Comparative law of security and guarantees

  • In this context comparative public law can be defined as that branch of law that focuses on the comparison of individual-state relations of different countries with the individual-state relations of the Indian state.
  • Structural method
    The structure of the legal system is analyzed and compared to determine the difference between the implementation of the law.
    This method helps in understanding the difference between how the legal systems have understood the same problems in different manners.

What are French laws on security interests over tangible and intangible assets?

The French laws on security interests over tangible and intangible assets (sûretés réelles) has been liberalised to permit security over additional assets, whilst at the same time eliminating forms of security that had survived the 2006 reform but were inconsistent with or contradictory to provisions created by that reform

What is law of guarantees?

Law of Guarantees covers the full range of legal issues that practitioners will encounter when dealing with the law and practice of guarantees and sureties

The authors provide detailed analysis of the statutory requirements and contractual considerations in relation to guarantees, combined with expert in-depth commentary on key judicial decisions

What is the difference between security and Guaranty?

is that security is the condition of not being threatened, especially physically, psychologically, emotionally, or financially while guaranty is an undertaking to answer for the payment of some debt, or the performance of some contract or duty, of another, in case of the failure of such other to pay or perform; a warranty; a security

1971 Indian law

The Maintenance of Internal Security Act (MISA) was a controversial law passed by the Indian parliament in 1971 giving the administration of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and Indian law enforcement agencies very broad powers – indefinite preventive detention of individuals, search and seizure of property without warrants, and wiretapping – in the quelling of civil and political disorder in India, as well as countering foreign-inspired sabotage, terrorism, extiw>subterfuge and threats to national security.
The law was amended several times during the subsequently declared national emergency (1975–1977) and used for quelling political dissent.
Finally it was repealed in 1977, when Indira Gandhi lost the 1977 Indian general election and the Janata Party came to power.


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