Business ethics and mining

  • How can mining be ethical?

    Whether mining metals, diamonds or other gemstones, an ethical mine must uphold good safety standards and pay its workers a fair wage.
    It should also invest in the tools, equipment and training needed to safeguard its workers as much as possible.
    Ethical mines also present a lower environmental impact than other mines..

  • How does ethics impact the business environment?

    Companies that practice questionable ethics may also experience a decrease in stock price and severed business partnerships, which can affect profitability.
    In addition, business ethics is linked to customer loyalty.
    Over half of U.S. consumers said they no longer buy from companies they perceive as unethical..

  • What are the ethical issues associated with business data mining activities?

    Ethical Concerns in Data Mining
    Transparency: Customers should have a certain amount of visibility into and control over how their data is collected and used.
    Companies should be forthcoming with their data collection and use practices and ask permission before acting rather than asking for forgiveness after the fact..

  • What are the ethics of mining?

    Whether mining metals, diamonds or other gemstones, an ethical mine must uphold good safety standards and pay its workers a fair wage.
    It should also invest in the tools, equipment and training needed to safeguard its workers as much as possible..

  • What are the ethics of owning a business?

    Business ethics enhances the law by outlining acceptable behaviors beyond government control.
    Corporations establish business ethics to promote integrity among their employees and gain trust from key stakeholders, such as investors and consumers..

  • What is the business of mining?

    Mining industry indicates the cluster of process that are involved with extraction, management, and processing of naturally occurring solid minerals from the earth surface.
    As a product of mining, various economically valuable products might be obtained, that is, coal, diamond, metallic ores, oil, and so on..

  • Why is ethical mining important?

    Ethical mines also present a lower environmental impact than other mines.
    Whilst all mines have some degree of environmental impact, steps are taken by ethical mines to minimise these damaging effects..

  • Why is mining an ethical issue?

    Bluntly, the practicalities of mining are unethical – in terms of ecological destruction, pollution, employee safety, land conflict, etc..

  • By instead using new, alternative low-impact mining techniques — like in-situ leaching — mining companies can reduce their environmental impact.
    With many of these techniques, companies can significantly reduce surface disturbance at mining sites, lower soil erosion and move less material that would need backfilled.
  • Environmental Protection
    Ethical small-scale mining must develop progressive plans for reducing the use of chemical substances, with procedures and technologies for their proper handling that ensure minimal environmental impact.
  • Ethical Concerns in Data Mining
    Transparency: Customers should have a certain amount of visibility into and control over how their data is collected and used.
    Companies should be forthcoming with their data collection and use practices and ask permission before acting rather than asking for forgiveness after the fact.
  • Mining can cause in erosion, sinkholes, loss of biodiversity, or the contamination of soil, groundwater, and surface water by chemicals emitted from mining processes.
    These processes also affect the atmosphere through carbon emissions which contributes to climate change.
Companies are fundamentally capitalist and should be free to operate within regulations, but as the awareness of, say, environmental concerns becomes more 
First, the majority of the leading gold-mining companies consider environmental issues in their codes of conduct, although the latter do not avoid certain 
Gold-mining activity leaves significant environmental imprint, and, thus, pro-environmental business ethics is expected from the companies of this industry.
It is an effort that is recognized and rewarded by the market. Main challenges that mining organizations find on the way to the Fairmined certification, valued 

Are mining companies causing environmental problems?

For instance, as water is one of the most important inputs in mining operations, water pollution and the exhaustion of water resources are two common and inevitable environmental issues caused by mining companies (Bebbington & Williams, 2008; Hilson, 2000; Moffat & Zhang, 2014; Oh et al., 2020 ).

Should mining companies be held liable if employees commit a crime?

“It’s incumbent on mining companies to protect communities from the misbehavior of employees and contractors,” says Patricia Muricy, Mining & Metals leader, Deloitte Brazil. “If a company brings outside workers into a vulnerable community, and one of those workers commits a crime, the company could be held responsible.” .

Should mining companies protect contractors from misbehaviour?

The conduct of contractors, even when they’re offsite, is also being called into question. “It’s incumbent on mining companies to protect communities from the misbehavior of employees and contractors,” says Patricia Muricy, Mining & Metals leader, Deloitte Brazil.

Should we accept that mining is unethical?

Bluntly, the practicalities of mining are unethical – in terms of ecological destruction, pollution, employee safety, land conflict, etc.
Should we just accept that mining is unethical, but necessary.
Mark Ashton (MA):

  • It ultimately comes down to demand.
  • Business ethics and mining
    Business ethics and mining
    The mining industry of the Democratic Republic of the Congo produces copper, diamonds, tantalum, tin, gold, and more than 63% of global cobalt production.
    Minerals and petroleum are central to the DRC's economy, making up more than 95% of the value of its exports.
    Mining has been conducted on an industrial scale in present-day Canada

    Mining has been conducted on an industrial scale in present-day Canada

    Overview of the mining industry in Canada

    Mining has been conducted on an industrial scale in present-day Canada since the late 18th century.
    The industry remains an important aspect of the economy of Canada to this day, particularly in the North, and Canadian-domiciled mining companies have increasingly expanded their operations globally.


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