Community school health program

By reducing the incidence of mental and physical health problems that afflict young people and often continue into adulthood, school health programs may reduce the spiraling cost of health care, improve educational outcomes, and increase productivity and quality of life.

How can community health programs improve health outcomes?

Community health programs are designed to make wellness and prevention resources accessible right in your own community.
Every member of your family can improve their health by eating well, getting regular checkups and vaccinations, and staying physically active.

How do community health programs help reduce health disparities?

Community health programs and clinics provide treatment, special clinics, education, and media campaigns that target a variety of issues affecting the health of a community.
Many poor populations would have no other options for treatment without such neighborhood clinics and community health programs.

What are the components of a school health program?

Modern school health programs include 10 interactive components: health education; physical education and physical activity; nutrition environment and services; health services; counseling, psychological, and social services; physical environment; social and emotional climate; family engagement; community involvement; and employee wellness

What does a school Health Service do?

Strives to provide a healthy environment, school health education, and school health services along with school/community projects and outreach, health promotion programmes for staff, nutrition and food safety programmes, opportunities for physical education and recreation, and programmes for counselling, social support and mental health promotion

What is a comprehensive school health program?

A comprehensive school health program focuses on priority behaviors that contribute to the health, safety and well-being of students, staff and families, while assuring a supportive and health environment that nurtures academic growth and development


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