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MDA’s Four Aces Of Mission Assurance”

2 Accountability • Program offices and contractor community are held accountable for practices that impact mission success Bad behavior is not rewarded-Knowledge points -Accountability to the individual level (missile

MA Program Handbook 2018-2019 REVISED (918)

6 1 THE PROGRAM 1 1 Program Mission EMU’s Philosophy Program nurtures habits of thinking, writing, and communicating that prepare students to respond well to the complex realities of professional, social, and


Jayson Anthony B Banzon, MAPhilo -Campus Director, Bpsu Main Ramon M Bantugan, Ph D - Campus In-Charge, Bpsu Bagac Extension Billy B Alipio, BSEd - Campus Director, Bpsu Dinalupihan

MA in Philosophy

MA in Philosophy MODULES 2020-2021 Last updated: 01 September 2020 UCD School of Philosophy MA modules 2020-21 Autumn Trimester (21 September –December 2020) Spring Trimester (20 January – 6 March & 23 March – 24 April 2020)

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Genehmigung der Individuellen Spezialisierung (Modul M4) Master Philosophie UA 066 941 / Approval Request Individual Specialisation (Module M4) Master’s programme in Philosophy UA 066 941


INTRODUCTION TO IN FLACCOM THE story told in this treatise a is as follows Flaccus, whose misgovernment and cruelty to the Jews and ultimate fate are here described, was ap­


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THE story told in this treatise a is as follows.

Flaccus, whose misgovernment and cruelty to the

Jews and ultimate fate are here described, was ap

pointed prefect of Alexandria and Egypt in or about A.D. 32 near the end of the principate of Tiberius. Philo tells us that he showed considerable ability and industry during his first five years of office. He remarks that he praises him to exhibit his villainy in a clearer light, and he might have added that his description goes to prove that his toleration of the abominable cruelty shown to the Jews by the Alex andrian populace was not due to weakness but to definite intention (1-7). He had stood well with Tiberius, but the accession of Gaius in 37 endangered his position, for he had been a partisan of Tiberius Gemellus, the rival candidate for the succession, had been concerned in the steps taken to prosecute

Agrippina, Gaius's mother, and was friendly with

Macro, who, though he had done much to protect

Gaius from the distrust and dislike of Tiberius, soon a It is generally accepted that this is the second part of a work of which the first part has been lost. For (1) the opening words suggest that it follows on an account of the accusations brought against the Jews by Sejanus which are alluded to in Legatio 160; (2) the closing sentence " Flaccus also suffered " implies that the fate of some or other persecutor has been told ; (3) a passage not to be found in the extant work, but stated to come from the Flaccus, is cited by St. John Damascene (see Prolegomena to Cohn-Reiter, vol. vi. pp. xlix f.). 295 Source: F.H. Colson,Philo, LCL (Cambridge, MA: HUP, 1929). PHILO fel l int o disfavou r wit h Gaiu s an d wa s pu t t o deat h (8-15) Thi s las t even t reduce d


s t o despair an d i t wa s a t thi s poin t tha t accordin g t o Phil o th e anti-Semiti c part y i n


thoug h the y in clude d som e wh o a t botto m wer e hi s enemies approache d hi m an d suggeste d tha t i f h e woul d giv e the m hi s suppor t the y an d th e cit y a s a whol e woul d stan d b y hi m t o protec t hi m agains t th e hostilit y o f th e


r (16-24) Al l thi s ma y b e partiall y o r eve n wholl y true bu t i t i s compatibl e wit hquotesdbs_dbs15.pdfusesText_21