International law on human rights

Examples of Violations

Your civil, political, economic, cultural, and social rights can be violated through various means.
Violations occur when a Government fails in its obligations to respect, protect and fulfil these rights.
Often a violation of one of these rights is linked to a violation of other rights.
Examples include:.
1) Forcibly evicting people from their homes.

Ratification Status of The Covenants by Country

The International Bill of Human Rights is a powerful statement of your rights and should persuade all Governments to respect your rights.
For the two Covenants to become binding in your country, your Government must ratify them.
This means your Government must expressly agree to abide by them.
Check if your Government has ratified the Conventions

Responsibilities of States

The Covenants identify the responsibilities placed on States to respect, protect and fulfill those rights:


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International law on sea
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International law overview
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International law past papers
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Comparative law perspective
Comparative legal perspective
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