[PDF] PHQ-9 & GAD-7

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GAD7 French for Canada

GAD-7 Au cours des 14 derniers jours, à quelle fréquence avez-vous été dérangé(e) par les problèmes suivants? (Utilisez un « 9 » pour indiquer votre réponse)

PHQ-9 & GAD-7

PHQ-9 & GAD-7 Over the last 2 weeks, on how many days have you been bothered by any of the following problems? Not at all Several Days More than half the days Nearly

PHQ-9 modified for Adolescents (PHQ-A)

7 Trouble concentrating on things like school work, reading, or watching TV? 8 Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or the opposite – being so fidgety or restless that you were moving around a lot more than usual? 9 Thoughts that you would be better off dead, or of hurting yourself in some way?

Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9)

How to Score the PHQ-9 Major depressive disorder (MDD) is suggested if: • Of the 9 items, 5 or more are checked as at least ‘more than half the days’

Administering and Scoring the PHQ-A Screening Questionnaire

Administering and Scoring the PHQ-A Screening Questionnaire Administering Patient checks in at the Reception desk Reception will present the PHQ-A (PHQ-9 modified for Adolescents) Questionnaire using the

PHQ 9: Depression Treatment Recommendations

PHQ‐9: Depression Treatment Recommendations The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ‐9) is a screening tool that provides an index of depression severity

Adverse Childhood Experiences International Questionnaire

Adverse Childhood Experiences International Questionnaire (ACE-IQ) D1 2 Section D: Guidance for Analysing ACE-IQ then that counts as a yes, and so that response should be circled, and a 1 placed in the

PHQ-9* Questionnaire for Depression Scoring and

23 UMHS Depression Guideline, August 2011 PHQ-9* Questionnaire for Depression Scoring and Interpretation Guide For physician use only Scoring:

Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety - CMH

for 7 days, 20 mg/d for 7 days, then 40 mg/d if needed) is recommended to avoid adverse gastrointestinal effects 9 Vortioxetine, another multimodal antidepressant, acts as a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, an agonist at 5-HT 1A recep-tors, a partial agonist at 5-HT 1B receptors, and an antagonist at 5-HT 1D, 5-HT 3A, and 5-HT 7 receptors In 1

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mentUcate2014 PHQ-9 & GAD-7Over the last 2 weeks, on how many days have you been bothered by any of the following problems?

Not at



Days More than half the days


every day

1Little interest orpleasure in doing things0123

2Feeling down, depressed or hopeless0123

3Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping

too much0123

4Feeling tiredor having little energy0123

5Poor appetiteor over eating0123

6Feelingbad about yourself -or that you are a

failure or have let yourself or your family down0123

7Troubleconcentrating on things, such as

reading the newspaper or watching television0123

8Movingor speaking so slowly that other

people could have noticed, or the opposite - being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual 0123

9Thoughts that you would be better off deador

of hurting yourself in some way0123 PHQ9 Total ScoreOver the last 2 weeks, on how many days have you been bothered by any of the following problems?

Not at



Days More than half the days


every day

1Feelingnervous, anxious or on edge0123

2Not being able to stop or control worrying0123

3Worryingtoo much about different things0123

4Trouble relaxing01235Being so restlessit is hard to sit still0123

6Becoming easily annoyed or irritable0123

7Feeling afraid as if somethingawful might


GAD7 Total Score
