Communication on development cooperation

  • How is cooperation related to communication?

    All parties agree to work together to achieve objectives.
    Communication is the art of imparting or exchanging of information.
    Cooperation is working together to the same end, a common purpose or toward the same benefit.
    All three are necessary for successful teams..

  • What is cooperation development?

    Conventionally, development cooperation includes actions such as grants, loans, debt forgiveness, technical and programming support and policy advice to partners States..

  • What is development of communication and cooperation?

    Development communication refers to the use of communication to facilitate social development.
    Development communication engages stakeholders and policy makers, establishes conducive environments, assesses risks and opportunities and promotes information exchange to create positive social change via sustainable .

  • What is the importance of development cooperation?

    Thorough cooperation and co-production can also improve transparency and accountability, reducing the possibility of corruption.
    Cooperation between local and international actors leads to the improved sustainability of development projects..

  • What is the meaning of cooperation for development?

    This is the critical added value of development cooperation.
    Development cooperation means doing something that is not-for-profit, or that accepts a lower profit than the market would offer.
    It would not happen if profit incentives alone were followed, or at least not in the same way..

  • Why is development cooperation important?

    Development cooperation has to be conducted according to the principles and objectives of the EU's external action.
    Its primary aim is to reduce, and in the long term eradicate poverty in the world by promoting the sustainable economic, social and environmental development of developing countries..

  • Communication for Development is a social process based on dialogue using a broad range of tools and methods.
    It is also about seeking change at different levels, including listening, building trust, sharing knowledge and skills, building policies, debating and learning for sustained and meaningful change.
  • This is the critical added value of development cooperation.
    Development cooperation means doing something that is not-for-profit, or that accepts a lower profit than the market would offer.
    It would not happen if profit incentives alone were followed, or at least not in the same way.
  • Thorough cooperation and co-production can also improve transparency and accountability, reducing the possibility of corruption.
    Cooperation between local and international actors leads to the improved sustainability of development projects.
In the development cooperation environment, "to communicate" is to "build agreement" on how to achieve common objectives and how to reciprocally support and empower action partners. Sincerity and authenticity of communication are therefore the main drivers of successful development cooperation actions.
The key message drawn from findings across countries is that domestic communication about development cooperation needs to be context-specific if it is to be 
This study examines and compares development communication approaches of China, Brazil,. India, the Netherlands, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, and the 

Gender Relations

Communication initiatives aimed at changing attitudes and behaviours have increasingly been used in the health sector since the 1970s.
Such initiatives – including television and radio shows, theatre, informational sessions and pamphlets – can and have affected social norms related to gender roles since gender norms are linked to all facets of heal.

Participatory Communication

Participatory communication is similar to participatory development in various ways: they both adopt processes and interventions that generate dialogue and collaboration; they are underpinned by the concept of empowerment and expression of voice; and they are concerned with challenging power relations and promoting social change from the bottom-up..

Social Accountability and State-Citizen Relations

Social accountability is defined as accountability that relies on civic engagement. (See the World Bank’s ‘Social Accountability’webpage.) The term is broadly used to refer to participatory governance practices, which are closely linked to citizen empowerment and enhanced state-citizen relations (Malena, 2009).
The emphasis is on how citizens and c.

The Role of Communication in Social Change and Transformation

Can the use of communication contribute to social change and transformation.
The growing emphasis on participatory, ‘horizontal’ communication – such as stakeholder dialogue and consultation and bottom-up community media – has created spaces in which people can define development and give meaning to and claim their citizenship.
Such spaces allow pe.

The Role of Information, The Media and Civil Society

What is the role of access to information in generating citizen demand for accountability.
There is wideranging consensus that without access to information on the performance of governments, it is very difficult to mobilise citizens to hold government to account.
And in the absence of citizen demand for accountability, there may be little incentiv.

What is a communications strategy for the cooperation framework?

A communications strategy prepared for the Cooperation Framework should help the UN development system convey in a simple and concrete way what the UN is doing to help a country achieve the SDGs.
How these activities are linked to national development, human rights, humanitarian and peace frameworks.

What is Development Cooperation?

In some quarters, the term development cooperation remains almost synonymous with financial aid or, even more narrowly, with ODA (“official development assistance”).
At the other extreme, development cooperation may be defined very broadly, to include, for instance, market flows (i.e. remittances or foreign direct investment).

What is promotion of cooperation for development in donor countries?

Promotion of cooperation for development in donor countries aims to explain why and how aid programmes funds are spent in developing and emerging countries.
The communication targets two audiences:

  • the public at large concerned by general aspects of development and field actors concerned by technical aspects.
  • Why is communication important in development?

    In the latter case, communication is used to facilitate continual exchanges between different stakeholders to define development concerns and address common problems or goals.
    This facilitates individual and community ownership of the entire process.
    Communication approaches have increasingly sought to combine diffusion and participatory methods.

    What is the cooperation framework?

    The Cooperation Framework guides UN development activities to fulfil the 2030 Agenda at the country level

    This guidance helps UNCTs align their communications with the larger goals of the countries where they work and those of the United Nations

    What role does development cooperation play in putting developing countries on sustainable pathways?


    SILVA said development cooperation plays an important role in putting developing countries on sustainable pathways

    ODA remains a stable source of finance for developing countries, but there is a need to align foreign aid with the Paris Agreement on climate change and the Sustainable Development Goals

    What's happening at the Development Cooperation forum?

    Connecting participants virtually, the Development Cooperation Forum held two sessions — one addressing competing priorities of pandemic recovery and climate action, and the other focusing on regional cooperation on science, technology and innovation in the COVID-19 era

    Communication on development cooperation
    Communication on development cooperation

    Organization of 8 developing Muslim-majority Countries

    The D-8 Organization for Economic Cooperation, also known as Developing-8, is an organisation for development co-operation among the following countries: Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Turkey.
    The objectives of D-8 Organization for Economic Cooperation are to improve member states' position in the global economy, diversify and create new opportunities in trade relations, enhance participation in decision-making at international level, and improve standards of living.
    D-8 is a global arrangement rather than a regional one, as the composition of its members reflects.
    Organization for Economic Cooperation (D-8) is a forum with no adverse impact on bilateral and multilateral commitments of the member countries, emanating from their membership to other international or regional organizations.

    Financial instrument of the EU

    Development Cooperation Instrument (2008–2013) covers three components:
    Geographic programmers supporting co-operation with 47 developing countries in Latin America, Asia & Central Asia, the Gulf region and South Africa.
    Thematic programmes benefiting all developing countries (including those covered by the European Development Fund
    Programmes of accompanying measures for the 18 ACP Sugar Protocol countries, to help them adjust and following the reform of the EU sugar regime.

    Geopolitical concept

    South–South cooperation (SSC) is a term historically used by policymakers and academics to describe the exchange of resources, technology, and knowledge between developing countries, also known as countries of the Global South.
    The Global South is making increasingly significant contributions to global development.
    The economic and geopolitical relevance of many countries has grown.
    In the past, south-south cooperation focused on sharing knowledge and building capacities, but the countries of the Global South and new financial institutions have recently also become increasingly active in development finance.


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