Hong kong company secretary's practice manual

  • Is company secretary mandatory in Hong Kong?

    It is a legal requirement
    Having a company secretary is not an option you can do away with when registering a company in Hong Kong.
    According to the Companies Ordinance, your company will not get registered if you do not have a secretary.
    You can also be prosecuted for trying to operate without a company secretary..

  • What is the role of company secretary in Hong Kong?

    A company secretary in Hong-Kong is the business's named representative, who has the responsibility of ensuring the company and its operations are run in accordance with the law.
    Even though the company representative goes by the name “secretary,” the roles are not clerical..

  • What is the role of the company secretary in Hong Kong?

    A company secretary in Hong-Kong is the business's named representative, who has the responsibility of ensuring the company and its operations are run in accordance with the law.
    Even though the company representative goes by the name “secretary,” the roles are not clerical..

  • What is the role of the company secretary in Hong Kong?

    Duties and responsibilities of a Company Secretary
    Part of the company secretary's duties involve to attend to administrative matters such as, Business Registration application and/or renewal, opening a bank account, organising board- and shareholder meetings and taking minutes, and preparing and filing annual returns..

  • Which company is best for company secretary?

    Roles and responsibilities of a company secretary

    Ensure that the company details are recorded with relevant government agencies while registering with the IRD.File tax returns accurately and on time at the end of every financial year.Register the company with the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) after incorporation..

  • Who is required to be a company secretary in Hong Kong?

    According to Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) of the Laws of Hong Kong, each company is required to appoint a company secretary that is either a natural person of at least 18 years of age and ordinarily resides in Hong Kong; or, a body corporate, having its registered office or a place of business in Hong Kong..

  • Administrative Duties

    Communicating with the company shareholders.Maintaining the statutory registers.Preparing and issuing the notice board and general meetings.Making sure that the decisions taken by the board are communicated properly and complied with.Keeping safe custody of the company seal.
  • Roles and responsibilities of a company secretary

    Ensure that the company details are recorded with relevant government agencies while registering with the IRD.File tax returns accurately and on time at the end of every financial year.Register the company with the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) after incorporation.
HK$1,380.00Edition provides a concise explanation of the laws and issues affecting company secretarial practice. The manual provides a comprehensive mix of commentary, 

How to become a company secretary in Hong Kong?

Being a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries Having the equivalent experience that shows his/ her capability to discharge the duties of the company secretary

Relevant experience can be employment history, familiarity with the Listing Rules and other related laws, professional qualification in other jurisdictions, etc

What is included in the Hong Kong exchanges & clearing manual?

The manual provides a comprehensive mix of commentary, specimen minutes, sample documents from the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (“HKEx”) and resolutions as well as a selection of prescribed forms, and selected guidelines and codes under the new Hong Kong Companies Ordinance (Cap 622)

What is the Hong Kong company secretary's practice manual?

Authored and updated by Belinda Wong of Leader Corporate Services with over 30 years’ experience in the company secretarial field, the Hong Kong Company Secretary’s Practice Manual (5th Edition) is unrivalled in terms of its comprehensive range of areas covered

It is written in great detail and takes a practical approach to suit its readers

The Consumer Council is an independent statutory authority in Hong Kong, established in 1974 and formalised in April 1977 under the Consumer Council Ordinance.
Its role is to enhance consumer welfare and empower consumers to protect themselves.
As shown below, over the course of the past four decades, the expansion in the council's duties and services on consumer protection, such as the publishing of the CHOICE Magazine in 1976, the recent launch of online price-watching tools, and conducting studies on different aspects of the consumer market, have coincided with the socio-economic development of Hong Kong.
Apart from being a consumer advisor, it has assumed the role as a key stakeholder in making of consumer-related policies.


Hong kong company secretary's practice manual 5th edition
Hong kong company secretary's practice manual pdf
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