Community health education center

What is the community education center?

The Community Education Center (CEC) provides noncredit education, training, and services designed to continuously improve California’s workforce such as:

  • small business development and entrepreneur pro grams.
    The Center offers vocational, technical, and academic courses including:high school diploma pro .
  • What is the Community Health Education Center (CHEC)?

    The Community Health Education Center (CHEC) is a training and professional development center.
    It enhances the capacity of CHWs to provide outreach and health education in the diverse communities of Boston.
    CHEC provides standardized training for CHWs.
    It has a network of more than 2,000 CHWs working in different communities.

    How many electives are in a Community Health Education degree?

    The curriculum in the community health education degree provides you with 12 credits of electives within your program – meaning you get the opportunity to choose 4 courses in community health education, integrated health professions and public health education

    What is the Community Health Education Center (CHEC)?

    The Community Health Education Center (CHEC) is a training and professional development center

    It enhances the capacity of CHWs to provide outreach and health education in the diverse communities of Boston

    CHEC provides standardized training for CHWs

    It has a network of more than 2,000 CHWs working in different communities

    The Northwest Area Health Education Center of Wake Forest School of Medicine is one of nine regional Area Health Education Centers (AHECs) of the North Carolina Area Health Education Centers program.
    Northwest AHEC is an educational outreach center and training program designed to better the health of the public in its 17-county region.
    It does this by working to increase the number of health and human service professionals, while also trying to improve their representation throughout the region and their skill quality—especially those who have chosen to work in primary care settings —through several diverse community groups and partnerships with educational institutions.
    San Francisco Community Health Center, formerly known as Asian & Pacific Islander Wellness Center and commonly known under that former name as API Wellness Center, is a United States nonprofit organization headquartered in San Francisco, California.
    It provides multicultural health services, education, research, and policy organization.
    Under its former name it initially advocated for Asian & Pacific Islander communities, particularly those in the communities living with HIV.
    The new name is intended to reflect the availability of services to the larger LGBT community and to the surrounding Tenderloin neighborhood, continuing to include Asians and Pacific Islanders.


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