Business english polite requests

  • How can I be polite in business English?

    Polite Expressions

    1. Declining an invitation: That sounds great, but…
    2. Informing someone you can't provide assistance: I'd love to help, but right now I'm really busy with…
    3. Saying no to a suggestion/idea: I'm not sure that would work
    4. It looks like…
    5. Simple requests:
    6. Big requests/favors:
    7. Permission:
    8. Making an offer:

  • How can I be polite in business English?

    For example: Could you help me for a minute, please? This shows that the speaker is asking for help politely.
    To ask questions in a very polite way, use: Would you/ Could you (please) + simple verb + ?.

  • How can I be polite in business English?

    We kindly ask that you provide each customer with a receipt.
    We kindly ask that he thoroughly read the report.
    This is yet another example with the SUBJUNCTIVE.
    We respectfully request that all guests remain quiet when leaving the building..

  • How do you say request in a professional way?

    Here are some better phrases to make polite requests in English:

    1“Do you mind…?.”2“Would you mind…?3“Could I…?”4“Would it be ok if…?”5“Would it be possible…?”6“Would you be willing to…?”.

  • How do you say request in a professional way?

    Would you mind + verb-ing?

    Could / Would you do me a favour?Could I ask / bother / trouble you + infinitive?Could you / Would you + base form of verb + please?Could you + possibly + verb?Would you mind + verb-ing?.

  • How do you say request in business language?

    Other examples of requests

    1. I would also be grateful if you could send me …
    2. I would therefore be grateful if you could send me …
    3. Could you therefore please send me … ?
    4. Could you therefore send me … ?
    5. Could you also send me … ?

  • How to do a request politely?

    We kindly ask that you provide each customer with a receipt.
    We kindly ask that he thoroughly read the report.
    This is yet another example with the SUBJUNCTIVE.
    We respectfully request that all guests remain quiet when leaving the building..

  • What are the polite requests?

    Modals of Polite Request: Would you, Could you, Will you, Can you Continuing Studies at UVic..

  • What is polite request in English?

    In more detail, a polite request is a request for someone to do an action or action that we want in a more polite way.
    Polite request is a sentence used to ask for something (permission, service, goods, etc.) politely..

  • Why is it important to be polite when making a request?

    When making a request you are asking someone to do something that will help you but may not help them in anyway.
    In fact, you might be asking something that will be really difficult for the other person to do.
    Therefore it is important when making a request to ensure you are being polite..

  • In this game, students practice being tactful and polite.
    The cards below describe delicate situations that might arise in the workplace.
    Students take turns choosing cards and saying what they would say to handle the situation.
  • We kindly ask that you provide each customer with a receipt.
    We kindly ask that he thoroughly read the report.
    This is yet another example with the SUBJUNCTIVE.
    We respectfully request that all guests remain quiet when leaving the building.
Formality and politeness in business requests
  • Any assistance you could give me in this matter would be gratefully accepted./ Any help at all would be much appreciated.
  • Can you…?/ Could you…?
  • Could you…?/ Could you possibly…?
  • Could you…?/ Could you give me a hand with…?
  • Hope that's okay./ Is that alright?
I have a favour to ask you. …/ I have a request (for you). … I need some help with…/ I need a hand with… I was wondering if you would be able to…/ Could you…? I would be very grateful if you could…/ Could you…?
In this lesson, students learn some softening phrases for making polite requests. Warm-up. Write the following on the board. “Can I have Friday off?


That’s not necessarily true.
I’m not so sure I agree.
I don’t know that I agree.
That’s not always true.By partially disagreeing or using indirect, tentative language, we can soften our message and ensure we don’t offend our listener.

Does using “could” instead of “can” make a request more polite?

Explain that using “could” instead of “can” does make a request more polite but that there are phrases we use to be less direct and more polite when we make requests.
Explain that we mostly use these phrases in the following situations:

  • When the person to whom we are making the request does not have an obligation to say yes.
  • Giving Advice

    You may/might want to consider… It might be a good idea to… Have you thought about…?Saying “you should” could be too direct, especially if we’re talking to a supervisor, a client, or someone we don’t know very well.

    How do you say if a request is genuine?

    You can use phrases like “Could you…?”, “Would you mind…?”, “Is it possible to…?”, or “If it’s not too much trouble…”. 3.
    How can I make my request sound more sincere.
    Using a kind tone, adding “please”, and showing appreciation can make your request sound more genuine.

    How to make a polite request in English at work?

    As this is a formal environment, we’re supposed to be extremely polite if we need to ask someone to do something for us.
    We must use appropriate phrases, expressions, and body language to get things done.
    The following examples can be useful for making polite requests in English at work.
    Could you give me some time after lunch? .

    Making Suggestions

    What about if… Maybe we could… I thought it might be a good idea to… It seems to me that we should… One thing we might want to consider is… I think… I feel like…Simply saying “we should” is often too direct.
    We can soften the message by using indirect, tentative language and “we” instead of “I.”


    Making an offer: Would you like me to….
    Can I help you with….
    If you’d like, I can…Saying “Do you need help?” could be too direct and might suggest that the person cannot handle the task.
    Accepting an offer: Sure, that would be great.
    Yes, thank you.A simple “thanks” or “thank you” is often sufficient.

    Pointing Out A Mistake

    It looks like… It seems… Didn’t we agree on…?/Didn’t we decide….
    I thought we had agreed to/on… I seem to remember that we…By asking questions and using tentative language, we can soften our message.
    We normally don’t want to say “this is wrong” or “you are wrong.”


    Maybe we could get back to… Maybe we could talk about… Why don’t we move on to…?Using one of these expressions makes for a smooth transition between topics.


    Simple requests: Could/can you….
    Would you mind…?For routine requests (asking someone to do his/her job) we can be fairly direct.
    Big requests/favors: I was hoping you could… I was wondering if you could… Would it be okay if….
    Do you think you might be able to…?For big requests and favors, we need to be indirect and polite.
    Saying “Could/can you…” .

    What are some common polite expressions we use in the workplace?

    free resources and more… Below are some common polite expressions we use in the workplace.
    These polite expressions will help non-native speakers sound more polite and diplomatic.
    That sounds great, but… I’m sorry, but I really can’t.
    I have to… I really appreciate the invite, but… .

    Are you polite at restaurants?

    When at restaurants, we interact with waiters, managers, friends and family, and strangers

    Whether it’s a semiformal or formal situation, make sure to consider being polite enough when you request someone

    Look at the examples below that can usually be relatable at restaurants

    How to make a polite request in English at work?

    As this is a formal environment, we’re supposed to be extremely polite if we need to ask someone to do something for us

    We must use appropriate phrases, expressions, and body language to get things done

    The following examples can be useful for making polite requests in English at work

    Could you give me some time after lunch?

    What are some common polite expressions we use in the workplace?

    free resources and more… Below are some common polite expressions we use in the workplace

    These polite expressions will help non-native speakers sound more polite and diplomatic

    That sounds great, but… I’m sorry, but I really can’t

    I have to… I really appreciate the invite, but…

    Social and linguistic theory of politeness

    Politeness theory, proposed by Penelope Brown and Stephen C.
    Levinson, centers on the notion of politeness, construed as efforts on redressing the affronts to a person's self-esteems or effectively claiming positive social values in social interactions.
    Such self-esteem is referred as the sociological concept of face to discuss politeness as a response to mitigate or avoid face-threatening acts such as requests or insults.
    Notable components in the framework of the theory include positive and negative faces, face threatening act (FTA), strategies for doing FTAs and factors influencing the choices of strategies; each described below.


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