Business english past simple vs present perfect

  • - The Present Perfect is used when the time period has NOT finished - i.e.
    I have seen 3 movies this week (this week has not finished yet).
    The Simple Past is used when the time period HAS finished - i.e.
    I saw 3 movies last week (last week is finished).
  • .
    1. Something that starts in the past and continues to now.
    2. The most straightforward context for the present perfect.
      Example: We have worked on the project for 9 months.
      Example: I have worked for company X since 2013.Aug 6, 2017
  • How to teach the difference between past simple and present perfect?

    In Example A, the Simple Past form means the game was completed at a specific time in the past, whereas in Present Perfect it is an unknown time.
    In Example B, the Simple Past form means the activity started in the past and finished, whereas in Present Perfect it started in the past and still continues to the present.Aug 2, 2021.

  • What is the difference between present perfect and past simple timeline?

    - The Present Perfect is used when the time period has NOT finished - i.e.
    I have seen 3 movies this week (this week has not finished yet).
    The Simple Past is used when the time period HAS finished - i.e.
    I saw 3 movies last week (last week is finished)..

  • What is the difference between present perfect and past simple?

    The present perfect is used when the time period has NOT finished.
    I have seen three movies this week. (This week has not finished yet.) The simple past is used when the time period HAS finished..

  • What is the difference between present perfect and Simple Past?

    The present perfect is used when the time period has NOT finished.
    I have seen three movies this week. (This week has not finished yet.) The simple past is used when the time period HAS finished..

  • What is the difference between the use of simple past and past perfect?

    The simple past tense refers to a completed action or event that occurred at a specific time in the past, while the past perfect tense refers to a completed action or event that happened before another action or event in the past.
    Pay attention to the examples: She took the train..

  • What is the present perfect in business context?

    We use the present perfect to talk about unfinished actions that started in the past and continue to the present.
    In this case, you will find yourself using the present perfect when answering “how long” questions, and describing sales/costs/profits/revenues for a particular period until the present moment..

  • Where do we use present perfect and Simple Past?

    Use the simple past when the action started in the past, finished in the past, and is not continuing now.
    Use the present perfect when the action started in the past and is continuing now.
    The simple past tells us that an action happened at a certain time in the past, and is not continuing anymore..

  • Why use present perfect instead of past simple?

    Use the simple past when the action started in the past, finished in the past, and is not continuing now.
    Use the present perfect when the action started in the past and is continuing now.
    The simple past tells us that an action happened at a certain time in the past, and is not continuing anymore..

  • As mentioned earlier, present perfect focuses on events that recently started or started in the past but are still ongoing in the present.
    Past perfect centers around actions that are set and done in the past.
    She had gone to New York.
    Here, we are referring to an action that happened in the past is already finished.
  • While both tenses tend to talk about past events, there are important differences between them.
    Past simple tense describes actions that occurred in the past, while past perfect describes events or actions that happened before another past event or action.
In Example B, the Simple Past form means the activity started in the past and finished, whereas in Present Perfect it started in the past and still continues to the present.
When we use the present perfect tense we cannot say when something happened. It is used to talk about non-specific time or a period of time.

What is a present perfect worksheet?

This worksheet lets students review the use of present perfect for unspecified time in the past and contrasts it with the use of past simple for a specific point in the past.
In this exe ..
Use this worksheet to practice a little bit with your students when to use simple past or present perfect.
Video is available on youtube.

What is a simple past?

We use the simple past to refer to an event/action that has already finished or happened, and the time is usually certain and specified.
It always refers to finished time.
We also use the simple past when we’re more interested in the “telling” of an action and not on the results of the action.

What is the difference between past simple and present perfect?

We use the past simple for past events or actions which have no connection to the present.
We use the present perfect for actions which started in the past and are still happening now OR for finished actions which have a connection to the present.

  • I've been to the museum yesterday.
    Do you want to master English grammar? .
  • What is the difference between past simple and present perfect?

    We use the past simple for past events or actions which have no connection to the present

    We use the present perfect for actions which started in the past and are still happening now OR for finished actions which have a connection to the present

    NOT: I've been to the museum yesterday

    Do you want to master English grammar?

    When to use simple past?

    As soon as a time expression in the past is given, you have to use Simple Past

    If there are no signal words, you must decide if we just talk about an action in the past or if its consequence in the present is important

    Note that the following explanations and exercises refer to British English only

    Why do we use the present perfect?

    We use the present perfect to talk about time up to now, that is, events that took place in the past but which connect with the present

    The present perfect is often used with time expressions which indicate time up to now, for example today, this year, in the last six months: I haven’t seen her since January 1995


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