International law about environment

  • International environmental law treaties

    Although a single nation can protect biodiversity within its own borders, no nation acting alone can protect biodiversity around the world.
    Global warming and biodiversity both are examples of international externalities—externalities that cross national borders and cannot be resolved by a single nation acting alone..

  • International environmental law treaties

    International environmental policy covers a number of issues: climate protection, sustainable energy policy, preservation of biological diversity and the conservation of forests, seas and soils..

  • What was the first international environmental law?

    The Stockholm Declaration laid the foundation for the future development of international environmental law.
    Some of the important provisions in this regard are Principle 11 (implicit sustainable development), Principle 21 (state responsibility for transboundary harm), and Principle 22 and 24 (liability rules)..

What is international environmental law?

International environmental law is the set of agreements and principles that reflect the world's collective effort to manage our transition to the Anthropocene by resolving our most serious environmental problems, including climate change, ozone depletion and mass extinction of wildlife


International law about refugees
International law about terrorism
International law about intervention
International law about immunity
International law after world war 2
International law after world war 1
International law after ww2
International law after ukraine introduction to the symposium
International law after llb
International law against human trafficking
International law against torture
International law against terrorism
International law against discrimination
International law against genocide
International law against forced medical treatment
International law against child soldiers
International law against child labour
International law against cyber crime
International law against slavery
International law against corruption