Journal competition law and economics

  • Although student-edited, the Journal is peer-reviewed, ensuring that the published articles are of the highest quality.
Journal of Competition Law & Economics | Oxford Academic.
Publishes peer-reviewed original research dedicated to competition law, economics and policy, including developments in the United States, the European  Editorial BoardAuthor GuidelinesAdvance articlesIssues
The Journal of Competition Law & Economics has become the preeminent international journal on antitrust law since it was founded in 2004. A peer-reviewed journal, it is dedicated to competition law and policy, including developments in the United States, the European Union, and other regions and nations.

What is a competition law (CLI)?

See Bradford and Chilton, above n 6, at 402.
Besides a dummy variable of the enactment of the laws, the CLI quantifies the essential elements of the authority granted to regulate competition and the substance of competition laws that are in force in each jurisdiction in each year since the country introduced its first competition law.

How does European competition law approach input price fixing?

It explores the way in which European competition law approaches input price fixing, the scope of the object-based approach and the instances in which effects-based analysis may be used in the appraisal

In doing so, the article sets to clarify the legal approach to price fixing of a procured input

Journal competition law and economics
Journal competition law and economics

Academic journal

Ecological Economics.
The Transdisciplinary Journal of the International Society for Ecological Economics
is a peer-reviewed academic journal published by Elsevier on behalf of the International Society for Ecological Economics.
It covers research on ecological economics.
The journal was established in 1989 by founding editor-in-chief Robert Costanza.
The current editors-in-chief are Begum Özkaynak and Stefan Baumgärtner.
The journal is concerned with extending and integrating the understanding of the interfaces and interplay between 'nature's household' (ecosystems) and 'humanity's household' .
The journal is transdisciplinary in spirit and emphasizes work that draws on and integrates insights from natural sciences, social sciences and the humanities.
Related to economics, the journal includes contributions drawing on both neoclassical and a broad variety of heterodox approaches, which has given rise to lively discussions among the membership over the years. 


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