Business english describing a process

  • How do you write a describing process?

    Process description uses a more traditional paragraph approach, since you will be giving your reader more background information.
    The process should still be written in chronological order, but numbered steps are not as necessary.
    You have to explain more of the whys in a process description..

  • What does it mean to describe a process?

    Describing a process means writing about how something is made or how something happens.
    Examples: the rainwater cycle, how coffee is grown, how glass is made, starting a business..

  • When writing about a process diagram, you use words or phrases that describe a transition from one step to another.

    1. Beginning steps: first, the first step, to start the process
    2. Middle steps: second, then, next, after that, following this, the next stage is
    3. End steps: finally, the final step, lastly, the last step
  • Describing a process means writing about how something is made or how something happens.
    Examples: the rainwater cycle, how coffee is grown, how glass is made, starting a business.
    Describing a process means writing about how something is made or how something happens.
  • Process description uses a more traditional paragraph approach, since you will be giving your reader more background information.
    The process should still be written in chronological order, but numbered steps are not as necessary.
    You have to explain more of the whys in a process description.
  • Tips to write process description  Answer the question, “how does it happen?”  Provide any necessary context (who or what performs the action, and under what conditions; what is its significance?)  Give a concise overview of the process.
Mar 14, 2007In this Business English Podcast lesson we look at how to explain or describe a procedure. We'll also look at some common computer 
Aim: For the learner to produce a description of the production process or the part of the production process they are responsible for or familiar with.
Students produce a description of the production process or of part of the production process. Aim: For the learner to produce a description of the production 

How do you describe a process?

You might have to describe a process, or how to do something, for work or as part of a school assignment.
The trick is to think logically and get all the steps in the correct chronological order.
Once you have done that, then everything is simple.
Just a case of using the words to describe the process.

How do you say a process is automatically created?

When talking about business processes, verbs are often used in the passive form (i.e. 'to be created').
So if you want to say that a process is 'automated', you would use the adverb 'automatically'.
For example, 'the reports are automatically created by the computer application'.
The opposite of 'automatically' is 'manually'.

How do you say a process is'manually'?

When talking about business processes, verbs are often used in the passive form (i.e. 'to be created').
So if you want to say that a process is 'manual', you would use theadverb 'manually'.
For example, 'the reports are manually created by me'.
The opposite of 'manually' is 'automatically'.

When do you need to describe tasks/processes?

Unfortunately, most of the times that you will have to describe these tasks/processes are inimportant situations (e.g. in a job interview, presentation, speaking to a potential or existing customer etc..).

How do you describe a process?

You might have to describe a process, or how to do something, for work or as part of a school assignment

The trick is to think logically and get all the steps in the correct chronological order

Once you have done that, then everything is simple

Just a case of using the words to describe the process

How do you say a process is automatically created?

When talking about business processes, verbs are often used in the passive form (i

e 'to be created')

So if you want to say that a process is 'automated', you would use the adverb 'automatically'

For example, 'the reports are automatically created by the computer application'

The opposite of 'automatically' is 'manually'

When do you need to describe tasks/processes?

Unfortunately, most of the times that you will have to describe these tasks/processes are inimportant situations (e

g in a job interview, presentation, speaking to a potential or existing customer etc )
What things will you need to carry out this process? In order to do something — an activity or a process — you are very likely to need so…
Business english describing a process
Business english describing a process

Efforts to resolve the Israeli–Palestinian conflict

Intermittent discussions are held by various parties and proposals put forward in an attempt to resolve the ongoing Israeli–Palestinian conflict through a peace process.
Since the 1970s, there has been a parallel effort made to find terms upon which peace can be agreed to in both the Arab–Israeli conflict and in the Palestinian–Israeli conflict.
Some countries have signed peace treaties, such as the Egypt–Israel (1979) and Jordan–Israel (1994) treaties, whereas some have not yet found a mutual basis to do so.


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