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ANGLAIS – 4EME INTRODUCTION Good morning everyone (or good afternoon) (or good evening) I hope (that) you are fine Le planning qui a été défini en réunion au collège prévoit que les envois de cours soient étalés afin que vous ayez le temps de vous organiser

Here are the English classes for Wednesday 6 May, and

4ème – anglais – semaine 5 – 6 et 7 MAI 2020 2/7 C – Exercices d'application à copier à la suite de G14 Essayez de faire les exercices AU CRAYON GRIS avec la leçon puis voyez les corrections

4e anglais devoir commun de vacances

4e anglais devoir commun de vacances Author: Sindy MENCE Created Date: 4/13/2017 6:21:34 PM

Cahier de vacances anglais - Education

Anglais Académie de Lille Vacances de printemps 2020 Page 2 sur 17 6ème 4ème Find the odd one out Sounds different 1 – meat – bread – read – please


Nelson Mandela (born July 18th 1918) served as president of South Africa from 1994 to 1999, and was the first South African president to be elected in a democratic election


Anglais - LV1, Cours d'anglais LV1, Quatrième, Trimestre 1 Année scolaire 2016 / 2017 ENSEIGNEMENT À DISTANCE 76-78 rue Saint-Lazare 75009 Paris Tél : 01 42 71 92 57 COURS EXERCICES DEVOIRS Classe de 4ème ANGLAIS 1 er T R I M E S T R E Toute reproduction ou représentation de ce document, totale ou partielle, constituent une

Liste des verbes irréguliers à apprendre en 4ème

Liste des verbes irréguliers à apprendre en 4ème INFINITIF PRÉTÉRIT PART PASSÉ TRADUCTION be was, were been être beat beat beaten battre become became become devenir begin began begun commencer bet bet bet parier bite bit bitten mordre bleed bled bled saigne blow (blow one's nose) blew blown souffler (se moucher) break broke broken casser

Séquence 5: There is nothing like - ANGLAIS Grenoble

3 SUPPORTS utilisés en classe There is Nothing Like Australia Advert mp4Day 1 Wale m4a adventure_holiday_in_australia (1) mp3Day 5 m4a 1 Document phare (vidéo du bureau du tourisme australien) : There is Nothing Like Australia ( Paroles de la chanson en


DECRIRE UNE IMAGE EN ANGLAIS I ) Identifier le document This document is a / consists of • a photograph / a photo / a snapshot in colour / in black and white • a drawing • a cartoon • a comic strip • an advertisement = an advert = an ad • a poster • a map • an illustration etc It comes from / It is an extract from

[PDF] Anglais 5ème Anglais

[PDF] anglais 6ème Anglais

[PDF] Anglais Bac +3 Anglais

[PDF] Anglais Terminale Anglais

[PDF] anglais ! 5ème Anglais

[PDF] ANGLAIS > Faire un rapport sur les conditions de vie dans une plantation de coton en Louisiane 1ère Anglais

[PDF] Anglais "warming up" 3ème Anglais

[PDF] Anglais ( chiffres ) 2nde Anglais

[PDF] Anglais ( Rappel ) 2nde Anglais

[PDF] ANGLAIS (4 eme ) Mettre les bons adjectif AIDEZ MOI PLEASE ! ( CORRIGER MOI SVP ) 4ème Anglais

[PDF] Anglais (conjugaison) 3ème Anglais

[PDF] Anglais (dernier sujet) 2nde Anglais

[PDF] Anglais (Rédaction): Fautes ? corriger Terminale Anglais

[PDF] Anglais , A faire 4ème Anglais

[PDF] anglais , puzzle 4ème Anglais

DAEU - C.Le Boulaire


I ) Identifier le document

This document is a ... / consists of ...

•a photograph / a photo / a snapshot in colour / in black and white •a drawing •a cartoon •a comic strip •an advertisement = an advert = an ad •a poster •a map •an illustration etc. ○ It comes from ... / It is an extract from ... / It is taken from ... ○ It is an advertisement for ... / It is to advertise a product ○ It was published in (+ name of newspaper / magazine ) on + date / in + année... ○ It is a shot from a film entitled ... directed by ...

○ It was drawn by ... / painted by ... / taken by ... / made by ...→ ... a cartoonist / a painter / a photographer /

an advertiser etc.

II ) Décrire le document

Commencez toujours par décrire ce qui est le plus évident, et répondez aux Wh- questions ==> Who / When / What / Where

La composition.

○ It consists of ... / It is composed of ...

○ There is a ... title / slogan / text / photograph / drawing / cartoon / chart / map / plan / caption...

○ It shows ... / It represents ... / We can see ... ○ It is a close-up

La localisation

○ The scene takes place in ... / The setting is ... ○ It is seen from a distance / from above / from below

○ Under the title / below the picture / opposite the drawing / next to / between / behind / in front of / above /

under etc.

Les personnages

○ There is 1 ... there are 2,3 ... characters

○ Age : The woman / The man is about forty / In her - his forties (Dans les 40 ans ) / About 45 ( à peu près 45

ans ) / in her - his mid-forties / in her - his late forties ( proche de la cinquantaine )... ○ They are + V-ing

III ) Analyser le document

•I suppose that ... / I think that ... / According to me, ... •The author means that ... / suggests that ... / shows that ... •The author informs / tells / warns us about ... •The author's aim is to attract people's attention by showing ... •What the author wants to denounce is ...

IV ) Opinion personnelle

I agree with the author / I disagree with the author because ... I find the document interesting / amazing / striking / interesting / funny / thought-provoking...

I like / I don't like this document because ...

It makes me feel sad / angry / happy ...

V ) Conclusion

To conclude / As a conclusion, we can say that ... La conclusion reprend sommairement l'idée principale du document et ouvre sur autre chose ...quotesdbs_dbs12.pdfusesText_18