Biomedical time

  • How long does biomedical research take?

    This process can take a long time — in most cases, an average of 10 years will pass between initial discovery to full approval, with the clinical trial stages taking six to seven years of that time..

  • How long is a biomedical degree?

    A standard degree in Biomedical Sciences is three years long and will result in a Bachelors of Science (BSc).
    Some universities alternatively offer four-year programmes that result in an “honours” degree, BSc (Hons).
    This will make it easier to pursue a Masters or PhD later on.Jul 14, 2023.

  • The term "biomedical" combines biology and medicine to understand and treat health related issues.
    It aims to understand pathology/disease at a cellular level and provide suitable medical intervention to eliminate/cure the identified pathogen/damaged tissue.
  • This process can take a long time — in most cases, an average of 10 years will pass between initial discovery to full approval, with the clinical trial stages taking six to seven years of that time.
The mean time ranges from 8.5 years for anti-infectives to 15 for immunological medicines. This result may be due to scientific barriers to 
Biomedical Times is a platform for science and biomedical enthusiasts to learn, share, and connect with one another on medical technologies.
In this study, we propose a post-hoc explainability framework for deep learning models applied to quasi-periodic biomedical time-series classification.
This is a hub where you can learn from your peers through blogs, interviews, and opinion pieces, have access to important resources and stay up to date on 


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