peopleand black people regard each otherfor your short response question on the test.

The Literature of South AFRICA,



Author focuses on the character of Brille.

The settingof the story is a prison in South Africa. African prisons were notorious for their brutality,

not only between the warders and inmates, but among inmates themselves. The black political prisoners in Span Onehave managed to intimidate all of their white jailers except Warder Hannetjie. The sharp-eyed newcomer makes their lives miserable until Brillecatches him stealing fertilizer. Then the tables are turned until the warder asks for a truce. In exchange for humane treatment, Span One agreesto NHHS POH RMUGHU·V VHŃUHP; they even help him steal more fertilizer.

Mentioned in essay question on unit test.

Examine how white peopleand black people regard each otherfor your short response question on the test.

Unit Test Essay Question & Portfolio


Deadline is December 14, 2018


Unit 2 Lesson 13: Compare-and-Contrast Essay Portfolio (Personal Narrative) Essay FINAL DRAFT(Portfolio Directions)

Unit 3 Lesson 8: Multimedia Project Final Draft Portfolio (Literary Analysis) FINAL DRAFT(Portfolio Directions)

Unit Test Essay Questions:

Unit 1: The Literature of the Americas Unit Test (Study Guide) Unit 2: The Literature of the Americas II Test (Study Guide)

Unit 5: Europe II Unit Test (Study Guide)

Unit 6: The Literature of Africa Unit Test (Study Guide)

You are only allowed ONEopportunity to redo your final draft portfolios and unit test essay questions, so make sure you revise and edit carefully.

For EVERYredo, you are requiredto send a new CheckMyWorklink.


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November 14th@ 11:00am ²U6 Test Review

Lesson Completion -71% overall


Veteran's Day (No School) ²November 12th

Fall Break (No School) ²November 19-23

Unit Test Essay Question & Portfolio Redo Work DUEDecember 14th

End of Semester is December 21st

Winter Break is December 24th²January 6th

Escalation-Make sure you are staying out of alarm

Contacts: call a teacher (me!)

Attendance: get 28 hours a week and enter daily

Participation: go do a lesson!
