Botany what tamil meaning

  • What does botanist mean?

    A plant refers to any of the eukaryotes that belong to the biological kingdom Plantae.
    Plants, in the strictest sense, are embryophytes that include vascular plants, liverworts, hornworts, and mosses.
    Some references that are less strict considered green algae as plants..

  • What is botanical name in Tamil?

    Botanical comes from botanic, which has its root in the Greek word botanikos, "of herbs.".

  • What is the translation of botanical?

    Botany is the scientific study of plants..

  • What is the word for botany?

    Botany, also called plant science (or plant sciences), plant biology or phytology, is the science of plant life and a branch of biology.
    A botanist, plant scientist or phytologist is a scientist who specialises in this field..


Botanist what is it
Botanical what does it mean
Botanical what is meaning
Botany why is it important
Why botany is important to our daily life
Why botany is interesting
Why botany bay
Why botany is important in agriculture
Why botany is good
What are the benefits of studying botany
Botany how to pronounce
Botany how to say
Botany how to spell
Botanist how to say
Botanical how to pronounce
Botanist how to become
Botanist how many years of college
How botany work
Bsc botany how many years
Phd in botany how many years