International law and human rights masters

  • Best Human Rights LLM

    development, international human rights law has shown itself to be a useful tool for rights protection.
    Most important are its indirect effects.
    International articulation of rights norms has reshaped domestic dialogues in law, politics, academia, public consciousness, civil society, and the press..

  • Best Human Rights LLM

    International human rights law lays down obligations which States are bound to respect.
    By becoming parties to international treaties, States assume obligations and duties under international law to respect, to protect and to fulfil human rights..

  • Best Human Rights LLM

    International human rights law lays down the obligations of Governments to act in certain ways or to refrain from certain acts, in order to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms of individuals or groups..

  • Best Human Rights LLM

    On this LLM, you'll gain the intellectual and practical skills to understand human rights issues in many different contexts.
    You'll study: the interconnections between international human rights law and regional and national systems of human rights protection. legal texts such as treaties, declarations and case law..

  • Best Human Rights LLM

    Students who complete this course will be able to:
    Apply theories, concepts and methods to issues in world politics such human rights, forced migration or poverty, using advanced critical reasoning and empirical testing (where appropriate) to assess their strengths and weaknesses..

  • What is the LLM in International Human Rights Law?

    The LLM in Human Rights Law offers in-depth, intensive study of institutions and mechanisms at the international and regional levels, as well as more specialist areas such as employment law, mental health law and law around migrant workers, with a variety of related optional units to choose from..

  • Why study human rights and international relations?

    Students who complete this course will be able to:
    Apply theories, concepts and methods to issues in world politics such human rights, forced migration or poverty, using advanced critical reasoning and empirical testing (where appropriate) to assess their strengths and weaknesses..

Masters in International Law and Human Rights, Umeå University. Umeå University is located in Umeå, Sweden. It is the largest university in northern Sweden, 
The masters in International Law and Human Rights program focuses on the implementation of universal human rights laws as well as research into the discourse of human rights. Students receive foundational training in fundamental international law including theory and implementation.
The masters in International Law and Human Rights program focuses on the implementation of universal human rights laws as well as research into the discourse of 
The modern masters in International Law and Human Rights is a two-year degree studying the principles and applications of international law in the field of human rights. Students take a variety of courses from human rights professionals.
This is a part-time degree offered over two academic years. It is designed in particular for lawyers and other human rights advocates who wish to pursue 

What is a human rights & humanitarian law degree?

This L L M programme is a 1½ year degree which provides an integrated coverage of international human rights and humanitarian law

The programme aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the protection of individuals’ human rights in the context of peacetime and during armed conflict

What is a Master's in international law & human rights?

The masters in International Law and Human Rights program focuses on the implementation of universal human rights laws as well as research into the discourse of human rights

Students receive foundational training in fundamental international law including theory and implementation

What is an LLM in international human rights law?

The LLM in International Human Rights Law provides students with an opportunity to gain an in-depth appreciation of global human rights standards and the interrelationship between international standards and national practice

International law and human rights masters
International law and human rights masters
The Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights is a postgraduate joint center located in Geneva, Switzerland.
The faculty includes professors from both founding institutions and guest professors from major universities.
Human rights in Mauritania are generally seen as poor according to

Human rights in Mauritania are generally seen as poor according to

Human rights in Mauritania are generally seen as poor according to international observers, including Freedom House, the United States Department of State, and Amnesty International.
Sudan's human rights record has been widely condemned

Sudan's human rights record has been widely condemned

Sudan's human rights record has been widely condemned.
Some human rights organizations have documented a variety of abuses and atrocities carried out by the Sudanese government over the past several years under the rule of Omar al-Bashir.
The 2009 Human Rights Report by the United States Department of State noted serious concerns over human rights violations by the government and militia groups.
Capital punishment, including crucifixion, is used for many crimes.
In September, 2019, the government of Sudan signed an agreement with the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to open a UN Human Rights Office in Khartoum and field offices in Darfur, Blue Nile, Southern Kordofan and East Sudan.
In July 2020, during the 2019–2021 Sudanese transition to democracy, Justice Minister Nasredeen Abdulbari stated that all the laws violating the human rights in Sudan were to be scrapped, and for this reason, Parliament passed a series of laws in early July 2020.

Prisoners' rights in international law are found in a number of international treaties.
For the most part these treaties came into existence following the two World Wars and the body of law continues to be added to and amended.
Uganda Human Rights Commission

Uganda Human Rights Commission

Ugandan government agency

The Uganda Human Rights Commission (UHRC) serves to monitor and advance human rights in Uganda.
The UHRC is a body established under the 1995 Constitution Article 51 under the Bill of Rights found in Chapter four of the Constitution.
It is based on the Paris Principles which are the guidelines for the establishment of a national human rights institution.
Its mandate is spelled out in Article 52 of the Constitution.


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