About botany department

  • What are the goals of botany?

    The basic goals of botany are to explain how plants are structured, why they function the way they do, and what the evolutionary relationships are between them..

  • What is the aim of the botany Department?

    To impart knowledge on origin, evolution, structure, reproduction and interrelationships of microbes and early plant groups. within a phylogenetic framework. plants, and importance of Biodiversity..

About the Department The department is enriched with learning resources such as charts, slides, models, herbarium which help the students in independent 
The Department of Botany “Botany” is the study of plants – the life-givers on Earth. As primary producers, plants are at the base of all food chains; they produce the oxygen that we breathe; they give mankind everything from timber, medicine, spices, perfumes, and oils to flowers.
About botany department
About botany department

Department of the Ministry of National Food Security and Research of the Government of Pakistan

The Department of Plant Protection (DPP) (Urdu: Nastaliq style=font-size:110%;font-style:normal>سررشتہ تحفظِ نباتات ، پاکستان is a department of the Ministry of National Food Security and Research of the Government of Pakistan and a Federal Minister is the head of the ministry.


About botany study
About botany bay
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About botany in tamil
About botany classification
About botany zoology
About botany ecology
Hoyts botany about
Botany is about hardwood right
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Botany learn about
Botany after hours
Botany after hours medical
Botany after 12th
Botany after msc
Botany after birth care
Botany after scope
Botanist afternoon tea
Botanical afternoon tea
After botany career