Biosafety officer role

  • What is the role of a biosafety officer?

    Develops, implements, and coordinates a comprehensive biological safety program for the University to enhance institutional biosafety-related objectives and to ensure compliance with all applicable regulations, guidelines, policies, and directives.Mar 20, 2017.

The Biological Safety Officer (BSO) is a specialist adviser to the Head of School/Institute on matters relating to safe handling of biological materials. The Head of School/Institute has the duty to ensure that policy is complied with in their area.

What are the responsibilities of a biosafety technician?

• Adhering to general lab safety procedures, including:

  • donning and doffing PPE. • Setting up, cleaning out, and properly using the biosafety cabinets. • Bringing materials into and out of the biosafety cabinet. • Growing and manipulating cultures safely, with emphasis on the importance of avoiding aerosol generation during all operations.

  • Categories

    Citrobacter rodentium biosafety level
    Biosafety sop template
    Biosafety society
    Biosafety solutions
    Southern biosafety association
    Sop biosafety cabinet
    Sop biosafety level 2
    Somerville biosafety committee
    Biological safety solutions ltd
    Southeastern biosafety lab
    Biosafety cabinet cleaning solution
    Biosafety level 3 sop
    Octopus biosafety
    Biological safety solutions oy
    Biosafety uofm
    Uoft biosafety training
    Biosafety cabinet working principle
    Biosafety cabinet working procedure
    Biosafety cabinet working
    Core biosafety work practices