Comparative law taxonomy

  • What is micro comparison and macro comparison in law?

    Micro-comparison being a close approach to particular rules – like formation of contracts or transfer of property – and macro-comparison representing a more distant approach when an entire legal system is confronted with another..

  • What is the difference between international and foreign law?

    International Law and Foreign Law are two different things.
    Foreign Law applies to a single nation, while International Law covers multiple nations and is based on treaties, etc.
    Each country in the world has different national government setups.
    How they handle making and passing legislation varies..

THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE LAW the notion of "macro-comparative revolution" to manage the between the dynamic nature of law and taxonomy. Part five.

How is comparative law different from general jurisprudence?

Comparative law is different from general jurisprudence (i.e. legal theory) and from public and private international law.
However, it helps inform all of these areas of normativity.

Do comparative-law literature agree on criteria for classification of legal systems?

Correspondingly, the comparative-law literature tends to agree on the criteria that form the bases of classifications of legal systems

Is there a taxonomy of legal systems?

Yet, this research is unsatisfactory as regards the actual classifications of the legal systems of the world

It is the aim of this paper to fill this gap and to develop a more robust taxonomy of legal systems

This taxonomy is based on a new dataset of 156 countries that is subsequently analysed with tools of network analysis

Comparative law taxonomy
Comparative law taxonomy

Classification of the lily family Liliaceae

The taxonomy of the plant family Liliaceae has had a complex history since its first description in the mid-eighteenth century.
Originally, the Liliaceae were defined as having a calix (perianth) of six equal-coloured parts, six stamens, a single style, and a superior, three-chambered (trilocular) ovary turning into a capsule fruit at maturity.
The taxonomic circumscription of the family Liliaceae progressively expanded until it became the largest plant family and also extremely diverse, being somewhat arbitrarily defined as all species of plants with six tepals and a superior ovary.
It eventually came to encompass about 300 genera and 4,500 species, and was thus a catch-all
and hence paraphyletic.
Only since the more modern taxonomic systems developed by the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (APG) and based on phylogenetic principles, has it been possible to identify the many separate taxonomic groupings within the original family and redistribute them, leaving a relatively small core as the modern family Liliaceae, with fifteen genera and 600 species.


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