Business ethics movies list

1. The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) ; 2. Margin Call (2011) ; 3. Jerry Maguire (1996) ; 4. Working Girl (1988) ; 5. Michael Clayton (2007).
Business ethics related films and documentaries
  • Blood Diamond (2006) R | 143 min | Adventure, Drama, Thriller.
  • The Corporation (2003) Not Rated | 145 min | Documentary, History.
  • It's a Free World (
  • Michael Clayton (2007)
  • Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price (2005)
  • Wall Street (1987)
  • Picture Me (2009)
  • Orgasm Inc. (
Films at Gumberg
  • The Wolf of Wall Street. Call Number: DVD 3158.
  • The Social Network. Call Number: DVD 2792 VOL. 1-2.
  • Is Wal-Mart Good for America? Call Number: DVD 2048.
  • Inside Job. Call Number: DVD 2321.
  • Food, Inc. Call Number: DVD 2186.
  • Thank You For Smoking. Call Number: DVD 782.
  • Supersize Me. Call Number: DVD 1684.

Catch Me If You Can

When you hear Catch Me If You Can, you imagine the successful con artist Frank Abagnale (Leonardo DiCaprio), who deceptively and charmingly has almost everyone under his dominance skills.
Based on a true story, Catch I, if you can, am a classic film that exemplifies the business journey.Important topicssuch as creative problem solving, turning what.

Enron: The Smartest Guys in The Room

Based on the best-seller of the same name by reporters Bethany McLean and Peter Elkind, this 2005 documentary film covers one of the biggest corporate scandals in American history: the Enron Corporation’s collapse.
History buff or anyone looking for an encouraging and shocking example of modern corporate corruption needs to see it. .
Topics include.

Lord of War

If you like dark humor with small doses of action, The Warlord is a must-see.
This war crime film tells the life of Yuri Orlov (Nicolas Cage), an immigrant from Ukraine who decides that his path to success is through the illegal distribution of weapons.
Morale aside, Yuri’s ambition, tenacity, and ability to tolerate risk show the qualities that en.

Office Space

This American comedy satirizes a 1990 software company’s corporate culture, depicting work relationships and office politics.
It’s hilarious, and it’s sure to get you thinking about leadership, teamwork techniques, and career development. .
Topics include:corporate culture, mentoring and professional development, leadership, work-life balance, staf.

Rogue Trader

This 1999 film is based on a true story of the employee who alone brought down Barings Bank, England’s largest bank.
The movie shows how money drives all manner of manic behavior and serves as a warning about people who mistakenly regard power and money as indispensable. .
Topics includeOrigin, Corporate Valuation, Financial Reporting, Capital Mark.

The Godfather

The Godfather trilogy is possibly the best cinema of all time for people in business; by highlighting why relationships and networking are important, why helping people drive good business, and why understanding competition is non-negotiable.
These movies are highly entertaining, packed with exciting and provocative scenes that will leave you bette.

The Usual Suspects

Common Suspects must-see if you enjoy agood psychologicalthriller with an ambitious twist ending.
It tells the story of a group of professional criminals who find themselves on the same line of suspicion as the police, who decide to form a team and jump on a lucrative robbery.
The film explores building leadership, power and influence, and long-ter.

Twelve Angry Men

Possibly my favorite movie of all time, Twelve Warring Men is a brilliant courtroom drama that has multi-layered views on leadership, group behavior psychology, and conflicting value systems.
It is a must-see; it will certainly leave you thinking about the way you make important decisions. .
Topics includenegotiation techniques, persuasion methods,.

Wall Street

Have you ever pushed yourself to the limit in your quest for power and success.
Wall Street develops this theme through the eyes of Bud Fox (Charlie Sheen), an ambitious stockbroker who rides the rollercoaster of the Wall Street economy, adopting the motto “greed is good.” This film is a window into corporate finance, portfolio management, investme.

What is a good movie about the corporation?

Blood Diamond (2006) A fisherman, a smuggler, and a syndicate of businessmen match wits over the possession of a priceless diamond. 2.
The Corporation (2003) Documentary that looks at the concept of the corporation throughout recent history up to its present-day dominance. 3.
It's a Free World.. (2007) .

What topics are included in a business ethics movie?

Topics include:

  • business ethics movies international relations
  • geopolitics
  • influence
  • and leadership.
    This legal drama is based on the true story of a woman who, against all odds, helps win the largest settlement ever paid in a direct-action lawsuit.

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