Competition law and energy

  • What is the theory of harm in competition law?

    Broadly, a theory of harm in a competition law case explains why a particular type of conduct constitutes a breach of competition law with reference to the relevant legal tests, and explains in particular why that conduct causes harm to competition that should be prohibited..

Competition policy continues to evolve rapidly in the energy sector, in line with the speed of change in energy markets. As markets decarbonise, new competition challenges develop, as 'traditional' hydrocarbons industries contract and renewables Google BooksOriginally published: 2007Authors: Leigh Hancher, Valérie Landes, and Lars Kjolbye
Competition policy continues to evolve rapidly in the energy sector, in line with the speed of change in energy markets. As markets decarbonise, new  

I. Introduction

After 20 years of liberalising national energy markets, it appears that competition in national electricity and gas markets has been nearly accomplished, at least in the majority of the European Union (EU) Member States.
In contrast, competition in truly pan-Europeantrade of electricity and gas between companies and actively participating end-consu.

III. European Enforcement Activities

Throughout the year, it appears that no activities in the Commission's enforcement of Art. 101 TFEU with regard to the energy sector have been revealed.
In addition, very little activity in the field of Art. 102 TFEU could be observed.
As last year, in 2016 the Commission focused its activities on State aid matters, pursuant to its enforcement powe.

What is competition law?

Competition law is traditionally used from two different perspectives, in the literature known as a sword and shield paradigm.

Is competition in national electricity & gas markets finally done?

After 20 years of liberalising national energy markets, it appears that competition in national electricity and gas markets has been nearly accomplished, at least in the majority of the European Union (EU) Member States

Should environmental and sustainability considerations be considered in the competition provision?

Moreover, in light of the constitutional provision of the Treaties to consider environmental and sustainability aspects and considerations appears mandatory also in the context of the competition provision and in particular with respect to Article 101 TFEU

What are TFEU competition provisions?

The competition provisions, i e

Article 101 and 102 TFEU, lie at the heart of the European integration project and the aim to create an internal market

Hence, they act as corresponding rules to those related to the fundamental freedoms of the European Union, namely the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital

Competition law and energy
Competition law and energy

Provision of energy utilities by market mechanisms

Energy liberalisation refers to the liberalisation of energy markets, with specific reference to electricity generation markets, by bringing greater competition into electricity and gas markets in the interest of creating more competitive markets and reductions in price by privatisation.
As the supply of electricity is a natural monopoly, this entails complex and costly systems of regulation to enforce a system of competition.
Philippine energy law is the Philippines law concerning energy, both fossil fuels and renewable energy.
Energy law in the Philippines is important because that nation is one of the fastest growing in Asia, and has over 80 million residents.
Researching Philippine law is somewhat complicated, because all laws are numbered sequentially, not by topic or year, and consists of statutes, Presidential decrees, other regulations, and case law.
Nonetheless, private entities have organized the law into readily accessible formats.


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